40th Anniversary celebrations November 19...
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Humanity needs the support of external Nature, of the external Resurrection in Nature. Humanity needs to see how the plants spring out of the Earth, how the Sun increases in strength, how light and warmth increase in strength once more. Humanity needs the Resurrection in Nature in order to celebrate the thought of the Resurrection. 
Rudolf Steiner
Building the Physical Body of Chrysalis School
When people first visit Chrysalis School they are often struck by the physical beauty of the school grounds and its buildings. They see beautifully crafted buildings, each separate in character, yet part of a unified whole. As one gets to know the school a little better, they may notice that each level is built from different raw materials. If they look a little deeper again they will see that the shapes of each building are distinct and separate. But not many may know the underlying design of the whole campus and the sacred geometry that it touches. In the original design Classes 6 & 7 (the present Kitchen and Music Lab/Class 9/Science room) spill off the hill in a gesture of giving, for in these years the demands on the child to create from themselves and give to the world are much more intense. Class 7 is almost underground, signifying the imminent trials and weight of the pubescent child – but this building looks back to the kindergarten, reminding the burdening soul of its origins - from whence it came. It is sometimes said that the shape of the roof was also intended to echo the Bellinger River turtle, an appropriate analogy for the pubescent child as well, as they withdraw their tender soul into the hard shell of adolescence for protection.

The geometric progression:
• Kindy - Spiral;
• Class 1, 2, 3 - Circular;
• Class 4, 5 & Library – Lemniscate
(∞ shape).
• Class 6, 7- elliptical (closed curve)
straddling the hyperbolic middle
of the ridge.

Term 4 Class Meetings
Class 4 Monday 24 October 5:30pm - 7:00pm @ Morning Star
Class 8 Monday 24 October 6:30pm - 7:30pm @ Bellingen Youth Hub
Class 1 Tuesday 25 October 5:30pm - 6:30pm @ Morning Star
Class 3 Tuesday 25 October 6:30pm - 7:30pm @ Bellingen Youth Hub
Morning Star Monday 31 October  5:30pm - 7:00pm @ Morning Star
Class 5 Wednesday 2 November 6:30pm - 7:30pm @ Morning Star
Class 9 Monday 7 November 6:30pm - 7:30pm @ Morning Star

Class 6 and 7 times to follow.
Please use the links below to download your new Chrysalis App as not all search functionality within the app stores is currently operational.

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Class 9 
G'day everyone,

Class 9 have been on a crash course, learning the Wim Hoff breathing techniques. Then we decided it is only fair to chuck them in the ice to get the full experience. 

Each student showed fantastic focus through the breathing exercises gradually increasing their breath hold and going to a place of deep relaxation. Student reflections were great to listen to and really showed that they were open to the benefits of the specific techniques.

The ice bath was chilly, to say the least. Students went to a place of fight or flight and breathed their way to success. Being supported by a buddy to help with the emotional and physiological stress of being put way out of your comfort zone, it's important to have someone trustworthy to rely on for moral support. 

