
That Hoarder Podcast!

Hi Friend,

Last month on the podcast @ThatHoarder and I chatted about the elephant in the room:

G R I E F + L O S S

We cover how loss of loved ones or the loss of any identity-defining role can increase our tendency to save and acquire stuff.

We also talk about magical thinking and other geeky stuff that impacts on our need to keep sentimental items to represent the relationship we had with our loved one.

Click on the link below to find the podcast episode and listen to it via the Overcome Compulsive Hoarding website or where ever you listen to your stories.


If you’re like me you chase good stuff where ever it is: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc. It’s available everywhere, just search:

Overcome Compulsive Hoarding @ThatHoarder.

I’ll be featuring again next month so PLEASE subscribe to the Overcome Compulsive Hoarding @ThatHoarder it’s great!

If you’d like to share it on your socials knock yourself out.

Until Sunday :)

Jan <3

(Note: If you enjoy listening to this Podcast, please consider forwarding this email to someone who would get a lot out of it. If you were forwarded this email, and you want more of this type of stuff you can sign up to receive the STUFFOLOGY Newsletter each Sunday afternoon. It’s free.)