
13 OCTOBER 2022

Today at 1pm AEDT!

Today at 1pm AEDT, please join us to learn more about the film-led social impact campaign that is Live the Life You Please.

Imagine if we treated end of life the way we treated started of life!

Today we’re in conversation with film makers Mike Hill and Sue Collins, who will be joined by Camilla Rowland, CEO of Palliative Care Australia.

Everyone is welcome. But don’t forget to register to attend live and to receive the replay.



Meaningful Ageing Australia is a registered charity and the national peak body for championing the spiritual care and emotional wellbeing of older people receiving care in residential and community aged care settings.

Spiritual care ensures that each older person’s spirituality is supported.

Spirituality is about how we create meaning, hope, purpose and connection in our lives.

For some, that might include religion and expressions of cultural faith. For others, it might be the peace and emotional wellbeing they experience through a connection with nature, or creativity, or through meditation or of being of service to others.

Meaningful Ageing Australia creates practical resources and education events to support aged care providers to build staff capability so that they can integrate emotional support and spiritual care into their day-to-day work.