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(by Paul Oxborough)
Welcome to our November 2022 Newsletter.

Reflections from the Motorcycle Live 2022

It is a very interesting paradox and slightly weird to surround yourself in other peoples' struggles and then be able to say you have enjoyed the experience, but 10 days at motorcycle live really helps you understand this. This year at Motorcycle Live we had 36, incredible volunteers. Some volunteers we have helped over the last two years and others have been volunteers from the early days.  Everybody had a role, and everybody came to help further the aims of Mental Health Motorbike everyone took something away.

Trying to reflect what was achieved over these 10 days is really hard, but what I’m left with is an immense sense of proudness of what we did. We supported people, we created a brand awareness, we sold merchandise so that we could run more subsidised training courses. We worked as a team and we presented our charity to the industry in a very professional way. The charity has only just reached its one year anniversary, and already we are becoming recognised as an important source of national support for tens of thousands of bikers.
Thanks to everyone who made the magic happen and on behalf of the Mental Health Motorbike team we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

If you want to become more involved at an event in 2023 email 
 - Paul Oxo
This month's Newsletter focusses on our Mental Health Motorbike experiences at the Motorcycle Live (MCL) show at the NEC.

Below are testimonials from some of team of volunteers who attended.

Thanks to the 1000cc Club for their donation of £1600. This will help subsidise lots of MHFA courses

The picture shows just how good the suspension on the Enfield is. These two men I will be forever grateful to for being who they are.

Promoting art as a form of supporting mental health. 


Motorcycle Live was a blast! Despite aching legs, hips and back (I’m feeling my age) 10 days flew by.
As a new Trustee, I wanted to play my part, so set about organising Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses. I asked our instructor for 5 course dates, so I could book 80 people onto courses. We have to commit to pay the instructor, so I was hopeful we’d fill the spaces, as I’d enthusiastically informed the other Trustees that it would be no problem (without having a clue if that was true). As it happens, I’d totally underestimated how many people were keen to learn how to support others! By Tuesday the first 5 courses were fully booked, so I arranged 2 more courses, and by Thursday they had gone, plus I had enough people waiting to fill another course.  By the end of the show, we had 10 fully booked courses and 3 more partly booked. There will be so many more MHFA Green Badges at biker meeting places and events in 2023. 
But it wasn’t my determination that secured training for over 160 Mental Health Motorbike First Aiders, it was the amazing team of volunteers who gave up their time to represent Mental Health Motorbike with enthusiasm, it was the stand visitors who wanted to help others and give up their time to learn how best to do that, it was the clubs and individuals that raised funds to allow us to subsidise courses to make them affordable – so many people, and I want to thank you all.  Last year Paul and the other trustees visited stands, looking for support.  This year, the offers of support came to us. 2022 has seen so much progress and 2023 promises to be even better. 

The wonderful people I met at Motorcycle Live brought tears to my eyes often, sharing their experiences and demonstrating their generosity with both time and money.  I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it, "thank you" seems inadequate.



Volunteering to work on the Mental Health Motorbike stand at Motorcycle Live was admittedly a step outside of my comfort zone. I find it awkward approaching and speaking to people I do not know, and I am definitely not a salesman. However, whilst our neighbours at Honda were there to sell shiny new metal, we were attending to spread awareness of something that costs no money. And that is the chance to join a meaningful community of individuals, who both share a passion for motorcycles, and who have some understanding of the impact of mental health issues. Like the blinding high beams from the African Twins bikes opposite our stand, we were able to throw a spotlight on what Mental Health Motorbike is able to offer in terms of the peer support from our Facebook group, the opportunity to become a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA), and our aspirations to further grow the charity for the mutual wellbeing of its members and others. To varying extents and at different times I found the experience challenging, touching, tiring, fun, humbling, rewarding, interesting and educational. I never felt isolated, thanks to the strength in numbers on the stand, and I also learnt from observing those I was working alongside. I am grateful to them, and to everyone that visited us over the days. I am still not a salesman, but I found the experience thoroughly worthwhile, and I will be a lot less nervous about offering to participate at future events.    

Wow, what can I say? Having been a visitor to the NEC for many, many, many years I had not ever thought I would be there representing a Charity; and especially not such an awesome one! As a new Trustee being alongside everyone gave me deeper insights into the operations of Mental Health Motorbike, its ambitions and drives and allowed me to connect with volunteers, other trustees, moderators, businesses, interested parties and the motorcycling community we exist to help. From the moment I arrived into the most welcoming team I had a blast and don't think I have spoken so much for a very long time. The response to our cause was heartwarming with so many people across all ages saying 'well done....this is so needed...and not only that, signing up for training and expressing a real desire to be part of our Charity, both young and old alike'. I heard many heartbreaking and enlightening stories which gave me a stronger resolve and desire to be part of the social movement we have created. To everyone I met, you are truly incredible people, please keep feeding me with ideas to help us go from strength to strength.



What a great opportunity to meet people and spread the word about Mental Health Motorbike. Some very touching interactions on the stand, and the odd tear shed by visitors as they talked about how mental health had affected them or their family.


It’s crazy to think that despite my book, “Are We Doing The Stelvio Today?”, being launched in early 2020, I did my first proper book signing courtesy of Mental Health Motorbike at the NEC. The A4 show card and roll-up banner were still unused and fresh out of the box. After all the troubles with a global pandemic, it felt good to fulfil my original intent and finally draw a line under it all.
It is fitting that I was with Mental Health Motorbike at Motorcycle Live. This is a journey that I started in March 2020 when I was fully expecting to be sitting behind a stack of books in any given store, scribbling my name inside the cover. It was around this time I saw an early social media post from Mental Health Motorbike.
I met up with Paul Oxborough on a cold afternoon after a meeting with my publisher.
It was some time after that when Mental Health Motorbike, after tremendous effort, became a fully-fledged charity. This validation captured the attention of the industry they have since welcomed the provision of the growing mental health support network.
And so we fast forward to Motorcycle Live 2022. As one of a large team of volunteers at the event, I was donating signed books. Sat on a large stand and in a prominent position next to Honda. Only two and a half years late to the party but the box has now been ticked.
If you missed the show, you can still buy a copy of the book. I donate to Mental Health Motorbike for every copy sold.



I only did 1 day on the stand, but it was so nice to meet part of the team. I spent a while talking with a veteran with ptsd who was interested in the work of Mental Health Motorbike. Keep spreading the word guys ❤


Wow what an amazing show and incredible experience, personal highlights for me :
  • The stand design - worked perfectly for the shop, creativity corner, space to engage and private area
  • The rota – it worked! (thank you for your patience)
  • Our team - friendly, supportive, dedicated, and passionate about engaging with visitors to the show, it was truly inspiring to meet you all
  • Visitors to the show - meeting so many genuine lovely and different people, who shared their personal stories, truly heart-warming to feel part of this supportive biker community.
  • Other stall holders – recognition of our brand and supportive of our work
  • MHFA – blown away by the demand for courses, a true indication of commitment


Volunteering on the stand at MCL was an amazing, emotional and rewarding experience for me. I made some friends for life, we became a family, I got to hear visitor's experiences of their mental health struggles, share my own and I hopefully inspired someone along the way with my trip. I got to use my own story of struggling with depression, anxiety and PTSD, to name a few, to connect with people visiting our stand, to let people know about this wonderful charity and show guests of the show it's okay to ask for help. I can't wait to support Mental Health Motorbike further and join the team in future events!

We need your support to keep the charity running, can you give a few pounds each month? click on the link of QR code below ...

Why not sign up to do a future MHFA course...

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