7 November 2022

Arkholme Primary School News

School Website
2022-2023 Term Dates
School Calendar
November Online Safety Newsletter
Parents Guide - Setting up Parental Controls

Contact us...

The quickest and easiest way to contact your child's teacher is to email the school office and mark it for the attention of your child's teacher.
Please contact the school office via email or phone 015242 21418.
Please do not message via Remind as these messages often get missed.
Click here to email the school office
Click here to email Mrs Ingram
Parent/Teacher Meetings
Thank you for your patience and understanding, as we have battled with gremlins in Google Docs! I believe that most people now have confirmed face to face or Zoom meetings. If you have not yet booked a time slot, please contact Mrs Proctor, in the school office.  A polite reminder that these sessions are 10 minutes . Please be respectful of teacher's time and other waiting parents. The focus of these meetings is your child's progress in learning. Staff will always be happy to discuss other issues at an alternative time, by appointment, THANK YOU!
The Lion King
We have a few outstanding consents, please approve on Parent Pay, thank you. Lunch on this day will be Meatball sub-roll, or Jacket potato with choice of fillings. We will be asking children to confirm their meal choice on Thursday 17th November to ensure sufficient ordering. Please let your child know if you want them to have a hot lunch on the 23rd November, thank you. We won't be back until about 7:15 pm but will keep you updated via REMIND.
Parent Governor
The governing body will be looking to appoint a parent governor. Should you be interested in this role and require any further information please either speak to me, or contact Mrs. Bery Waddington (Chair of governors) at: 
Early Closure
A polite reminder that school will finish at 1:30pm on Friday 16th December.

Kingfisher Class - Staff Updates
Mrs. Cunliffe will be returning from maternity leave on Friday 2nd December. That means we will be saying farewell to Mr. Mackinnon on Friday 25th November!  I know that the children have thoroughly enjoyed their time with Mr. MacKinnon, and will miss his interesting science explorations and investigations. We will of course be saying farewell to Mr. Mackinnon, in the true Arkholme spirit.
Joy Ingram

Week commencing 14 November 2022 at a glance:

Puffins:  Parent Teacher Meetings
Robins Year 2 - Parent Teacher Meetings
Kingfisher Class - Please wear School indoor P.E. kit for gymnastics and Parent Teacher Meetings
Owl Class - Please wear School outdoor P.E. kit for Rugby and bring a spare pair of shoes - thank you! Parent Teacher Meetings


Robins - Please come to school in School outdoor PE kit & Parent Teacher Meetings
Owls - Trip to Imperial War Museum

Kingfishers - Swimming - please come to school in PE kit with swimming kit in a bag and Parent Teacher Meetings
Owls - PE kit Morecambe Football Club PE lesson and Parent Teacher Meetings

Robins Year 2 - Parent Teacher Meetings
Kingfishers - Parent Teacher Meetings
Owls - Family Worship

Robins - Please come to school in School outdoor PE kit
Kingfishers - Parent Teacher Meetings


Music Lessons

If you have any outstanding payments, please can you bring your payments up to date, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  Well done to all of you for remembering your instruments and making good progress.  Mr Warriner has vacancies, so if your child is in Year 2 or above and would like to play an instrument, please email him directly.
Email Mr Warriner - Music lessons

In the classroom this week!

This week in Puffins we've been thinking about celebrating being ourselves. We've talked about all being unique and special.  

We've continued to learn new sounds in our phonics and Mrs Muckalt and Mrs Harrison are very proud of how well we are doing with this!

In maths we've been learning about the composition of 1,2,3.

We have also painted and printed some amazing poppy art as part of our thinking about Remembrance Day. 

We are well underway with our Nativity rehearsals and costumes will be sorted soon. Watch out for information on how to get a ticket to watch our nativity "Baaaaarmy Bethelehem".

Have a wonderful weekend Puffins. 
Team Puffin   
This week we have been learning about mammals in science. On Monday, we had a visit from Fern and Ruby, Mrs Whitaker's dogs, who are mother and daughter. We learnt what makes them mammals, and found out how dogs feed their puppies when they are born. We LOVED seeing lots of different mammals at Knowsley Safari Park. We had a wonderful day in the sun! We saw the tiger, Sinda, as well as meerkats, river hogs, white rhino (who got a bit too close for comfort!) bison,  a moose and many more. A highlight was the sealion show, and when the giraffes came out to see us and walked along side us. They were magnificent! In PSHE we read a beautiful book called Wonder, and learnt how we are all different and all wonderful. We celebrated our differences and how they make us unique. Our Nativity is well under way so we spent sometime this week practising - we can't wait to show you!
On Tuesday, Year 1 took part in a Lune Valley Multi-sports event. We had lots of fun showing off our skills in throwing into targets, jumping, balancing and dodging!  Mrs James and Mrs Ingram were really proud of how the children gave 100% effort with joining in and represented our school wonderfully. Well done Year 1! 
In English, Year 1 have been sequencing the story of 'Where the Wild Things Are' ready to begin writing our own adventure story next week. Year 2 have been gathering ideas for story writing. We have designed out own imaginary world and wild creature to live in it.  In Maths, Year 1 have been using the 'part/whole' model to help us build addition number sentences. Year 2 have been learning how to use facts that we know to make related facts for example 4 + 5 = 9, so 40+50=90. Mrs James and Mrs Whitaker 

