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Health Tip:

We all love food, yet many are confused as to what is the best food for the human body,
Simple complex carbs, are  the basic diet that keeps  us healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually,  .organically grown has the best taste, and optimum nutrition.Some nuts, seeds, legumes also provide satisfaction and adequate fiber for a healthy gut...

Contact Halanna today for assistance accomplishing this and get your life back!
Dear <<First Name>> ,

 Are we ready to Light  our Healing Path?

It is important to look within for the  pursuit of inner wisdom 
which directs us to that social connectedness that begins with loving self.
Providing all the ingredients to experience the love within that reaches out to all we meet every day, all our life
we have been mesmirized with the Myth of wellness, .yest
where  the wellness industry promises to make us better, stronger, happier and
healthier and whole....yet...
this myth demands, us feeling good, and find meaning in a cure all, mask the symptoms,  confusing, controlling world.
If you buy this, eat this, drink this,   you will be healthy,
Big wellness soars  at more than 650 Billion dollars a year, so does inequaity.
This kind of wellness is making us more sick.
We do not need juice fasts, yoga, qigong ...we need to DETOX
BECAUSE WE , our cells, tissues ,organs and brain are saturated with heavy metals, and
toxins coming from our food, drinks, air  and soil.

This wake-up call will come from a  practice of radical responsibility in  caring for the gift of life, preserving it and Loving ourselves enough to heal ourselves.
We must heal from the toxic systems providing us with polluted water, food and soil

Cleansing to Heal  is essential in this day and age, to free our bodies from the pollution causing us  imbalances, such as,
lack of quality sleep, exercise and feeding our bodies with organic food grown on balanced organic soil.

Begin today to consider  a water fast to cleanse  drinking only distilled water, and heal so that you can enjoy the difference. as we pursue to love ourselves to heal!

Many Blessings to you and yours,

Dr. Halanna B. Matthew
Nature's Health Ltd 2022 
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