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Adjective - true to one's word, promises, vows; reliable, trusted, or believed; steady, loyal, constant. Associated with: dependable, devoted, loving, steadfast, trustworthy

From Michelle Wachter, vice president for education

I typed the phrase 'God Is Faithful’ into my alarm so it's the first words I see when I wake up.

Some of the definitions of faithful are: loyal, constant, unwavering, dedicated, dependable and when I think about them describing God – My God is constant and unwavering in His love to me. He remains loyal and steadfast.

As I reflect on what happened during the pandemic, my reflections are not on the bad things, but the good things and the faithfulness of God. Every morning God's love, compassion and faithfulness are there to guide me – He is faithful and always on time.

A few years ago, I heard a friend say that God is faithful when the answer is yes and He is faithful when the answer is no.

A little over a year ago...

Great is God's Faithfulness

Activity Prompt

Draw or cut out a large egg-shaped oval approximately 4 inches tall. You should have at least one "egg" for each person.

Write a prayer request that you desire God to "hatch" in His perfect timing. Date the prayer request, then stick in a special spot like a journal, book, or some place where you will see it on occasion.

Pray as a family to trust God's faithfulness in answering your prayer eggs.

Prayer Prompt

Lord, Thank You that You are faithful when the answer is yes, when the answer is no, and when the answer is wait awhile. Fill our hearts with Your peace as we await Your answers to our prayer eggs. We trust You and Your perfect timing. Amen.

The Altar Project is produced by Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and delivered to Washington ACTS readers to encourage family worship time.

Worship prompts available each day at 6:45 am by email and 6:45 pm on social media.
Editors: Heidi Baumgartner & Randy Maxwell

Copyright © 2022 Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, All rights reserved.

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