Year 2 Parent Teacher Meeting - Monday 14th November
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 756 5218 6178
Passcode: vLS45C

What a super week we have had in Kingfisher Class!

We started the week with a fabulous Roman banquet. The children enjoyed tasting different foods and they were terrifically good at reclining! We dressed Sam up as our emperor and used drama conventions to explore the perspectives of different characters at the feast, including the guests, chefs and servants. The children continued their learning about ancient Rome by planning adventure stories in English, of a dormouse that escaped being eaten at the feast. They also used  maps in Geography, to plot the spread of the Roman empire.  
In maths, the children have been working on addition and subtraction with Year 4 practising using formal column methods. Our Year 3 children have been working hard to learn the 4x table, and Year 4 have been working on the 7x table. 
This week, we have also started exciting new units in Art and RE and have set the children a 'Takeaway,' homework. All the details of this are in their homework books. We are going to have a week's break from our usual homework tasks and enjoy some Roman themed homework for a well-earned change!
Thank-you for all your hard work this week Kingfishers,

See you on Monday,
Mrs Burgess and Mr McKinnon

Kingfisher Roman Adventure - Tuesday 6th-Wednesday 7th December 2022
To finish our Roman topic in style, we are planning an adventure for Kingfisher Class to Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum. We will be staying overnight at The Sill, YHA on Hadrian's Wall. Please put the dates in your diaries and look out for further information on Parent Pay.

There will be a parents information meeting on 22nd November at 15:40 in Kingfisher Class.  We are looking forward to an exciting end to our Roman topic!


In English this week, we used pictures to orally tell the story of The Wishgranter. We discussed the structure of a story (Opening, Build-up, Problem, Resolution and Ending) and then changed parts of the story to plan our own. We then discussed what features we use to add description to stories and focussed on powerful adjectives on Friday. We also covered passive and active voice, and subject and object in our grammar lessons.
In Maths, we worked on the final of our four operation this week: division. The children have worked really hard to master the bust stop method and most children are confident with this now. Year 6s began long division on Friday which many found challenging and we will look at it again next week.
In History, we learnt about evacuees and what it was like for children fleeing cities for the countryside in the war. We pretended to be evacuees and wrote letters home to our parents.
In RE, the children learnt about the nativity story and discussed the differences between the different gospels. 

In Art, we experimented making different marks for printing our monotypes which the children really enjoyed.
Owls Class did a fantastic job of leading Remembrance Service on Friday. Thank you to all those who came along.

Mr P


Next Meeting and AGM

Please join us for our AGM and meeting on Zoom at 7pm on Thursday 19th November. We will send out a link on the day. The PTFA is currently a small bunch and would really like to grow in number to help support the school even more. Please come along and share your ideas or to see how you are able to help out more. We will be appointing a new secretary and always welcome new committee members. 

Christmas Fair - change of date!

Please note we have changed the date for our Christmas Fair from Friday 9th December to Friday 2nd December 2022.  Thank you!

Jumble Sale - Saturday 12th November 2022
The PTFA always help with the Arkholme Jumble Sale - in exchange for a chunk of the takings!

It contributes lots of funds that go towards school travel costs to events throughout the year, so it is a really important event for us.

Can you help us this year?

Lots of jumble, of all sorts, is needed: clothes, toys, books, CDs, furniture, things from the back of the cupboards that you need the space in, the random things in the loft you’ve been meaning to get rid of! 
If you can get it to the Village Hall then we will happily sell it!
If you want to help sort, or if you can help man tables at the sale itself, then please let Elle, Claire or Danielle know.

If you can bake a cake, that we can sell to weary bargain hunters in need of refreshment, then that would also be very welcome indeed.

Your help to make this a success would be very much appreciated.

Community News
Arkholme Parish Church - Weekly Bulletin
The Wagtail - local news
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