Health And Education For All - September 2022

HAEFA's Healthcare Services in Bangladesh: a summary

  • 54,832 women (30-60 years) were screened for the detection of early-stage cervical cancer in 9 Upazilas of Kurigram from Nov. 2019 – Aug. 2022

  • 32,792 women (30-60 years) were screened for the detection of early-stage cervical cancer in 6 Upazilas of Cox's Bazar from July 2021 – August 31, 2022

  • More than 40,000 RMG workers have received free health screening and treatment for Chronic Diseases (Hypertension, Diabetes, Gestational HTN and DM, Malnutrition, Tuberculosis) since 2013.

  • 232,677 Rohingya refugees/FDMN in Ukhiya and Bangladeshi nationals living in the surrounding Ukhiya Upazila (sub-district)  received free medical care in Cox's Bazar from October 2017 to August 2022

  • 32,163 Rohingya refugees/FDMN in Bhashan Char and Bangladeshi nationals living on the island have received free medical care in Bhashan Char, Noakhali, since November 2020

  • More than 6,000 Healthcare providers were trained under the TOT program for Mental Health Support and Resilience Training in collaboration with Project HOPE

  • More than 3,000 physicians received the Advanced COVID-19 Clinical Management Certification online at the DGHS, MoHFW website. This course collaborates with DGHS, Brown University CHRHS, Project HOPE, HAEFA, USAID, and SCiB.

  • More than  40 students from classes six to twelve at  (Bhawal Mirzapur Hazi Jamir Uddin School And College) received annual merit scholarships from 2019 till to date. This is a collaboration between HAEFA and M A Malek Education Scholarship Foundation.

Accessible Healthcare for the Rohingya FDMNs/Refugees

HAEFA healthcare workers have provided free medical care and medicine to the Rohingya FDMNs since its establishment in October 2017. In August 2022, more than 5,200 individuals received free medical care and diagnostic services from HAEFA. 

Kutupalong (Camp 1W):

  • More than 2,650 patients visited Camp 1W in Kutupalong and received healthcare services.

  • 119 laboratory tests were conducted at HAEFA’s semi-automated NCD Pathological Laboratory

Balukhali (Camp 09):

  • More than 1,880 patients visited Camp 09 in Balukhali and received healthcare services.

  • 221 laboratory tests were conducted at HAEFA’s semi-automated NCD Pathological Laboratory


FDMN Rohingya Camp at Bhashan Char:
  • More than 2,190 patients visited the HAEFA Medical Check-Up and Treatment for FDMN Rohingya Camp at Bhashan Char and received healthcare services.

COVID-19 Relief Effort for Underprivileged people :
  • HAEFA Provided a two-weeks supply of food packages for more than 1,500 families (5 members/family) in 5 districts of Bangladesh in 2021-2022.
Member Spotlight:

Meet Dr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Medical Officer at Kutupalong (FDMN Camp 1W), HAEFA!

Dr. Mohammad Asaduzzaman joined HAEFA's health center in Kutupalong as a Medical Officer in November 2021. Having been inspired by many of his mentors who endorsed similar aspirations, his goal was to serve Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN). Daily, Dr. Asaduzzaman and his medical team, comprised of medical assistants, midwives, and health workers, treat about 100-150 patients.

Apart from clinical duties, he also manages outdoor services, handles necessary paperwork and documentation, completes referrals for patients, and counsels them regularly. Dr. Asaduzzaman relays with pride and hope, “The number of patients seeking our services is rising everyday. Sadly, we are seeing a trend of younger FDMNs suffering from diabetes and hypertension these days but at least they are being diagnosed very early, given proper treatment right away and monitored regularly at HAEFA Health Clinics.” In the near future, he plans on acquiring a postgraduate degree and hopes that this does not entail the end of his rewarding journey with HAEFA. Dr. Asaduzzaman endeavors to continue his work with and cultivate his contributions at HAEFA while pursuing his studies. He is grateful for the support he receives from senior physicians and management at HAEFA for his postgraduate studies. Interestingly, he had not planned on becoming a doctor and only enrolled in medical school because his parents wanted him to. After having spent almost one year at HAEFA, Dr. Asaduzzaman believes that he was always meant to be a doctor.


Read the Full Feature Here
Member Spotlight: Meet Md. Mamunur Rashid, Project Coordinator, Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project, HAEFA, Cox's Bazar!

Md. Mamunur Rashid joined HAEFA in June 2021 as a Project Coordinator for HAEFA’s See-and-Treat Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project in Cox's Bazar. When he had been recruited, his main task was to build a new team with field staff for the cervical cancer screening and treatment project in Cox’s Bazar. He collaborated with the Cervical Cancer Team of HAEFA in Kurigram, which started its program in July 2019. 

Today, his team  physicians, IT professionals, and Community Health Workers/Facilitators. It is one of the largest Cervical Cancer program projects at HAEFA and operates in six Upazilas (Sadar, Ramu, Maheshkhali, Chakaria, Pekua, and Kutubdia) in Cox’s Bazar. The project has established rooms dedicated to VIA screenings at seven hospitals and 11 VIA camps in Cox’s Bazar. Since the inception of this project, 32,000 VIA tests have been done, and about 430 VIA-positive women have been referred to Chattogram Medical College and the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH) in Mohakhali, Dhaka for further treatment. CXB medical team collaborates with Brown University via HAEFA for advanced and refresher training for early detection of precancerous lesions and thermocoagulation. Rashid's demanding responsibilities require him to constantly communicate with colleagues and local government officials to ensure the project is running smoothly on a daily basis, and he makes sure to foster a safe work environment for everyone working with him and collaborate with project coordinators of other HGSP partners including Ph.D., RTM International, HOPE Foundation and BRAC. Rashid maintains a healthy and cordial professional relationship with his medical team members, always makes time for his colleagues and even remembers their birthdays. “We celebrate our birthdays in the office and treat each other like family,” he relays. “I intend to continue working for HAEFA for as long as possible and make a difference.”


