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FLL Build and Lego Sale

Saturday, October 15
UMBC, The Commons, Mainstreet
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

As a part of UMBC's Homecoming, we'll be having a FIRST LEGO League Build in The Commons. Most models take around 30-45 minutes to build, and you can build as many as you like. Due to the complexity of some of the models, we welcome adults and children ages 8 and up.

Lego Sale

We will be selling both unopened kits from previous years (we only have a few left) as well as bags of legos from previous year kits this tomorrow from 10am - 1pm at UMBC. 

Kits are $30, and legos will be $10 for a gallon ziplock full of lego pieces from previous year's kits. These will all be sold on a first come first serve basis. The legos are great for spare parts and can be used to prototype attachments and solutions for missions.

Click here for a map and parking info.
Register Here

Tournament Registration Information

FIRST Registration is closing on 10/21/22.

Qualifier Registration will open on 10/17/22 until 10/31/2022. 

Team do NOT need to have their team members listed to register, just to attend the qualifier.

You MUST have a paid registration with FIRST and a team number before signing up for a Maryland Qualifier.



We are always looking for more judges and referees! Anyone can be a volunteer. Training is provided. Click here to let us know if you're interested and we'll send you opportunities as they arise!

Consolidated Judging

Videos from the Coaches Kickoff will be available soon, but until then, please review the document below on information on how judging will work.
Judging Session Flowchart

In Case You Missed It...

Volunteering Untapped

The 75 volunteers at the Oct. 8 Volunteering Untapped event built about 25 complete sets of the mission models - about 33% of those needed for the competition season at the Maryland events. 

There will be 13 qualifying tournaments around the state for the Maryland FIRST LEGO League Challenge from Dec. 2022 - Feb. 2023 and a State Championship on Feb. 25, 2023. There are 270 teams around the state for ages 9-14. 

Volunteering Untapped volunteers would make great judges for these one-day events! More information is here.


Quick Links for FIRST LEGO League teams
Challenge, Updates, and Resources
Challenge Overview
Welcome Letter
Technical Resources

First in Maryland Facebook
Maryland First Lego League Twitter
STEMaction Youtube
Maryland First Lego League
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