
Medicine Stories Rooted in  Gratitude

"This afternoon I pulled into a parking space, turned off the car and then glanced up while I was taking my keys out of the ignition. 

The words "This Is Not Your Practice Life" met me head on. 

It was a rather large sign plastered onto the side of a building in the Thruway shopping center in Winston-Salem. The open parking space I had pulled into was the only one available within a large section of the parking lot.

It was not an accident. The parking space was meant for my car to occupy. The sign meant for me to see it.

Earlier this morning, and I am talking earlier, like around 3 a.m. earlier, I was sitting out on our screen porch, silently talking with the universe about a couple of things that were frustrating to me. Like, why my life feels as if it is constantly riding a roller coaster and the wheels of the coaster feel as if they are always almost sliding off the tracks. 

And why no grocery store seems to understand my need for a box of instant, individually packaged organic oatmeal to be stocked. 

The universe chuckled at my questions about my life.

She also shared she understood my frustration over not being able to source instant, individually packaged organic oatmeal. For the first time in a while, my spirit calmed, listening to the universe giggle over such silly and selfish sounding complaints.

Then I fell asleep in my porch chair, with my head hanging forward, my mouth a tad open. I woke when the moth, which had been fluttering around on the screen of the porch, fluttered on my nose.I 'm pretty sure the moon whispered it was time to go to bed. Which I did.

Only to wake up in a grumpy mood. Only to yell at the cats and ask them why they insisted on throwing up on the wooden floor right where my feet landed every single yucky time. 

Then as the morning grew longer, my roar became louder whenever I spoke. I screamed into people, my beloveds, whom I should have not screamed into.

I just couldn't seem to find my peace button.

Which meant if I couldn't find it, I couldn't flip it on.

Midday, my beloved and I decided to hang out at the Ardmore Neighborhood Art Walk. It was lovely and creativity abounded. Still though, I was just grumpy. Not on the outside, because, well, I am a Southerner. But on the inside. Until I walked past a persimmon tree full of beautifully ripened Chinese persimmons. No further steps were taken. The only thing I could do was to just stand there and slowly breath their scent in, while smelling my maternal grandmother's persimmon pudding baking in her oven when I was seven, eight, nine, ten. As I smelled her pudding baking, I realized today would have been her 104th birthday. We were incredibly close. She could hear the voices of her ancestors singing and she often sang with them. While teaching me her songs. She who was a Quaker minister's wife.

Suddenly, the stress and pain inside of me broke and I sang "Happy Birthday" quietly to my grandmother. While taking photos of the persimmon tree. 

Then my beloved and I left. We decided to drive to a restaurant located in the shopping center where, 

I pulled into the space in front of this very pointed message

while still smelling my Grandmother's persimmon pudding."

Shawn Angell

13 Thank Yous, Honey in the Heart Shawn for sharing your story of healing and remembrance with us! It's the little (and not so little) synchronicities in life that fuel the next steps on our journey of self expression!

If you are feeling the need to sharpen your discernment, move further out of fear, and rely more securely on your Spirit Guides, then check out True Discernment, Part 2 on December 10th! Now is the time to register for the Ceremonies and Circles coming up in 2023. AND stay tuned in January as new trainings will be revealed for 2023 and beyond!

In Oneness. Love from my heart to yours.

White Star Woman 

Photo credit: Shawn Angell

Learn more about Dreaming in the Field of Expansive Possibilities


 A Powerful Ceremony of Prayer and Gratitude 
White Buffalo Calf Woman and Arrow Woman
Via Zoom

Open to All
Monthly Wednesday close to the Full Moon 7 pm EST

Meeting ID: 841 8994 2898
Passcode: 911552


November 9th, Frost Moon
December 7th, Cold Moon
You are invited to sit in this ancient ceremony to experience a powerful way of offering gratitude and prayer to Creator and to our Planetary Family.

This Ceremony of Prayer to Creator can be done smoking the pipe or simply holding the pipe. Knickknick (herbal blend) or Cherokee Tobacco is used.  Learn more about the Beauty Way so your life becomes a Path of Peace, Beauty and Joy!  Offer your prayers with others in community as we begin the Age of Aquarius, spiraling into a greater awareness of Life.

We have found that our prayers and connection to Great Spirit is just as powerful when we gather virtually.  Ceremony cannot be limited.  Come partake of these uplifting ceremonial energies! Our Pipe Carrier -- Fire Moon Dancer, smokes the Pipe for you when you are praying or you are welcome to light your own Pipe during the Ceremony.

If worries and anxiety are filling your thoughts, emotions and life, then this ceremony is for you! Prayer and gratitude are the healers of anxiety and worry, especially when the prayers are offered in the presence of others -- whether human, tree, stone, creature or elemental.

