Metro Vancouver has analyzed the sources of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the region. With very little industry in Maple Ridge, it is easy to see that the majority of our carbon pollution comes from cars, trucks and buildings.
There are many ways municipal politicians and administrators can reduce local emissions. Here's a quick list:
- Require all new housing to be heated by clean energy sources, such as electric heat pumps
- Bring in the BC Energy Step Code to reduce emissions from construction, and lower the energy demand for heating and cooling
- Set clear goals for reducing trips taken by gas-powered vehicles
- Accelerate implementation of the city's new Transportation Plan recommendations for pedestrian, cycling and e-mobility
- Require parking spaces in all new buildings to be plug-in ready
- Require all new buildings to provide ample secure long-term parking for bicycles
Making a bold plan
Many communities have action plans complete with goals, targets and supporting actions.
Typically, these plans are developed with extensive public input, which is crucial for designing the transformational changes that are needed.
Some excellent examples of community climate action plans are: