Advent candles represent the gifts that Jesus brings. For every candle we light this year, let's add a missional practice to share that gift with our neighbors.
Very soon we will set up Advent wreaths on our dining room tables and in front of our worship spaces. On the wreath, four candles represent four gifts that Jesus brings to the church through his incarnation. He came down that we might have love/joy/peace/hope, Hallelujah, forevermore!
These gifts are not just for the church. The church, as God’s chosen people, is sent out with a purpose: to share these gifts with the world. We are blessed so that we can share these blessings with others. So this year, in addition to lighting a candle and reciting a liturgy, I encourage you to add a missional practice to your Advent week that corresponds to the gift Jesus brings. These ideas could be done individually in your own neighborhood or as a congregation in the neighborhood around your church building.
Light one candle for love…
- Who in your neighborhood especially needs to know they are loved? During this week of Advent, bring them a poinsettia along with a note that says you’re glad to have them as a neighbor.
- Many missionaries spend the holidays far away from friends and family. Write an email to a missionary your congregation supports to let them know you’re thinking about them.