
Exercise Is Not Always Good

Hey! Guess what?! You don't have to exercise anymore! Yup, it's a proven fact that exercise is the number one cause of unhappiness. Of course, there's a catch. It's the cause of unhappiness in your body when you aren't feeding it the proper diet and giving it adequate sleep. 

Okay so maybe I got your hopes up a bit, but I'm gonna give you the honest truth that many people don't want to hear.

Number 1. You NEED sleep! Your body is sorta like a machine in that you can't run it all the time or it'll break down. Also, you have to always put gas in it. So if you don't sleep, you put stress on the system (your body) because it doesn't get as much rest as it needs. Extrapolate just one hour of missed sleep each day over a year and you have at least 365 hours of extra stress on your body. That's like walking to Cincinnati and back.

Just know that if you're not getting AT LEAST 7 hours of sleep a night, you're doing yourself a disservice, to say the least, and you're slowly killing your body by putting enormous amounts of unnecessary stress on it...Which leads me to number 2...

Ha! Number 2. I'm like a teenager sometimes. NE hoo, my second point is that you probably need to eat more, or at least better. Let me tell you a little story about this one.

Well, this actually isn't a story as much as it is just fact. Stress takes energy. If you aren't feeding your body AND you're not sleeping. You're literally killing yourself. No joke! Ok, science stuff real quick. Ever heard of cortisol? It's a stress hormone your body lets off when you're under stress. It's not a bad thing. In fact, it works super well at helping you tackle life's surprises. But if your whole life is stress...and I'm not just talking emotional stress here, then you're going have a tough time handling even more stress with even the "easiest" workout. 

Not to mention, you're gonna have a tough time
recovering from injuries
preventing injuries
getting strong (er)
losing weight (sustainably)

I know, tough to swallow, right? But your body does and always will need adequate rest and proper fueling. As my dad used to always say: "It's impossible to outrun a bad diet. You might beat it at first, but it will always catch up to you."

Jerry "resting" Washington

P.S. I know it's hard to do those things. But sometimes you just have to remember that it's life and you only get one chance to live it the best you can. But at the same time, you don't have to try to live it all at once. Take care of yourself. Whenever you want help fine-tuning that care, you know I'm always happy to help...Talk soon!  
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