CIM Bulletin July 2022
CIM Bulletin
October 2022
International Congress
"The gender approach in the administration of justice"


On October 3, the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), Alejandra Mora Mora, participated in the International Congress on the Gender Approach in the Administration of Justice, organized by the Judicial Branch of Peru. She discussed gender as a political and transformative category, fundamental for the identification of discrimination and violence. She also emphasized the importance of the principle of equality, taking into account differences and compensation mechanisms,  and she reviewed the progress of women's rights through affirmative actions and distributive justice. Finally, she called for the empowerment of women's leadership in decision-making positions.
Access the recording of the Congress here (Available only in Spanish).
The CIM and the women of the region present
at the 52nd OAS General Assembly

Within the framework of the 52nd OAS General Assembly, the CIM co-organized and participated in different spaces for dialogue to position and address different aspects of the regional gender agenda.
On October 4th, together with the Government of Canada, it held an exchange between international and civil society organizations with the aim of rescuing the progressiveness of women's human rights in the region, through a collective and articulated construction based on multilateralism.
On October 5th the High-Level Dialogue with Women Foreign Ministers of the Americas was held jointly with the Government of Peru, to discuss the importance of women's leadership in international politics and the progress and challenges of designing and implementing a foreign policy with a gender perspective.
The Executive Secretary of the CIM, Alejandra Mora Mora, participated in the Dialogue "Consolidating the full political participation of women: building consensus" in the Congress of Peru, organized by ParlAmericas, where she explained the work of the CIM to advance parity democracy through three axes: real access to power, equal conditions in the exercise of power and inclusion of the gender agenda. She also attended the CEJIL and Gqual event, where she reflected on the role of international organizations in promoting gender parity in international justice and the importance of the approval of the parity plan at the OAS.
During the 4th Plenary Session, the President of the CIM, Minister María Inés Castillo, delivered a remarkable speech and stressed the need to strengthen the commitment of States and increase their investment in women's rights.
To listen to her speech click here.
CIM finalizes the executive training on Mainstreaming+
On October 13th, the CIM launched the new Gender Mainstreaming strategy and completed the training cycle on "Executive Training in Gender Mainstreaming + for Equality: Building bridges between the national and local levels," whose main objective was to enhance the work of gender mainstreaming, which is carried out by the National Women's Machineries and local governments; as well as to generate partnerships to promote the construction of an architecture of equality in public institutions.
See you in the second edition of the workshop!

6th Ibero-American Summit of Local Gender Agendas

The 6th Ibero-American Summit of Local Gender Agendas was held from October 18th to 21st, convened by the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists, jointly with the City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet and co-organized by UN Women, the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the CIM/OAS.
Within this framework, various activities were carried out with the objective of exchanging progress and obstacles regarding the achievement of effective equality between women and men at the local level.
The CIM led several events, including the Ibero-American Women's Political Dialogue, which addressed the opportunities and challenges faced by local governments in moving towards territorial intervention with a gender perspective, and the moderation of the Keynote Lecture on care in terms of local governance, given by Alejandra Mora Mora, who discussed the CIM's Inter-American Law on Care in depth and held a dialogue with Sara Moreno Colom, PhD in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).


MESECVI event in Honduras brings together State authorities,
civil society and academia to address strategies to combat femicide

The event "Strategies to prevent feminicidal violence against women and girls: gaps, challenges and necessary transformations," organized by the Follow-up Mechanism of the Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI), was held on October 25th in Tegucigalpa.
The meeting was an opportunity to establish a participatory dialogue on strategies for a comprehensive approach to femicide/feminicide, beyond the punitive approach of criminal laws, emphasizing the need for public policies aimed at strengthening actions for prevention, protection, care, investigation, punishment and comprehensive reparation of gender-based violence against women.

Other Highlights of October2022
CIM Recommendations
"Pathways to Peace and Security forged by Women: An Agenda for the Americas".
The new CIM document proposes a reconceptualization of "security" founded on feminism, human rights, and women's experiences and resilience, as the fundamental basis for peace building.
You can download the new document in English and Spanish

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COVID-19 in Women's Lives: Global Emergence of Care. (English)
Violence against Women in the Face of Measures to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 (English)
COVID-19 in Women's Lives: Reasons for Recognizing Differential Impacts (English)
Inter-American Model Law on Care (English)
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