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First, I told my own stories. I stood on stages worldwide and entertained audiences with stories about my life. As I did so, I learned how finding and telling my best stories could also change my life in many ways.
Soon, people began asking me to teach them to find and tell their own stories. Before long, my roster of students was long.

Then one day, a man approached me after a show and asked if I could help him tell stories to help his local business grow.

I said yes. We began to work together. The results were extraordinary.
Since that first client, my business has grown exponentially and unexpectedly. 

Today I consult with Fortune 100 companies, small businesses, advertising agencies, pharmaceutical companies, technology startups, hospitals, universities, and many more, helping them to find and tell better stories. I work in marketing, advertising, and corporate communications. I help executives craft and deliver better keynotes. I help scientists explain their research to potential customers and investors. I help people just starting their businesses create a plan for introducing their ideas to investors, partners, and the world.

In my last email, I mentioned a new group helping people use stories to help their businesses grow. 

Today I invite you to join Storyworthy: Storytelling for Business and Professionals. This community of professionals understands the power of storytelling in business. I promise you will benefit from sharpening your storytelling skills if you are in sales, advertising, marketing, branding, or leadership.

This is a free community of business-focused story enthusiasts who realize the value of storytelling in many facets of a business. This will be the platform where I will provide resources, free training, peer work sharing, and feedback from me and my team. The materials I share will help our members communicate more effectively and memorably, create deep connections with customers, investors, and employees, extend their reach into the addressable market, and make more money, all by telling better stories. 
Click Here to join.

Matthew Dicks

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