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Cofradia, Honduras
The Journey Toward Gospel-Centered Self Sustainability

In each of the countries where Lifeline is ministering, we are working diligently to create ministries that are moving toward self-sustainability. We have no desire to see ministries function under models of dependency. We thought it would be helpful for you if we could put the spotlight on one of our locations to give you an idea of how ministries are moving toward a more sustainable model of ministry.  Welcome to Cofradia, Honduras!
Cofradia Sustainability Project (Honduras)

As you see in the video above, Lifeline's church at Cofradia has adopted a Container Outfitting project as their pathway to sustainability. The facility is made of two containers that are spanned by a metal roof. It is incredibly multifunctional. It serves as the vocational training center where you saw the woodworking shop. Vocational training for future electricians is also happening at this facility. As the students are being trained vocationally, they are also being discipled to live out the way of Jesus. 

Income is generated from work done for outside clients. This will help the ministry become more sustainable and, at the same time, give young people the opportunity to learn a trade, allowing them to make a steady income that will support their families. The space also serves as the center for church activities during the week for children and adults. And, of course, it also serves as a space for worship services on the weekend.

We would also like to introduce you to a man named Manuel (pictured speaking above). Manuel is a factory worker who lives in Ocotillo, Honduras, and travels one hour twice a week to train young adults in Cofradia how to become electricians. Through tears, he shared with other Latin American leaders how Jesus has been so incredibly faithful to his family. He said, "Training these young people, and helping disciple them, is what I can do to demonstrate my thankfulness to Jesus."
This is a panel that Manuel recently used to train future electricians.
Manuel is helping young adults in that city realize that the Gospel is Good News is for the whole person. Jesus brings hope, not just a future hope, but hope for my life in the here and now. This is a beautiful picture of how people in the churches are ready and waiting to be used in the Kingdom of God.

Our roles with Lifeline have expanded into all nine countries where Lifeline is serving! Therefore, our need for financial partners has increased as well. 

We want to invite you to become part of the team
and join God on mission with us in these countries!

C O N N E C T   W I T H   U S :
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