Read the Full Feature Here

Training of Trainers on Mobile Colposcopy and Hand-held Thermocoagulation

A Training of Trainers workshop on Mobile Colposcopy and hand-held thermocoagulation was held on 16th and 17th August, 2022 at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH). Organized by the support of UNFPA to the 4th HPNSP through DGHS, the session was held for single visit screening and treatment, to prevent cervical cancer. Brown University trainers Prof. Drs. Susan Cu-Uvin and Ruhul Abid joined the session online. HAEFA’s expert trainers and physicians moderated the training session. Professor Dr. Najma Hoque, Professor and Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynae, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital along with Professor. Dr. Fatema Rahman, Professor. Dr. Khodeja Begum, Assistant Professor Dr. Lutfa Begum Lipi, Associate Professor Dr. S M Shahida, Dr. Samina Sultana, Consultant, Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Rajib, R/S DMCH, and 4 Junior Consultants and 4 SSNs were present at the session.

HAEFA Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment: September 2022 Update

Cervical cancer kills 6,582 women annually in Bangladesh, where the diagnosis rate is 2-3 times higher than in the U.S. and hosts a mortality rate five times higher. HAEFA has implemented a “See-and-Treat” Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Program to reduce these numbers, using a one-stop mobile (digital) colposcopy and thermocoagulation.

  • In Kurigram District, HAEFA provided over 480 women with cervical cancer screenings conducted in Upazila Health Complexes (UHCs). 7 patients were found VIA positive through the initial screening test and referred for further investigation and treatment.

  • More than 2,330 women were screened in 6 VIA Centers (Sadar Hospital, MCWC, Ramu UHC, Moheshkhali UHC, Chakaria UHC, Pekua UHC) and 7 VIA camps in the respective Upazilas of Cox’s Bazar, including one hard-to-reach Upazila, Moheshkhali, in August. 20 patients were found VIA positive, including two suspected cancer patients, through the initial VIA screening test and referred for further investigation. 

  • Cases that tested positive through the initial VIA screening were referred for further investigation. Our team followed up with the patients and organized a second VIA screening test and colposcopy in Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital, where both colposcopy and thermocoagulation were performed. The Cox’s Bazar Project team followed up with previously identified cancer patients and referred them to Chattogram Medical College and the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka for further treatment.

VIA Counseling Training for the Health and Gender Support Project (HGSP) Staff

HAEFA, with the support of UNFPA and with funding received from World Bank HGSP and under the leadership of DGHS, organized two batches of Training on VIA Counseling for the Community Health Workers (CHWs) of PHD, Midwives from Hope Foundation, and RTM-I and the Case Workers from BRAC in Sadar Upazila and Chakaria.

Five more batches of training will be conducted in September in Ramu, Pekua, Moheshkhali, Kutubdia, and Chakaria. The exercise aimed to orient the Health and Gender Support Project (HGSP) field staff, minimizing the miss-concept of the VIA test in community people.

HAEFA Health Clinic for Host Community

From the beginning of the Rohingya FDMN (refugee) crisis, HAEFA has provided primary medical treatment and medical services for both non-communicable diseases (NCD) and communicable diseases (CD) to the FDMN population as well as to the surrounding host community. Underserved patients from beyond the camp have also been coming to HAEFA Health Clinics to receive treatment.

Free services provided to patients include screening and treatment for Non-communicable chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, asthma, malnutrition), communicable diseases, and Family Planning services. However, due to recently installed fencing setups, the surrounding communities have limited access to health clinics to receive free medical screenings, treatment, and follow-ups. To help these host community patients access care, HAEFA has started a new weekly Mobile Medical Clinic for the host community. 

  • In August, the HAEFA Health Clinic services for the host community were provided on the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 23rd of the month to more than 290 patients, at four different locations, including the Shonarpara Model High School, Ukhiya Degree College, Moriccha Model High School, and AKNC High School, Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, respectively. 

HAEFA believes this new chapter of providing healthcare services to the surrounding host community will improve the quality of life and bring bright smiles and hope to the faces of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

Figure: Number of patients treated in August through HAEFA's Host Community Health Clinic 

Donate to Support Our Cause!

HAEFA is in need of donations to support the Rohingya FDMN (Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals) healthcare and COVID-19 relief efforts. Any support, whether donations, outreach, aid in collaboration from personal and professional involvement, or any other method of support to HAEFA and its underprivileged, underserved, and displaced beneficiaries, would be greatly appreciated! All donations to HAEFA are tax-deductible as allowed by the laws of the United States.

HAEFA's Tax Identification Number (EIN): 46-2997707
NTEE: Public Health Program (E70)
Text-to-Donate: 53-555 (Keyword: HAEFA)

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HAEFA Newsletter Editorial Board
Nairita Ahsan Faruqui

Raihana Mehreen
Associate Editor

Dr. Kaniz Ferdouse Mou
Associate Editor

Contributors for the September Newsletter:
Afifa Fabiha and Sajia Haque

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