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Wednesday Update from GCN

Hi Church Family,
This past Sunday we looked at what it means for us, GCN, to love our neighborhood. The big takeaway: We don’t want to just go to church; we’re called to embody the Good News of Jesus to our neighbors! I love that we get to be all about that in all that we do, every day. The challenge from Sunday: pray for your own neighborhood. Maybe you want to start taking prayer walks right there on your street! I’d love to hear from you – have you had a chance to do that this week? What has that experience been like?
This coming Sunday is what we call Faith Promise Sunday. It’s a pretty big deal! It’s a Sunday when we especially focus on the huge work that God is doing, through the church, all across the globe. We’ll hear from Bob Prescott, a longtime servant in the church who has countless amazing stories of how he has seen God work in some amazing ways. Bottom line: you won’t want to miss this Sunday! As a part of that service together, you’ll also be invited to pledge an amount that you would like to give towards mission efforts by our church around the world. I truly can’t think of a more worthy cause in the whole world! You’ll receive a pledge card for those joining us in person on Sunday, and there will also be an online pledge option.
You’re also invited to be a part of lunch in the Life Center immediately following the worship service. We’re asking those who join for lunch to bring a favorite dish to share. It’ll be a true potluck! At that lunch, we’ll hear more from Bob Prescott about what God is doing in Cuba, in Ukraine, and in some other parts of the world. Plus, it’ll just be good to be together!
To connect the dots, we’re in the middle of a series called Loving Our Neighborhood, and Faith Promise Sunday is an invitation for us to bless people in other neighborhoods around the world. As we do this, we’re helping other followers of Jesus to tangibly love their own neighborhoods right where they’ve been placed. What a gift!
You are loved, friends.
Pastor Brian
Wednesday Encouragement 11/2/22
What is Faith Promise?
Please join us in prayer every Wednesday at 7:30pm on Zoom. The object of these Wednesday night Zoom gatherings will be to encourage one another, worship God, and take time to pray together. We should be all wrapped up by 8:00 pm. Zoom Meeting: 956-2321-2102. Join zoom meeting: Password: welcome.
We're looking forward to our worship service at 10:30am. We hope you will join us in-person, but if you can't make it, you can still watch us online on Facebook & YouTube.

Servicio en Español 6 de Noviembre:
This Sunday, November 6th, Bob Prescott will be with us, bringing the word, and sharing updates about the ministry in Cuba, Honduras, and the Ukraine. After the morning service, join us for an international potluck lunch. You are invited to bring your favorite dish! At the lunch, Bob will share even more exciting things God is doing through the church around the world, and ways we can be part of this. We hope you’ll join us. Here's a video that describes a little more about what Faith Promise is all about:
Crisis Care Kit donations or completed kits are due back this Sunday. You can donate through CCB ( or Txt2Give (text "give" to 833-505-8444) and designate your gift "Crisis Care Kits". We will also be accepting donations on Sunday morning through the offering plates. Please mark your gift "Crisis Care Kits".
You are invited to take a few hours to yourself and let us love on your kids! We will be hosting a PDO on Saturday November 19 from 12-4pm in the GCN Life Center. This event is open for all kids ages 3 (must be toiled trained)-5th grade. Share this information with someone you know! We will have lots of fun activities, games and snacks. Please have your child eat lunch before arriving. This is a FREE gift to you but if you would like to make a donation at the event, it will go to students attending NYC '23 next summer. Registration for this event is required. Please register online at by Friday, November 11.
GCN will be hosting the General Elections on Tuesday, November 8th. We are in need of cookie donations! If you’d like to donate cookies for voters and elections personnel, please see Barb Burr at the kiosk in the foyer after the service on Sunday or email her at Thank you!
GCN will be having a silent dessert auction during the all-church Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, November 20th. All proceeds will help teens attend next summer's Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC). These desserts would be perfect for your holiday meal or to share with a neighbor or shut-in. Cash and check is the preferred payment, but Txt2Give is also an option.
Teens are raising money to attend next summer's Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC). Please consider "hiring" a teen for jobs including raking leaves, hauling furniture, household chores, etc.  Proceeds will go toward their NYC expenses. If you are interested, please contact Jenny Schafer at
We could use more volunteers in the following areas: Kids Ministry, Parishioner Care Team, Media Tech Team, Food Distributions at GCN and South Lake Elementary School, and Nursing Home Team. Please consider helping in one or more of these ministries at Contact the office for questions.
GCN's Parishioner Care Team serves those who could use a hand, especially during a big life event. We deliver meals (home cooked or takeout), cards, give rides to appointments, or help with moving/gardening/cleaning.  Do you or someone you know have a need? Please share it here:
How can our Pastors and Prayer Team be praying for you? Please click here to submit a prayer request or praise report. You can submit anonymously and/or mark for Pastors only, if needed.
For all 6th-12th graders from 5:30-7:30pm in the Life Center. Come out for food, fun, and friends. This Sunday: Leaders' Storytelling Night. Food: Deli-style sandwiches. Suggested donation for food: $3/student or $5/sibling group.
Here's the schedule for Sunday Kids Ministry:
  • KIDS QUIZZING: All 2nd-5th grade children will  be in Room B2 at 9am.
  • KIDS ON THE MOVE: All K-5th grade children are invited to the Life Center during the 10:30 Worship Service.
  • PRESCHOOL: All preschool children are invited to room 110/111 during the 10:30 Worship Service. 
  • NURSERY: Nursery children are invited to stay in room 109 during the 10:30 Worship Service.
The office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 

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