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Top-rated for quality and trustworthiness

Therapy reviews on Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies (BCCT, the pilot site for CancerChoices) rated highest in a recent study looking at quality and trustworthiness of information on complementary cancer therapies. Researchers from within the National Cancer Institute reviewed information on 11 websites, giving our reviews a score of 4.9/5—the highest rating of all sites.

When we created CancerChoices, we improved how we research therapies and how we present information so you can understand it. serves the cancer community as the most comprehensive, balanced, patient-centered, free resource of its kind. See for yourself.

Read more
Visit our reviews of complementary therapies

Learning circles

Learn, reflect, and connect through learning circles offered through a partnership of CancerChoices and Healing Circles Global. 

Learning circle: Credibility and Trustworthiness
November 1st, 10–11:30am Pacific Time

Explore the characteristics and process used in creating the CancerChoices therapy reviews, with a focus on credibility and trust. Then in a small circle, you will be invited to reflect on what you can trust and rely on when exploring cancer therapies. What does trustworthiness mean to you? How do you determine if you can trust a person, product, or service? What does this mean for your decision making regarding cancer care? Share your experiences and learn from others.

Register either for the November circle or for the full series of learning circles.

Register for the learning circle

Learning circles provide guidance and exploration that can help you on your cancer path. We draw from the CancerChoices website and from each of our experiences. We don't offer medical advice but instead open a space to explore and reflect on your cancer experience and care.

Webinar November 9th, 10—11:30am Pacific Time

Three Surprisingly Effective Complementary Cancer Therapies: Aspirin, Vitamin D, and Melatonin

Join The New School Host and CancerChoices Co-founder Michael Lerner for a webinar conversation with CancerChoices Program Manager and Lead Researcher Nancy Hepp and Senior Clinical Consultant Laura Pole. After a discussion of using natural products and repurposed drugs in integrative cancer care, they will explore the surprisingly good evidence of effectiveness for improving survival and reducing risk of cancer for three complementary therapies: aspirin, vitamin D, and melatonin.

This webinar will be recorded.

Register for the webinar
View recordings of our past webinars and find events from our partners at Webinars & Events.

Understanding research and evaluating websites

How can you know what to trust when deciding whether to use a complementary cancer therapy—whether a supplement, a special diet, or a mind-body therapy such as yoga? A series of blog posts walks you through the different types of research studies, why more than simply published research may be helpful, and how you can evaluate websites for trustworthiness.
First post: Understanding Research Studies

Melatonin—not just a sleep aid

Melatonin supplements mimic the effects of your own naturally produced melatonin in promoting sleep. Research shows it can also play a substantial role in cancer outcomes and side effects. Melatonin use is also linked to improved balance of body terrain factors—such as inflammation, immune function, and oxidation—that are closely connected to cancer growth and spread.

Learn more about melatonin

Melatonin is one of 30 complementary cancer therapies fully reviewed on the CancerChoices website, with more under development.

Explore our reviews of complementary therapies
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