
Celebrating the Ministry of
Minister of Music Kjel Hanson

Dear St. Philip family and friends,

It is with many emotions that I am writing to let you all know of the resignation of our Minister of Music Kjel Hanson. Kjel's last Sunday serving at St. Philip will be Christ the King/Reign of Christ Sunday, November 20.

Since joining our ministry staff in 2016, Kjel has been a tremendous and invaluable asset as a part of our ministry team. His passion for sacred music and diverse musical repertoire -- from classic hymnody to contemporary praise songs -- has greatly enhanced our worship life together these past several years. I knew from the moment I discovered that Kjel was a fellow graduate of Concordia University in River Forest (go Cougars!) -- known, among other things, for its exceptional church music program -- that the ministry of music at St. Philip was in capable hands.

In these last few years during the pandemic, our worship and music ministry has experienced significant changes and challenges, but Kjel's dedication to his work -- including countless hours of recording music from home (even on days when he was sick!) -- helped ensure our worship remained vibrant through it all. We will surely miss Kjel's passion and joy for his work and for the people of St. Philip, especially our small but mighty choir. In Kjel's own words, "I have enjoyed my time serving the 'Little Church with the Big Heart' and will miss seeing you all on Sundays."

As for what is next for us, first: Kjel is still with us for five more Sundays! So come to in-person worship and soak up all the time we still have together! We will also plan to celebrate Kjel's ministry with us during worship on Sunday, November 20, and we will be sure to let you know more details as that time inches closer. In the coming weeks, we will also begin the search for a Worship Musician who can help lead our congregational song on Sundays and holidays, which will likely include some substitute musicians along the way as we find someone permanent.

For now, we simply say:
Thank you, Kjel! We wish you all the best with what lies ahead for you in the next chapter of your ministry.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Rev. Josh Evans, Pastor
Copyright © 2022 St. Philip Lutheran Church, All rights reserved.

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