Branching Out
Sharing Stories and Information through Outstretched Arms
November 2022
Changing Seasons
Finish eating the leftover Halloween candy and get out the turkey platter. We're moving into the joys of the holidays....
November's Big Event
Member Celebration
November 15, 2022
Make your reservations nowl
Big Advances in Intergenerational Cohousing
What began as an idea five years ago at the Arbor West Neighbors Forum: Creating Options for Housing, has become an actual site with plans for 24 cohousing living units in Oak Park. The journey of a dedicated group of households took them from interest-building events at LIVE Café to a national cohousing conference in Boulder, CO and fact-finding trips to Madison, WI. This past May, with partners, Arbor West Neighbors hosted a second forum with 80 participants receiving an introduction and update to plans in Oak Park.
Architectural drawings and enthusiastic support of the Oak Park Plan Commission are making the early idea a reality. Currently nine of the 24 units are filled with members from as far west as Cedar Rapids, IA and east reaching Rochester, NY. You’re invited to attend the next public meeting on Zoom on Thursday, 11/10 at 7:00 p.m. Contact info@oakparkcohousing.org.
End of Life Programs:
Making Choices
Four panelists informed the audience on end-of-life issues. Terri Powell and Jim Kelly spoke on behalf of the national organization Compassion & Choices about making your wishes known to your family and loved ones. Catherine Gallogly relied on her decades of working as a hospice nurse to speak eloquently about the important role of hospice, its benefits and challenges. Julie Iverson introduced the audience to the concept of an end-of-life doula, who plays a role both before and after a death occurs. The presentations elicited many questions and answers and motivated attendees to initiate discussions within their families.
Next in the series is
Making Legal Decisions
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m
Oak Park Library
834 Lake Street
Veteran's Room, 2nd floor
Elder Law Attorney Ben Neiburger will share his extensive knowledge of the legal decisions we need to make toward the end of life. He will explain the challenges that come with writing a will, assigning an executor and/or Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Finances and other legal matters. Representatives from Oak Park Township Senior Services will be on hand to offer assistance.
We have another book for our Arbor West Neighbors’ shelf! Member Catherine Marienau, PhD with Carolyn Torkelson, MD launched Beyond Menopause on October 13. They uncover the unique healthcare needs of postmenopausal women and offer women integrative holistic approaches that bridge the gap between conventional medicine and systems of holistic healing. Congratulations!
Terri Powell was profiled in the CJE Senior Life newsletter, highlighting her commitment to daily exercise. You can join her with free Zoom exercise classes at tinyurl.com/exerciseclasses.
Sandra Sokol was spotlighted as a Community Titan by the Oak Park River Forest Chamber of Commerce.
The FDA can now extend the expiration date on many
At-Home Covid Tests. Don't discard those kits until you check their expiration date on the FDA website.
In September at Bullfrog Lake in Willow Springs, Don Burk, Maureen Crotty and Peter Notier discovered some monuments identifying nuclear research sites. Our Adventurers never know what they’ll ramble by next.
Country Lane Woods, also in Willow Springs, was the site of a two-hour hike on a beautiful day in October.
The November ramble will be on Friday, November 18.
Contact Peter Notier,
It was an unseasonably lovely morning for the September meetup. Many thanks to Jan Johnston for hosting us in her amazing yard.
The cold and wet weather didn't discourage 34 AWN members from gathering for the October meetup. Luckily, Val Lester and Geof Greer had plenty of room to invite us in to their warm and beautiful home.
Arbor West Neighbor Events
for Members and Guests
November’s Big Event –
Our Member Celebration on November 15!
We hope you are planning to attend the special celebration this month. It's the last AWN meetup of the year.
The next AWN Members Meetup will be
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
10:00 - 11:30 am
River Forest Library
Movie Circle
Different AWN members lead a monthly movie discussion series. For now, participants view movies independently before joining the group discussion on Zoom. In person discussion is anticipated in the near future. To join the discussion and to receive the Zoom link, email
Next Movie:
Peter Notier will moderate
Bagdad Cafe
At 7:00 pm,
Friday, November 4, 2022.
The Fiber Arts Group now meets in person twice a month,
the first and third Fridays.
Next Meeting
Friday, November 4, 2022
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Contact Denise Poncher, drponcher@gmail.com, or
Bonnie Jordan, jordan-bonnie@hotmail.com for information and location.
Mix of Minds Discussion Group
The group meets the second Monday of each month, 3:00 - 4:30 pm, to discuss thought-provoking articles chosen by group members on a rotating basis.
