REGISTER TODAY - Housing Policy Conference, 11/17, Portland Featuring a legislative panel with election analysis; speakers including Diane Yentel, CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition and Mike Kingsella, CEO of Up For Growth along with Amanda Rector, Maine State Economist. REGISTER and learn more here.
Housing Supply Action Plan Progress; HUD Funding
White House progress report on the Housing Supply Action Plan here. The Progress Report highlights a number of key HUD accomplishments. HUD recently released a new “Quick Guide on Increasing the Supply of New Affordable Housing” to assists state and local governments in the utilization of their Community Planning and Development (CPD) funds to increase their supply of new affordable housing units. HUD and DOT announced funding available for the new Thriving Communities Technical Assistance program to improve the coordination of housing and transportation planning and increase housing supply alongside infrastructure and transit investments. HUD applications are due November 22, 2022. Learn more at HUD and DOT’s sites.
Acorn Engineering - New MAHC Member Spotlight - Thank You!
Acorn Engineering, Inc. is an award winning firm that specializes in providing urban redevelopment, civil/site design, environmental services, municipal consulting, and construction administration with a focus on the construction of highway, marine and rail facilities, restoration of urban impaired watersheds, stormwater design and retrofits, low impact development (LID), and environmental stewardship.
Know an organization that might be interested in joining MAHC? Share this link with them, let us know and we will reach out to them, or have them reach out to:
Thank You To The Following Organizations for Renewing Their MAHC Membership On Time. If Your Name Isn't Here, You Are Past Due.
AARP Maine
ABG Consulting
Acorn Engineering, Inc.
Allied Cook Construction
Apartments for People LLC
Archetype, PA.
Auburn Housing Authority
Avesta Housing
Bangor Area Homeless Shelter
Bangor Housing Authority
Bangor Savings Bank
Bath Housing
Bath Savings Institution
Bellwether Enterprise Real Estate Capital
Benchmark Construction
Bowman Constructors
Brunswick Housing Authority
Camden National Bank
Clark Insurance
Community Concepts
Community Housing of Maine
Cooperative Development Institute
Credere Associates LLC
Cumberland County, Maine
Curtis Thaxter Stevens Broder & Micoleau
Dovetail Consulting, Andy Jackson
Drummond Woodsum
Eagle Point Development, LLC
Eaton Peabody
Ganneston Construction Corp.
Gawron Turgeon Architects
Genesis Community Loan Fund
Gorham Savings Bank
Great Falls Construction
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland
Home Start
Housing Authority of Old Town
Housing Initiatives of New England Corp
Hunt Capital Partners
Islesboro Affordable Property
Kaplan Thompson Architects
Kennebec Valley CAP
Knox County Homeless Coalition
Lassel Architects PA
LB Development Partners
LeadingAge Maine & New Hampshire
Lewiston Housing Authority
Machias Savings Bank
Maine Community Action Association
Maine Community Bank
Maine Immigrants' Rights Coalition
Manx Development LLC
NBT Bank
Nickerson & O’Day, Inc.
Otis Atwell
Portland Builders
Portland Housing Authority
Portland, City Housing & Neighbor. Srv.
Preble Street Resource Center
Preservation Management, Inc.
Raise-Op Housing Cooperative
Realty Resources Management
Sanford Housing Authority
Sea Coast Management Company
Shalom House
Silver Street Development Corp
South Portland Housing Authority
Tedford Housing
The Caleb Group
The Housing Foundation
The Sparhawk Group
The Szanton Company
Through These Doors
Town of Rumford
TPD Construction Co.
Veterans Inc.
Washington County Assoc. for Ret. Citizens
Westbrook Housing Authority
Western Maine Community Action
York County Community Action
Zachau Construction
Join MAHC's Advocacy Campaign So All Maine People Have a Home
We are pleased to share our legislative educational campaign with four solutions to Maine's housing crisis. A series of postcards, social media campaign, and a website, are being sent to all Maine legislative candidates to sign onto ahead of the election. Please sign on and share this campaign with your local candidates asking them to join. Spread the word via social media and more.
Join MAHC Today - Membership Makes Our Advocacy Stronger
Not a member? Know an organization that cares about homes for all people in Maine? Want to make a contribution to support MAHC's advocacy and events? JOIN TODAY.
Reach out to me anytime to share more about your organization, what you see as challenges, and how MAHC can support you.