Instructions given to beginners.  All are welcome! 
Full Moon Pipe Ceremony Registration

True Discernment, Part 2

Saturday, December 10th
11 am - 3 pm
Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge
In Person Only
Winston Salem, NC

Monetary Gifting
Prerequisite: True Discernment Intensive
RSVP required
Text or email White Star directly to RSVP


True Discernment Part 2 is a follow program to the True Discernment Intensive after at least 6 months of working with the techniques presented in True Discernment. Because Part 2 is tailored specifically to those who are attending, emphasis is put on individual questions and requested clarifications, which can be submitted ahead of time with registration, or in circle on the day of Part 2. 

New techniques are presented that help unfold and actualize the 4 Psychic/Spiritual Perceptions of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Prophecy and Clairsentience.

You also receive updated percentages on your profile numbers to better track and understanding your areas of personal growth.

Looking forward to going deeper into True Discernment!

32nd Annual Setting your Energies Ceremony

2023: Unwinding the Illusion
of Time and Space

Allies are DRAGONfly and Labradorite

RSVPs required

In person at Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge

Sliding Scale $40 - $60 per person; spaces finite


Via ZOOM only

Sliding Scale $25 - $45 per person; unlimited spaces
Join us for the 32nd Annual Setting Your Energies Ceremony for your next revolution around the Sun;
Regroup 2022, sifting through your personal experiences to discover the gems of wisdom earned, and what is becoming and emerging on your journey of self-realization and attunement with all of Life;
Set your energies for 2023 and each month by creating an energetic braid whose strands comprise an Intuitive Key Word, an Animal Totem and a Sacred Path of Indigenous Traditions.  This braid informs and supports you as you dream in the field of expansive possibilities all year.
Receive the blessing of intentionally and gracefully traversing the Spiral of Life’s evolution, becoming more skillful in riding the waves of coherent radiance, fully dreaming and visioning your life into its fullness.
Dreaming with the shamanic drum beat, you journey into the realms beyond time and space, unwinding the illusions that have limited your vision, and setting your energies for 2023. Calling on Dragonfly and Labradorite to assist you on your flight into truth and freedom.
Registration for 2023 Ceremony


Circle meets on the new moon each month
January 21st, 2023 -- December 12th, 2023

2 circles offered -- choose one

Zoom and In-Person Combo -- facilitated by White Star
Day: 12:30 - 3 pm

Zoom Only -- facilitated by Pari Polad
Evening: 6:30 - 9 pm

Suggested gifting: $25-$40 per month
All amounts received with gratitude

This is a yearly commitment

Text: The 13 Original Clan Mothers
by Jamie Sams

Join us for an in-depth discovery and exploration of the 13 archetypal principles of the Feminine through the ancient teachings of the Native Sisterhood. Each month (13 Moons) is represented by a Clan Mother, sharing the challenges, lessons and growth we each experience as we move through the cycles of our life. We will invoke the medicine and wisdom of each Clan Mother through shamanic drumming and dreamtime journeys, opening our hearts to these Spirit Teachers. Each Clan Mother has tremendous insights and experience that we can learn from and model in our own journey. These Clan Mothers are teaching Woman's Medicine to all women who desire to heal themselves and assist with the healing dreams that are creating the future of our global society. The Clan Mothers are: Talks With Relations, Wisdom Keeper, Weighs the Truth, Looks Far Woman, Listening Woman, Storyteller, Loves All Things, She Who Heals, Setting Sun Woman, Weaves The Web, Walks Tall Woman, Gives Praise, and Becomes Her Vision

You will learn about your birth month Clan Mother, discerning the strengths and wisdom you brought with you into this life. Across the wheel, you will identify the Clan Mother who assists in the latter half of your life, helping you to fulfill your spiritual yearning to transform yourself into a more complete and harmonious sacred human being.

2023 New Moon Dates

January 21st, Saturday (Talks With Relations)
February 20th, Monday (Wisdomkeeper)
March 21st, Tuesday (Weighs the Truth)
April 20th, Thursday (Looks Far Woman)
May 19th, Friday (Listening Woman)
June 18th, Sunday (Storyteller)
July 17th, Monday (Loves All Things)
August 16th, Wednesday (She Who Heals)
September 14th, Thursday (Setting Sun Woman)
October 14th, Saturday (Weaves the Web)
November 13th, Monday (Walks Tall Woman)
December 12th, Tuesday (Gives Praise)
December 21st (Solstice 2023 Ceremony) (Becomes Her Vision)

Pari Polad is an insightful and warm-hearted student of Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge since 2003, participating in the Clan Mother Circles each year and the Healing Quests. Pari is an active healer in the Wednesday Healing Circle where she also is the Pipe Carrier and Firekeeper. As a Soul Healer and Resonance Healer, Pari assists in the peaceful transition of souls and thought patterns stuck between the worlds. Please welcome her to facilitating the Evening Clan Mother Circle 2023!

