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Thank you for registering for the MAHC Housing Policy Conference on Thursday, November 17 from 8 am to 4 pm at the Westin Portland Harborview, 157 High Street, Portland. This email confirms your registration.

A couple of quick notes and reminders:
  • Many thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors listed below. They will have booths set up and we encourage attendees to visit the exhibitors. 
  • Please make every effort to arrive at the hotel no later than 8:00 am.
  • If you are driving, be sure to leave enough time to find a parking space. Parking is tight in the city, and there is some construction going on in the area that is pushing a lot of cars to the public garage next to the Westin.  The next closest parking garage is the one next to Holiday Inn by the Bay, and valet service is available in front of the Westin for $15 for the day. You can also arrange for carpooling, walking or using a rideshare service if you are coming locally.
  • Agenda below and a printable version here.
  • As a registered attendee, you can see a list of who else will be at the conference here.
  • For meals, there will be a selection for vegetarians and gluten free, but you may need to seek out a hotel staff person to ensure all your dietary needs are met.
  • NEW! We are excited for our networking reception with cash bar, free snacks and networking from 3-4 pm on site after the presentations and panels. Please stay to enjoy this chance to relax, network, reflect, and connect.

Thank you to our sponsors that are making this event possible.

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Exhibitor Sponsors:

Credere Associates, LLC

Gawron Turgeon Architects

Maine Indoor Air Quality Council

USDA – Rural Development




7:45 - 8:15        Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibitor Booth Visits
8:15 - 8:30        Welcome
                        Amy Cullen, MAHC Board Chair & VP Szanton Company & Laura Mitchell, Executive Director, MAHC
8:30 - 9:30       The Housing Underproduction Crisis and Solutions
                         Mike Kingsella, CEO, Up For Growth
9:30 – 9:45       Break for Networking & Visiting Exhibitor Booths
9:45 – 10:45     Post-election Analysis & Discussion of Housing Policy in the 131st Maine Legislature
                        Senator Daughtry; Senator Pouliot
                                    Moderator: BJ McCollister, MAHC Policy Director
10:45 - 11:00    Break for Networking & Visiting Exhibitor Booths
11:00 – 11:45   The Impact of Housing on Maine’s Economy
                        Amanda Rector, Maine State Economist
11:45 – 12:30   Lunch & Networking
12:30 - 1:00     Presentation of Elizabeth “Libby” Mitchell Award by MAHC
                        Presentation of Rick McCarthy Award by MAHC
                        Presentation of Stephen Mooers Award by Maine Housing
1:00 – 1:45       The Post-Election Landscape for Federal Housing Policy
                         Diane Yentel, President & CEO, National Low Income Housing Coalition
1:45 – 2:00       Break for Networking and Visiting Exhibitor Booths

2:00 – 3:00       Panel Discussion: Housing Policy Solutions for Fragile Populations
                         Cullen Ryan, Executive Director, Community Housing of Maine
                         Tobin Williamson, Advocacy Manager, Maine Immigrant Rights Center
                         Stephanie Primm, Executive Director, Knox County Housing Coalition
                         Kevin Bunker, Founder & Principal, Developers Collaborative
                                       Moderator: Rich Hooks Wayman, CEO, Volunteers of America Northern New England
3:00 – 4:00       Reception with Cash Bar, Snacks
& Networking



MAHC advocates for the creation and preservation of affordable housing so all people in Maine have a place to call home.

The Maine Affordable Housing Coalition (MAHC) is a membership organization representing public, private and non-profit groups. MAHC has more than 130 private and public sector organizations, including developers, architects, engineers, builders, investors, Community Action agencies, public housing authorities, housing and service providers, advocates and others committed to ensuring that all Mainers are adequately and affordably housed.

MAHC commissions reports to inform the development and advocacy for safe, affordable housing in Maine. These reports include an analysis of the housing needs of Maine’s older population, a comprehensive assessment of housing affordability in Maine, the effectiveness of the Housing Choice Voucher Program in Maine communities, the economic impacts of developing affordable housing, and the governance structure of Maine State Housing Authority, and also convenes public forums on the affordable housing crisis.

MAHC is Maine’s lead agency for the New England Housing Network, a coalition of housing and community development organizations joined together to provide a regional response to changes in federal housing and community development programs, a member of Up For Growth, and the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s state coalition partner in Maine.

Contact us at:

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