
Birthday Announcement!!

Emily, my campaign manager to the right of me in this photo, celebrated her birthday today by ensuring we win this election. Let's give her the best birthday present by winning this election.

Help us get across the finish line!

I know we are all exhausted from the social and political turmoil we have been experiencing the past few years. I feel you. It has been an exceptionally tiring last few years. But we cannot allow our fatigue to stop us from focusing on what is on the table right now. From climate change and a woman’s right to choose.

We need all hands on deck before November 8th. Are you able to donate $25, $50, or $100 to ensure we send Representative Brianna Titone back to the Colorado State House?

Can you help do an hour or two of phone calls or knocking doors to get out the vote?

Every single dollar and effort helps. Let's do this, Team Titone!

Let's do this!

In Solidarity,
Team Titone

Donate or Volunteer
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