4-Nov-2022 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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5 big things to celebrate!

1. We opened a new site!
Watch the video to meet the directors of our newest ministry site in Linares, Mexico! We have invested in partnership with a children's home there for several years and have now acquired property in order to develop the physical and team structure needed to offer all our key programs to this underserved community.

2. We opened 2 schools!
The school year started with trauma informed schools opening in India and Nigeria. Hundreds of children now have a safe place to gain a quality education as they grow holistically toward their calling in Christ.

3. Travel is increasing!
In the last 4 months I have worked in all four of our Mexico sites, and in coming 6 months I will be back in Mexico, in Nigeria, and in India for the first time. These trips are focused on strategic alignment and leadership development. Mission trips have also been ramping up, so there are opportunities for you to visit our sites too!

4. My son joined me in Mazatlán!
My son, Joshua, went on his first Back2Back mission trip in July during the time I was also there working. It was a great joy to have opportunities to serve alongside one another there, and the experience was deeply impactful for him.

5. I have a new boss!
Last month I started reporting directly to Todd Guckenberger, our Executive Director. I have worked with Todd for several years on leadership initiatives and am excited to continue to learn from and serve under him. At the same time, I will greatly miss my previous boss who was a wonderful friend and leader; I wish him the best as he has followed the Lord into a new opportunity.

THANK YOU for continuing to encourage and support us as we serve orphaned and vulnerable children through our work with Back2Back. We appreciate you!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Personal updates

For the first time, we are not homeschooling all our children. Joshua attends the Cincinnati Zoo Academy and Eliza, Victoria, and Sophia attend the Cincinnati Classical Academy, which is part of Hillsdale College's K-12 school network. Caleb continues to be homeschooled and participate in PEP, a homeschool co-op.

We continue to be very involved with soccer, pets, and music, and Caitlin is working part-time at a nearby farm. I'm not sure how we would do it all if Joshua didn't get his license this year!

Prayer Requests

  • Safe international travels and peace for the family while I travel.
  • Training school teachers to exemplify our culture in and out of the classroom.
  • Wisdom in the strategic development and growth of the ministry in both depth and breadth.
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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