October 24, 2022  |  Vol. 4 No. 43


C2P - Weekly Parish Newsletter 
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It's time for our annual October Mass count activity
Please count attendees at each weekend Mass
and click on the links below to submit counts by Friday of the following week. 

October 1-2  |  October 8-9  |  October 15-16  |  October 22-23  |  October 29-30

Find the Ultimate Gift this Advent 

Invite your community to find the Ultimate Gift this Advent by joining Archbishop Etienne at Use the Advent Communications Plan for assets to use in all your communications channels, including bulletin inserts and ads, banners, emails, and social media in English and Spanish. The Advent web page features Archbishop Etienne's Advent video, weekly Advent reflections from the bishops and others, Advent Scripture readings, prayers, traditions and more.

Vicar for Clergy

Interfaith pioneer Father William Treacy dies at 103

A vigil service will be held at 7 p.m. October 28 at St. James Cathedral. A funeral Mass will be held at 10 a.m. October 29 at the Cathedral, with Archbishop Paul D. Etienne presiding. Reception to follow Mass in Cathedral Hall. Click for details and to watch livestream and to read Northwest Catholic story about Father Treacy's life.

Human Resources

Paycom Update

October 14 Paycom update includes:
• New tax rules
• Health Equity
• Phishing alert
Click here to read the complete update.

Marriage & Family Life

Competing well, keeping the faith

St. Paul encouraged Christians to think of themselves as spiritual athletes, overcoming difficulty to win a heavenly prize. Whether we think of ourselves as athletes or not, we can all benefit from this advice. Click here for Scripture readings, prayers and reflections. 

Stewardship & Development

October 29-30: Presentation/Ask 1 (Witness speaker)

Easy-to-follow instructions for this week's Stewardship TREASURE campaign.

Inclusion Ministry

Inclusion Ministry virtual dance

Did you know the archdiocese has an Inclusion Ministry devoted to nurturing the faith of Catholics with various disabilities (Autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, physical disabilities, etc.)? Join us for our November 19 virtual dance. Click here for details and promotional assets.

Vicar for Clergy

Permanent diaconate information sessions 

November 5 at St. Louise, Bellevue
November 12 at St. Mary Magdalen, Everett
November 19 at St. Charles Borromeo, Tacoma
December 3 at St. Michael, Olympia
December 10 at Sacred Heart, Bellingham
January 14 at St. John of the Woods, Tacoma
January 21 at St. Joseph, Vancouver
All sessions begin at 11am. Learn more |  Promotional assets in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Swahili

Seafarers' Ministry

Ditty Bag Stuffing Day 

November 19  | 10am-12pm | St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Seattle 
Join the Seattle Seafarers Center in stuffing "ditty bags" - holiday gift bags which are donated to international merchant seafarers. Sponsored by Seafarers' Ministry. Learn more
For more events, click here
This information was presented in past C2Ps. 

Auxiliary Bishops

New Director of Youth Ministry Services, Kimberly Abadir

Learn more

Faith Formation

Faith Formation October newsletter

English and Spanish 


Prayer of the Faithful (optional for parishes)

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month. Click here for prayer

Parish Financial Services

Update inventory list reminder

It is good to update your inventory list once a year. Include description/date of acquisition/location/estimated useful life and a picture. This is required for items with a replacement cost over $10,000.

Washington State Catholic Conference

October advocacy bulletin

English |  Spanish

Washington State Catholic Conference

October is Respect Life Month

Promotional assets in English and Spanish  |  PREPARES flyer

Vicar for Clergy

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 6-12  |  Learn more  |  Promotional assets
EVENTS reminder
This information was presented in past C2Ps. 

Associated Catholic Cemeteries

All Souls Day Mass schedule for archdiocesan cemeteries

November 2: English and Korean Mass
November 5: Vietnamese Mass
Click here for details and schedule  |  Promotional assets


Celebration of Our Saints Mass

November 5 at 11am  |  St. James Cathedral/Virtual
Learn more  |   Promotional assets in English, Spanish and Vietnamese

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

'Go! Make Disciples' men’s retreat

November 11 at 4pm to November 13 at 1pm | Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Learn more  |  Promotional asset


Lector workshops

November 12 at 10:30am   |  Virtual 
Registration required: email Promotional asset

Youth Ministry

High School Catholic Youth Convention

November 12-13  |  Lynnwood Convention Center
Join hundreds of high school youth to experience God through community and joy, learning and prayer. Two days of journeying in faith as pilgrims of hope through lively general sessions, engaging workshops and a fun-filled gathering of the universal Church. Learn more  |  Promotional assets

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Betrothed: A preparation for the sacrament of marriage

November 18-20  |  Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Learn more  |  Promotional assets


Inclusion Ministry

'You are my Friends' Inclusion Ministry fall fellowship

November 19 at 10am  |  Virtual. Learn more  |  Register  |  Promotional assets

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Advent Silent Retreat: Be Strong. Fear not.

December 9-11  |  Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center. Learn more  |  Promotional asset

Faith Formation

Catechetical Certification Program

January 12  |  Series of six sessions  | Virtual. Open to all.  Register  |  Promotional assets


Master of Ceremonies for Episcopal liturgies

January 14 from 9:20 am to 12 pm  |  Holy Rosary School Hall, Seattle
Learn more  |  Flyer

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Shakespeare Retreat  Henry V: A Profile in Leadership

January 27-29  |  Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center. Learn more  |  Promotional asset

Youth Ministry

World Youth Day 2023 registration is open!

August 1-6, 2023  |  Lisbon, Portugal.  Learn more  |  Promotional assets
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