Post ice bath, the energised students were eager for more. Cold shows and river/ocean swims are a fantastic way to seize life!
Exciting news from the Music Corner
We are excited to announce that week three will feature our last music assembly for the year. It will be held in the hall from 9.30am – 10.30am
Parents are welcome to attend and please note that these performances will not be repeated at the End of Year Concert at the 40th Anniversary Celebrations. See the list below to know if your child will be performing! We look forward to seeing you there.
Week 3 Music Assembly Tuesday 25th October
1. Three Little Birds - Guitar/Uke Ensemble (Cl 5/6)
2. Spinners Waltz - Alice (5) Viola
3. At the Nail Salon - Aramai (Cl 8) Singing
4. Two Songs - Maagunda and Gunganbuwala
(or Guga Jiibin) - in Gumbaynggirr language Class 2 Singing
5. Minuet 2 - Alex (5) Violin
6. Put Your Records On - Luana/Ini Singing (6)
7. Witches Dance - Dash (6) Violin
8. Dandelion - Ini (6, Piano), Elyshia (7), Aalia (7)
9. Stay - Luna / Lila / Yugi (Cl 8)
10. Tama Oma - Class 3/4 Singing
Class 4 Camp - Behind the Scenes
An enormous amount of work goes on behind the scenes to make a camp happen. There are people designing menus to cater for a wide range of dietary needs, risk assessments need to be completed and checked by management, food orders are made with several suppliers, food and resource pick-ups are planned. Tents are set up, cleaned, repaired and aired after every camp. Then comes the huge task of unpacking. Stock checks are done, down to the last tent peg, on all supplies and equipment. Repairs are made and resources are researched, sourced and replaced. Oh and of course there is the ever looming finances and budgets to deal with. Our buses and trailer are cleaned and maintained and registrations and safety checks are kept up to date. Bus drivers need to be organised and bus and trailer pick up and drop offs are planned. We have people packing the trailers and buses before the bus picks up the children. At the camp, we of course have our wonderful parent helpers and staff. We often have staff and management attend for parts of the camp to offer their expertise in certain areas. This could be guiding a walk, abseiling, swimming or sharing their knowledge of an area. After the camp we review, evaluate and research so we can improve for future camps. Thanks to all the people behind the scenes, management, administration, maintenance, finance, parents, teachers and all the other wonderful people who make our camps at Chrysalis a success.
Class 9 Arnhem Land Auction Fundraiser
The Class 10 Northern Territory trip fundraiser Auction is upon us. We currently have a handful of items up for grabs. So it's time to get your bids in early as the auction has now gone live. Anyone can place a bid, so please share this link with friends and family. Whilst you're there, don't be afraid to throw some money around!

We are still waiting on a priceless artwork that will be added to the fundraiser from the Arnhem Land community as a thank you in advance for our community work and support.

If you have anything that you would like to donate to the auction, please contact Zac via email with the following information:

- Name of the auction item
- Description of the auction item
- Image
- Estimated value/price

The online auction will finish at the School's 40th Anniversary Celebration where it will be transferred into live bidding adrenalin-filled action.

 You might ask why? That would be a very valid question... Let me give you a little run down.

The current Class 9 students will be travelling to the Northern Territory in 2023 as Class 10 students. They will be there for an extended stay. Half of the funds raised will be contributed towards reducing the cost of airfares and travel expenses. 

The other half of the funds raised will be of the utmost importance. We will be developing community projects in Arnhem Land. Staying on community and learning the old ways. I have been in discussions in line with community aspirations for projects that are still being decided on. Currently, we are looking at fixing up Jacob Nayinggul's home (past elder - watch 'etched in bones' for context on how important his contributions have been for the community of Gunbalanya), working in the School at Minyerri and potentially planting some fruit trees in a small orchard at Meeking Valley.

This is a rare opportunity for our students to gain an unwavering appreciation of Aboriginal Culture. To give back in a profound, meaningful and respectful manner. 

For more information please contact Zac,


Important dates

Music Assembly -
Tuesday 25 October 9.30am - 10.30am
Thora Campus
Class 7 Island Camp -
Thursday 27 October - Sunday 6 November
Term 4 Working Bee -
Sunday 6 November -
9.00am -1.00pm
Thora Campus
40th Anniversary Celebration - Saturday 19 November -
Thora Campus
Class 6,7,8 Summer Sports -  Fridays Term 4 in Bellingen
Last day of Term 4 -
Thursday 8 December
First Day of term 4 2023 -
Monday 30 January

2023 Term Dates are now available on the school website:
Term dates for 2023

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Chrysalis acknowledges the Gumbaynggirr land in which we reside and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities.
At Chrysalis we pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to elders both past, present and emerging.
The deadline for contributions and community notices for the next newsletter is COB on Wednesday October 26.
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