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Countdown to November poll
Next month's state election presents fresh opportunities to innovate and help Victorian renters facing challenges including spiralling rents and limited supply of affordable rental homes. As our state looks to the horizon of a post-pandemic era, at Tenants Victoria we have identified 3 key priorities for the next Victorian Government to work on.

Take action on rent increases: The Victorian Government should undertake a public consultation, including renters and rental providers (landlords) and their representatives, with the goal of legislating a ‘fairness formula’ to regulate rent increases. This will ensure more certainty for renters in the private rental market where most tenants reside.

Invest in legal help for renters: Tenancy legal support services need to be better recognised as early interventions against homelessness. The Government should invest strategically in Tenants Victoria as the state-wide specialist-tenancy community legal centre providing critical frontline help for renters to stay in their homes.

Back alternative dispute resolution pathways: A new residential-tenancies alternative dispute resolution scheme, separate from government and VCAT, should be considered to resolve simple rental disputes. It would likely encourage more renters to assert their rights as many remain intimidated by the process to seek remedies at VCAT.

Victoria has some of the most progressive rental laws in Australia – in March 2021 over 130 reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 were implemented. But there remains scope for further reform – read more on our top 3 election priorities.

Yours sincerely,

Jennifer Beveridge
CEO, Tenants Victoria

Tenants Victoria
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