
why we do what we do

Running a charity for children in Kenya is challenging, especially having been seperated from them for such a long time due to Covid. We are blessed, however, to have fantastic partners in Kenya who do wonderful work on the ground.

ECPK students are at various stages of their education. As those of us who have parented teenagers know, prayer and patience is necessary as we wait to see our children's choices.

Helmut and Priscilla work for AFNECCARE. They love children and are excellent with teenagers. As well as two children of their own, they willingly care for their ECPK Australian-sponsored children.

All children love to experience time and attention from significant adults in their lives. When they feel sick, they have someone who will find the best care available. When they are sad, they have someone who listens to them. And when they are happy, they have someone who celebrates their victories with them!

Six of our ECPK students sit for their final high school examinations in a few weeks. Kenyan schools hold a special prayer day for the students. Please join in praying for them during your daily prayers.

We thank God for you, our faithful sponsors who provide our students with opportunites which formerly existed only as dreams in an orphan’s heart.

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