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/ De-vo-shen /

Noun – the love, loyalty and enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause. A religious habit involving prayer, Bible study, and quiet reflection. A lifeline for positively fueling the activities of life.

Welcome to Family Worship!

From Dan Martella, Retired Pastor

If there is one thing that gets America up and going in the morning, it is coffee.

There is something about the smell, the quiet moments alone or with friends, and the caffeine jolt that fires us up for the day.

Sixty four percent of Americans drink coffee every single day. Usually three cups. The average American spends $1,097 a year on their cup of Joe. Except for water, we drink more coffee than anything else.

The problem is this...
Why We Need Good Fuel

Activity Prompt

Gratitude is a great way to start your day as a family. During worship, breakfast, or your morning commute together (or all of the above!) take time to say "Good morning, Lord! Thank You so much for..." (This is a conversation or journal prompt - your choice!)

Choosing to be grateful first thing in the morning can change the whole course of your day - and your family's day. In the evening, reflect as a family about how an attitude of gratitude positively fueled your day.

Bonus Prompt: Sing the song "Whisper a Prayer" together.

Prayer Prompt

Lord, our family needs Your presence in our lives morning, noon, and night. We need You to fuel the activities of our days, to fill us with Your wisdom, strength, endurance, grace, and forgiveness. Keep filling our hearts with gratitude. And show us God in Your way. Amen.

The Altar Project is produced by Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and delivered to Washington ACTS readers to encourage family worship time.

Worship prompts available each day at 6:45 am by email and 6:45 pm on social media.
Editors: Heidi Baumgartner & Randy Maxwell

Copyright © 2022 Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, All rights reserved.

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