UvA Expert database
The UvA Press Office has renewed the UvA Expert Database. The Expert Database contains the names, contact details and areas of expertise of UvA academics for referral to journalists seeking expertise on a particular topic to the right UvA researcher. Make sure that you and your academic expertise can be found in the Expert Database. Read more
If you need assistance preparing a media interview, you can contact the UvA Press Office. They have also published the brochure ‘Researchers + (social media)’ which lists the most important points to bear in mind for any researcher who wants to appear (or will be appearing) in the media. In this version of the brochure, updated in 2022, you will also find numerous tip and tricks for professional use of social media. Download here
Call for Abstracts: 9th PhD Conference in History of Science and Humanities
The conference aims to bring together PhD candidates in Belgium and the Netherlands who work in the field of the history of science in the broadest sense: including histories of knowledge, technology, medicine, the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, spanning any time period. The idea is to discuss our work (and work-in progress) in an informal and congenial setting. The conference will take place on 20 and 21 April, 2023 at at Soeterbeeck Abbey. Read more
New publication by Mario Damen
A Chivalric Life: The Book of the Deeds of Messire Jacques de Lalaing. Edited and translated by Rosalind Brown-Grant and Mario Damen. Boydell Press, 2022. 390p.
First English translation of the chivalric biography of the foremost knight of the late Middle Ages, Jacques de Lalaing (c.1421-53). The chivalric biography of Lalaing, written in the early 1470s, offers an entertaining and informative account of the life of a late medieval knight. Drawing on a variety of sources, it was designed not only to commemorate Jacques's deeds for posterity but also to encourage other young noblemen to imitate his shining example, with lavishly illuminated copies being made for members of his own family and other noble readers.
This first English translation of the text, accompanied by an introduction and extensive notes based on new research into both archival and literary sources, aims to offer the reader an in-depth portrayal of Lalaing in the context of the chivalric, dynastic and political culture of his day. Read more
New publication by Mark Heerink
Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome. Edited by Mark Heerink, Esther Meijer. Amsterdam University Press, 2022. 358p.
In this interdisciplinary volume, a team of classicists, historians, and archaeologists examines how the memory of the infamous emperor Nero was negotiated in different contexts and by different people during the ensuing Flavian age of imperial Rome. The contributions show different Flavian responses to Nero’s complicated legacy: while some aspects of his memory were reinforced, others were erased. Emphasizing the constant and diverse nature of this negotiation, this book proposes a nuanced interpretation of both the Flavian age itself and its relation to Nero’s Rome. By combining the study of these strategies with architectural approaches, archaeology, and memory studies, this volume offers a multifaceted picture of Roman civilization at a crucial turning point, and as such will have something to offer anyone interested in classics, (ancient) history, and archaeology. Read more (also available in Open Access)
Nieuwe publicatie door Michiel van Kempen
Dat wij zongen. Onder redactie van Julien Ignacio, Raoul de Jong en Michiel van Kempen. Dasmag, 2022. 340p.
Caraïbische schrijvers zijn in het verleden op verschillende manieren onzichtbaar gemaakt. Ze zijn doodgezwegen, gecensureerd, of op aparte ‘Suriname-’, ‘Antillen-’ of ‘Zuid-Amerika’-plankjes gezet. Hoogste tijd om daar wat aan te doen, want er is zoveel moois, belangrijks en prikkelends om te (her)ontdekken en te koesteren.
In samenwerking met Werkgroep Caraïbische Letteren brengt Das Mag een belangwekkende bloemlezing uit. Twintig vooraanstaande schrijvers van nu breken een lans voor een Caraïbische auteur van toen die hen persoonlijk heeft geïnspireerd: van Bernardo Ashetu tot Bea Vianen. Lees meer
Persvrijheid in Frankrijk en Nederland
20 October 13:00 -17:00 Universiteitstheater
Hoe kan het dat Nederland en Frankrijk, twee landen met een lange geschiedenis van democratisch denken en journalistieke tradities, de laatste tijd zo laag scoren op het gebied van persvrijheid? Deze vraag staat centraal in dit congres, georganiseerd door het Platform Frans in samenwerking met de Universiteit van Amsterdam, het Institut Français, het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, de Franse ambassade in Den Haag en de Nederlandse ambassade in Parijs. Lees meer
Cities of Refuge? Workers of African Descent in the Nineteenth-Century Americas - ACUH seminar with Viola Müller
20 October 15:30 - 16:30 Bushuis E1.02
In the nineteenth century, thousands of people who escaped slavery in the U.S. South moved clandestinely towards and within southern cities, finding themselves enmeshed in exploitative labor relations. In her paper, Viola Müller (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies) will connect their experiences to those of other precarious groups in history. Read more
Amsterdam German Studies Lecture by Christina von Hodenberg
20 October 17:00 - 18:30 Spui25
Christina von Hodenberg will give the lecture "Navigating Gender Regimes in History. Old women in the focus of social science in West-Germany and Britain" in the Amsterdam German Studies Lectures at SPUI25. Read more
Isaac Beeckman reconsidered
24 October 15:30 - 17:30 Artis Library
In this mini-symposium Klaas van Berkel and Arjan van Dixhoorn, two specialists on Isaac Beeckman (1588-1637), will discuss his current re-evaluation in the history of knowledge in the early seventeenth century, especially in the Dutch Republic. Read more
Inaugural lecture Bart Wallet
26 October 16:30 Aula
Bart Wallet, professor of Jewish Studies: Early Modern and Modern Jewish History, with a special focus on Amsterdam, will give his inaugural lecture '‘De lucht van Amsterdam maakt wijs’. Grondlijnen voor een kritische joodse stadsgeschiedenis'. Read more
From research-based idea into an impact strategy
27 October 8:55 - 10:30 REC B, room 1.02
Do you have research (results) that you want to translate into a concrete application? In this workshop you will learn about the steps to take to further develop your idea into a concrete product or service. The individual cases will be discussed on the basis of various business models and there is room for questions and reflection. Read more
Annual Symposium of the Research School for Medieval Studies
4 November 9:30-18:00 Oudemanhuispoort/ Singelkerk
The Research School for Medieval Studies will reconvene its annual medieval studies day, a day on which all members of the research school have the opportunity to meet each other in an informal setting, to exchange ideas, and to catch up with each other. This day will be organized at the University of Amsterdam, Oudemanhuispoort. The theme is Reflecties/Reflections. Read more and register
Grant news and upcoming deadlines
Vossius Fund for Research Fellows open for applications
The Vossius Center offers funding for Research Fellows. The next deadline is 30 November 2022 for fellowships between May 2023 and December 2023. Read more