Every year we seek your ideas to shape our plan for the year ahead, and this year we joined in the fun at the first Pantry Village Market for the season to hear the communities views. It was a stunner of a day and we had some great feedback from the people who came along.
For those who want to share their ideas but missed the market, we have our annual survey which you can complete here by clicking the button below or pop in to The Pod or Pantry to complete a paper version.
Click here to complete the South Alive Annual Survey
There has been lots more happening here this month too!
Nick Kiddey from the South Coast Environment Centre has been delivering workshops in our community garden on bucket gardening and seed saving.

We have also had resilience workshops with Nurturing Relationships and John Parsons. 

Civil Defence have held a few community meetings to learn about the hazards we face here in South Invercargill and how we could set up a hub here at South Alive in an emergency. We would love to know – where would you go for help or information in an emergency? Send us an email
Email South Alive
School holidays saw lots of kids coming down to play with lego, try out some snowflake yoga, have fun with our local emergency services and of course try out the new basketball hoop with some 3 x 3 basketball.
We also had delivered to our community park an awesome Play Trail container from Active Southland just in time for the holidays. We are lucky enough to have it until May next year, so we will be opening it up on fine weekends, during events and of course every day during the summer school holidays. 
Check out the Play Trail container being delivered
With the weather warming (or supposed to be) we also managed to get out on a few bus trips. Our Tuesday Friendship group headed to Gore and the Hokonui Pioneer Village.

It was a great day out, seeing the local heritage, and even having a go making some butter. Our volunteers are going to Bluff to see some local art projects and gardens and catch up with the good people at Bluff 2024.

Things aren’t slowing down for November either ⬇

World Kindness Day is back again with the free household goods giveaway, music, entertainment, free soup, craft swap, crop swap, and a shoe giveaway with The Shoe Booth. Come along to The Pod between 10am and 1pm to join in and spread the kindness! We will also be celebrating Play week from 5 – 12 November with chalk packs available to pick up from The Pantry and a chance to do some chalk art here as part of World Kindness Day on 12 November.
Also coming up on Friday 2 December is the annual South City Street Party. We cannot wait to bring this event back and look forward to seeing you all there.
The coming weeks are racing us towards Christmas, and we know it will be such a busy time for everyone. The rush to get things done can feel relentless. We certainly encourage you to take the time to head down and see us, you’ll be able to enjoy shopping for your Pantry staples and much more in a stress-free environment. It’s important to get away from the hustle and bustle where you can.

We are excited to host Joe & Steve from More FM this month to participate in our Homebrew Workshop. Joe and Steve have each brewed a cider flavour and the competition for the best tasting brew will be decided on the evening – Who will take it out? Joe with Mixed Berry or Steve and his Elderflower and Lime?

We love it when one of our volunteers makes the move into paid employment, and we couldn't be happier for Ben, who has been with us for over a year and made the jump to part-time work recently. You can read a bit more about it below. It is a proud Pantry moment.


Ben loves a chat! When he started with us at the Pantry it was great to see him relate to our staff, other volunteers and of course our customers. Ben could have chatted all day. When he learnt he would need to get stuck into some hard work it took him a while to get used to but he got there in the end and now he comes to work and does his jobs.

From this learning experience volunteering with The Pantry he has developed the skills which has given him the opportunity to get into paid work which is a great result. You may spy Ben working hard at a busy parking lot close by. Keep up the good work Ben!

There’s always a smile and a chat to be had down at The Pantry – see you soon.


Sweet to the body and planet! Fair trade & organic sugar gives our Organic Pump Soaps a rich caramel color and sweet scent. The sugar combines with organic white grape juice to keep your skin nourished, hydrated and smooth. Organic coconut-olive-hemp oils blend for a creamy castile lather & our soap making tradition.

We have the Lemongrass & Lime, Unscented and Lavender in stock $29.90 
Planting season is here and it can feel a bit overwhelming when you see what a wonderful array of vegetables some people grow and the price to buy them at the supermarket, so here are a few tips:
  • Start with small steps, talk to a neighbour, ask questions & learn what they know about gardening.
  • Visit the South Alive Community Garden & Fruit & Nut Orchards, and enquire at South Alive to connect with the volunteer teams that run them.
  • Check out the Plant Trolley at South Alive where surplus seedlings are for sale for a koha/donation.
  • Try Bucket Gardening - 10l bucket (with holes in bottom) + compost + seedling = Gardening (Tend & watch plant grow).
  • You still have time to plant peas and beans.
Copyright © 2021 The Pantry & South Alive, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7055, Invercargill 9844

Phone: The Pantry 03 214 5200
Monday-Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat-Sun 9.00am - 4.00pm

Phone: South Alive 03 218 6882
Room hire available - Monday-Sunday 7am-10pm
Office hours - 10am-2pm

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