
Honor Your Ancestors
Return to Belonging

We all come from ancestral lineages that have made us who we are in many ways. And it is this time of year when the veil is thinnest that we can tap into the remembrance of where we came from and the wisdom that is found there if we are taking the time to touch in, be curious and ask questions. We can come to understand ourselves so much better, and find deeper compassion for ourselves and others amidst the challenges that we face. It may not be easy, that said it can be simple if we allow it to be and can create the loving space needed for this inquiry and exploration. 

I've been preparing for the class starting this Friday myself and deepening in my own ancestral healing, which has looked like addressing the energies in my life and beliefs that just aren't helpful any longer. This time of year is also about clearing out in order to create the space we need to dream. A ritual that an elder of mine taught me that has been helpful is called the dead arrow ritual. To do it you can create a space honoring the 4 directions (as you see above and start facing in the East moving clockwise). Also call in your healthy healed and whole ancestors as well as honor the ancestors of the land and the spirits of the land. Then take some small pieces of paper and write all the beliefs, thoughts & limitations that are holding you back and have created harm in your life. Put them on the stick and ask for support from the directions and all your guidance to clear these old stories as you break the stick. Return to face the East and see how you feel. Do you feel lighter, clearer, more open? If not keep doing the ritual until you do. Be sure to also thank all the support that you called in with offerings. Here I have tobacco in the East, cedar in the South, sage in the West and rosemary and mugwort in the North. They are a mixture of local native herbs and herbs from my Slavic heritage. I also chose to have a fire afterwards to burn the stick and the stories as a means of transmuting this energy in my life even more fully. 

As you trust your own knowing and intuition more and more, this kind of practice will become easier although I often still feel resistance myself. This resistance is generally the fear of change and not knowing who I'll be if I let go of the way I've always known myself to be. And as I look back to see how I've changed as a result of these kinds of practices, I can see that I have become more comfortable being the person I always was. Now I feel a greater sense of belonging and am better able to share my truth. As a result, I can be here to help others like you to step more into yourself and share yourself from a place of greater belonging. 

I'm proud to be a Slavic green witch (see photo below) and to be welcoming my healthy ancestors while sending the unhealed ones back to the underworld (for now ;) 

If you want to learn more keep on reading and it's the last couple days to sign up for the Healing Together Through Our Grief Course . . .
Healing Together Through Our Grief
A 7 Week Course

Starting this Friday November 4th and
all Fridays until December 16th
In person at Yoga Roots Petoskey
Petoskey, MI

Thursday November 3rd is the last day to sign up

Learn more

Join in this 7 week course to get a taste of the process of healing through grief that can be nourishing and grounding, joyful and expressive, comforting and connective as well as a growth experience. We will be using our bodies, our breath, our knowing and our creative expression as our guides to awaken latent wisdom that can offer us greater resource and resilience amidst the challenges we face. Inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and somatic movement, this workshop will invite you to learn about and move through the directions and layers of grief in gentle and powerful ways. We are all united through our grief and it is in grieving that we are able to remember who we truly are and what we are here to be and do in service to all beings. 

There will be trauma-informed embodied (somatic) movement and meditation guidance in the form of tools and practices that can support your journey as well as an open space to share your experience in circle each week. We will be supported by the wisdom of the elements, the directions and archetypes as we honor our bodies, the land and the wisdom that we all carry within us as the living Earth. 

The tools offered here can help you to feel your power to make a loving change in your life and therefore in the lives of others.

Scholarships are available.

Learn more & register here
Healing Together Through Our Grief
A Ceremonial Gathering

Saturday, December 3rd 6pm -
Sunday, December 4th 12pm
at Gather Northport 
Northport, MI

Learn more

If you are not close to Petoskey and/or are wanting an experience to go deeper over a more concentrated period of time, there is the option to
join for an overnight grief ceremony experience at the beautiful Gather Northport retreat center to touch into healing our grief together.

The intention is to support you to move through layers of grief and to learn from it as we learn from each other in community. In the evening on Saturday, there will be teachings offered as well as a grief ceremony that will include a collective mindful movement practice to support your embodied healing. The morning on Sunday will include a gentle embodied movement and meditation practice as well as sharing together to cultivate community before we return home. There will be a nourishing dinner and breakfast served. There is the option to stay overnight or commute. 

Learn more & register here
Healing Circle & Sound Bath

1st & 3rd Wednesdays 

November 2nd and 16th
Yoga Roots Petoskey

Register here . . .

Healing comes in many forms. We are multidimensional beings. As we learn to get in touch with all parts of ourselves we understand that healing is possible on many levels; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. We also learn that we need community and support along the healing path.

Join Hilary Lake and Tiffany Lenau as they facilitate a circle where community members are invited to drop into their hearts and reclaim their voices.

Our intention is to create a safe space for people to gather and support themselves and one another to heal. Our circle will include (but is not limited to) meditation, mantra chanting, vocal exercises and sound bath. We will learn to harness the power of our voices so we may shift ourselves to healing vibration where we can find harmony.

Donation based with all proceeds going to Miigwech Inc. a local non-profit that supports the efforts of local indigenous Anishinaabe people and specifically survivors of  residential boarding schools.

Register Here . . . 

Thank you for taking the time to learn about local group
mindful embodiment practices that I'm offering.
If you are curious about one-one sessions or other offerings check out
my website to learn more.

May we remember to return to what's inside because that is where we are able to create lasting change that can then change the world one person at a time. 
Copyright © 2022 Hilary Lake Healing Arts, All rights reserved.