Upcoming Discussions
November 14, 2022
Peter Notier will facilitate
Care Tactics:
Hacking in an Ableist World
by Laura Mauldin, in The Baffler, July 2022.
and in the same issue
Three-Dimensional Mess (optional)
by Jeffrey Sconce
December 12, 2022
Phyllis Rubin will facilitate
On Alert: Should Quiet Cars Be Heard?
by John Seabrook, in The New Yorker, August 22, 2022
Marion Sirefman, www.SirefmanArt.com, will host another session in a series to help small groups of Arbor West Neighbors Members explore various media, using her large surplus of art supplies. Each session is limited to 4 participants.
Next Session
Holiday Cards: Thursday, December 8, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Sessions fill quickly.
Contact Marion, msirefman@hotmail.com
Watch for more sessions in the Spring!
Arbor West Neighbors Volunteer Opportunities
Board Opportunities
For anyone hesitant to join a board, here’s a little “sales pitch” from current Board President, Phyllis Rubin:
“I’m finishing my first year as president of Arbor West Neighbors, my second year on the Board. While I was, two years ago, willing to serve on the Board, I was adamant I would not be president. Yet, as you’ve probably noticed, here I am! I want to tell you that it’s been a wonderful experience. Truly! First of all, Arbor West Neighbors is such a delight to serve. I love our Meetups, Mix of Minds and the Legacy Writing Group. The End-of-Life series is meaningful, informative and a gift to any who have attended. Maybe I’m nuts, but I even like our Board meetings.
The whole organization has a comradery about it. In Yiddish, we’d be called a mench of an organization (a good group!). We’re compatible, helpful and welcoming. A good group, indeed.
Nominating Committee Chair, Meg Herman, is looking for two Board Members at Large. Terms for board members are two years, elected in December and starting the following January, with the opportunity to renew two more times. Meetings are first Wednesdays each month at 10:00 am, usually by zoom.
Member Program Opportunity
A new working group is forming for planning and facilitating 2023 Arbor West Neighbors Member-led Programs. If you have ideas or want to share your talents, contact Louise Corzine, louisecorzine@gmail.com
Meet Your Arbor West Neighbors Members
Henry Kranz – Board Member. An Oak Park resident since 1976, Henry has been instrumental in the development of much of what makes our community great. After 32 years in Human Resources for the U.S. Government offices, he joined the newly formed Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation. Two decades and several positions later, he retired in 2018.
Henry was an early Board member of the Friends of the Oak Park Conservatory, published books of poetry and a semi-annual magazine with his Erie Street Press, produced Oak Park’s Small Press Festival in 1980 and sponsored a seven-year series of poetry readings. He has been a member of the Oak Park Society of Model Engineers since 1996 and publishes a monthly newsletter in print and electronically for the organization.
Nancy & Rick Van Dyke. Thanks to young grandchildren moving to Wicker Park from Brooklyn, Nancy and Rick recently settled in Oak Park. They met 55 years ago at the graduate school for Social Work at the University of Michigan. Nancy had lived earlier in Occupied Japan and Alabama, and Rick in New York, New Jersey and two years teaching in Malawi, Central Africa. Rick spent much of his career leading not-for-profit human service/behavioral health organizations, transitioning to his own consulting practice focused on organization development, executive leadership and coaching. Nancy gradually retired from social work where she had specialized in alcohol treatment and Employee Assistance Programs.
Together they enjoy traveling, especially to developing nations in Africa and India, gardening and seven grandchildren – two in Chicago and five in California. Nancy also enjoys singing, knitting, reading and working with others to better lives. Rick is involved in progressive endeavors, men’s group discussions, history and fishing. And both are enjoying the interesting folks they’ve met at Arbor West Neighbors.
Betsy Kelly introduced the River Forest Homesharing Program at the September Coffee Monday at the River Forest Library. The Township is piloting this program for older adults with an available bedroom in their home, willing to share with a home seeker who would like to live in the community. Homeowners would benefit from some additional income, companionship and possibly some help with chores.
Tina Birnbaum leads Tai Chi for Absolute Beginners every Friday morning at the Dole Library. This class is for folks new to Tai Chi who would like to experience the benefits without having to memorize the complicated form. Free to Oak Park Park District Active Adult members and low cost to others. Registration is required at www.pdop.org or 708-725-2000.
Are you interested in forming a Book Club? Details will be determined by the participants themselves. If interested, please email Valerie Gager at v.gager@yahoo.com
Branching Out will appear bimonthly in your inbox.
Member submissions to arborwestneighbors@gmail.com for the January edition are due by Friday, December 16, 2022. Please add NEWSLETTER in the subject line.