Registration for 2023 Clan Mother Circle

2023 Dreaming Circle -- Dreaming Ourselves Awake
Four Separate Offerings
One Circle forms for each Season
Each circle is held over 4 gatherings (dates below)
Participate consecutively in all 4 circles if you desire

begins January 18th, 2023
Via Zoom 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST

What are you calling into your life? What is the gift you have to offer at this emerging time? Each circle is an opportunity to dream your life anew, forging a joyful Soul Path that excites, heals and fulfills your deepest guidance.

Our Soul Desires are becoming more insistent, seeking validation, requesting acknowledgment. It's a sense that we can't put our Heart's desires on the back burner any longer. Our inner promptings are directing us to become and celebrate the gift that we are here to share!

Together, we will dream ourselves awake to the expansive, limitless, coherent possibilities. We are all connected, vibrating the Crystal Spider Web by our requests and dreams

In this Circle, you will
* refine and articulate your dream
* create altars and follow dream symbols
* strengthen your connection to Crystal Clarity
* dream while awake, journeying with the Drum
* dream for yourself and others in collaboration
* open yourself to synchronicity, miracles and magic
* give/receive encouragement to be your most courageous self 

Each Circle encompasses 4 gatherings via Zoom
within a quadrant of the Solar Calendar from 7 - 9 pm EST

Winter Old Growth Forest Dreaming Circle (Wednesdays)
January 18th
February 15th
March 8th
March 29th


Spring Volcanic Eruption Dreaming Circle (Mondays)
April 17th
May 15th
June 5th
June 26th

Summer High Meadow Dreaming Circle (Wednesdays)
July 12th
August 2nd
August 23rd
September 13th

Autumn Hidden Lagoon Dreaming Circle (Thursdays)
October 12th
November 2nd
November 30th
December 14th

Registration for 2023 Winter Dreaming Circle


JUNE 15TH -- 18TH, 2023
$650 for Questers (does not include airfare, in country transportation, visit to Glastonbury). Further travel details to be determined in January depending on how many Americans are questing
$300 for assisting at base camp (which is another form of questing!)


VISION QUEST CHIEF: Michelle SpeakingHawk
FIRE CHIEF: Tracey Spirit Eyes

Contact White Star directly if contemplating questing for more information. Vision Quest is a time to open up to receive a vision for oneself, for one's family, for one's community. You can also participate by assisting at the base camp where the fire is held for the entire ceremony. This Vision Quest ceremony is offered in the tradition of my teacher, Will Rockingbear.
Photo: Grandmother Portal Tree welcomes the Questors

Expansive Possibilities
Open Heartedness
True Discernment

With Love, Without Fear
Miracles Abounding

Spiritual Activism

Love and blessings,
White Star

2022: Dreaming in the Field of Expansive Possibilities

In 2022, we are continuing the journey we began in 2020 with the energetic signature of “Dancing the Spiral of Light and Dark” with Swan and Seashell – where we welcomed in a renewed relationship with Harmony, Equality and the mutual benefit found within the interplay of Light (sun, star and reflected moon lights) and Dark (black, shimmering, fabric of the universe light) dancing with the grace and ease of Swan medicine and the natural spiraling energy of Seashell. 

We next dove into “Catching the Waves of Coherent Radiance” in 2021 with the assistance of Dolphin and Obsidian, becoming more skillful in discerning and flowing with the waves of Unity, Wholeness and Radiance that are rolling in from the center of our Galaxy. Catching these galactic wave patterns, surfing them to the best of our ability and finding joy in the challenge of becoming more agile and fluid in our lives was greatly enhanced by the medicine of Dolphin in showing us how to joyfully ride the waves with our pod and the radiance found in the shimmering of Obsidian. 

Both these year energies have prepared us for “Dreaming in the Field of Expansive Possibilities” in 2022, calling on Lizard medicine to naturally dream, daydream, muse and journey to experience a deeper soul reality along with Fluorite which enhances our ability to dream and become Dreamers of the Realm. As Dreamers of the Realm, we are dreaming the world into being with a fierce, farsighted, loving force for our home (Planet), community (Solar System) and city/state (Galaxy), becoming true citizens of multi-dimensionality. 

This Field of Possibilities is in motion, ever evolving, birthing, releasing, and rebirthing in an endless act of co-creation. When we are living with an expansive open heart/open mind, we can “see” or experience the miracles that are ever present in this multi-dimensional field, calling in the magic to power a new reality for all members of this Planetary Family – humans, plants, stones, animals, eco-systems, microscopic, planetary, every being living in true reciprocity with mutual respect, tolerance and celebration of one another for our diverse and mutually necessary gifts. With the certainty of Lizard, knowing the reality of the situation rather than going with old patterns, habits, fears and generational beliefs, we help hold and anchor in this Expansive Field of Possibilities in our lives and for all our Beloveds – no matter their physical form – and for all the generations that came before us and all the generations that will come after our dance here in this Realm.
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Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge is located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

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