Giving Campaign #3:
Grace In Action

‘Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?’ He said, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’
+ Luke 10:36-37

Over the last three Sundays, we’ve been exploring what “Grace in Action” looks like, for God and for us. We’ve considered God’s generosity in building the home of creation, and our call to be world-builders and homemakers, too. We’ve thought about God’s prodigal, never-ending welcome, and about our own hospitality and celebration.
This week, as we approach Giving Sunday on October 23, we’d like to ask you to reflect on the grace that appears when we least expect it.
That’s what Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan is all about, since Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along in those days: imagining someone from the “other side” – of the aisle, of the debate, of the conflict – whose actions beautifully reflect the grace of God. And then to go and do likewise.
When the image of God shines brightest through our lives, we find ourselves building bridges, showing and receiving mercy, and learning from supposed “enemies.” Through our commitment to be an Open and Affirming Church and the steps we’ve taken to live that commitment through action, we’ve been a part of God’s merciful work of justice and reconciliation.
The Congregational Church (UCC) in Tryon has a long history of putting “Grace in Action,” and with your help, we can do even more. On the other side of this letter, you’ll find a brief testimony from Ann White about what this kind of mercy and justice feels like here at the Congregational Church. We hope you’ll read their thoughts on God’s unexpected, inspiring grace.
Finally, be sure to join us on October 23 for Giving Sunday, when we’ll celebrate and reflect on all the ways God’s “Grace in Action” has shaped our community – as well as all the ways we seek to be more gracious in our lives and work together. Don’t forget to bring your blank pledge card, ready to be filled out with grace upon grace!
See you Sunday,
Lisa Owens, Doug Rostick, Kyle Sox, Andrea Walter, and Jackie Weedon
Grace & Generosity: 2023 Pledge Card Download
Grace & Generosity: Online 2023 Pledge Card
2023 Stewardship Narrative
Week 3: Giving Campaign Letter
Week 2: Giving Campaign Letter
Week 1: Giving Campaign Letter
Ann White's Reflections on the Parable of the Good Samaritan

I’ve had a connection to church since I was two weeks old, when my parents first took me there. I grew up “in church” and found a new church family when I left home after college. When Thom and I moved to his hometown in upstate South Carolina, we both participated fully in the life of the congregation where he’d grown up. We worked side-by-side with other members of that congregation for decades, believing that unity in Christ could overcome any differences.

But then, the differences became the sole focus and the congregation was so torn apart by bitter disagreement, we couldn’t even talk about our differences anymore. After living through that conflict, church seemed unrecognizable: a place of pain, rather than a place of love and mercy. It was hard to imagine reclaiming the grace and peace I’d felt in church before.

Then, while house hunting in Tryon, Thom and I noticed the signage in front of The Congregational Church. The messages of inclusion and respect for differences resonated with us, so we visited a time or two. When the pandemic struck, we participated online, and attended in-person events as they resumed. We kept coming back because we felt welcomed, encouraged, and accepted.

This congregation was the grace that appeared when I least expected it: a place where friendship is freely extended, where it’s safe to share ideas and dreams, and where mercy and justice are practiced. Seeing “Grace in Action” in this congregation has also helped me reframe the years of conflict, making room for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and restoring my connection to the grace and peace I had previously experienced.
2023 Stewardship Narrative
Click the image below to learn more about how we have use our treasure - our time, talent, and financial resources - to live out our mission and ministry, and what our hopes are for 2023.
Grace In Action Prompts
Over the course of Stewardship season, we're sharing daily prompts on Facebook and Instagram. Join the conversation and share your answers on-line as we cultivate a community grounded in generosity and grace in action. Here are some of the reflection questions and prompts you'll be seeing in the coming weeks.

God generously puts grace into action, from homemaking to celebrating to bridge-building acts of mercy. As children of God created in the image of God, we can do the same. This week, we're reflecting on the story of the Good Samaritan, and what it means to truly embrace a spirit of celebration and gratitude. What is worth celebrating today in your life?
Share Your Thoughts
You're invited to share what it means to you to share your time, talent, and treasures. During the month of October, please write your thoughts on the canvas in our main narthex.
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