It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada so this will be shorter than usual. 

I have so much to be grateful for. Near the top of that list is the support I’ve received since I started this journey of creating and sharing stuff. 

Thank you for being here. I appreciate it more than you could ever know.

Now let's get moving.

your inner critic is a ding-dong

When we’re stuck on one of our personal creative projects, our inner critic doesn’t wait for an invitation to join the party. The sh*t talking begins immediately.

And we believe the awful things it says. Why wouldn’t we? I mean, where is this great and powerful voice coming from anyway?

But everything changes when you find the courage to confront it. When you push forward in spite of all its bullying and lies. 

When you keep moving forward, you get to see behind the curtain.

And once you see what’s there, there’s no unseeing it.

We’re not the frauds, the voice is. 

If you commit to one of your creative goals, this becomes so clear it’s laughable. 

Not only do you take away your inner critic's power, you gain it. 

Pick an idea. Commit to it. Finish it.

You'll realize that the strength and ability to follow through on your book or script or business idea was with you all along. 

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it yourself” - Glinda, The Good Witch, Wizard of Oz

Told ya it was short. Maybe that's a good thing? If you have any feedback on this, the newsletter overall, or my hair, please share it with me.

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks. 

Have a confident and creative week.



PS. I've made some stuff to help people (myself included) with their creative confidence. 

1. My first course, Writing Under Pressure, helps you write headlines quickly minus the crippling anxiety. It's a small price to pay for a little confidence. Especially if it's on the company dime.

2. To check out the book, A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters, go here.

3. To 🪓 me anything, hit reply.

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