From the field...
Kia ora <<First Name>>,
Welcome to the Quorum Sense Newsletter for October 2022. Spring has been a tough one for most, certainly feels like it has sprung now though...
That spring energy is being felt in the team too with lots of new activity!
Canterbury Arable Group, Microscope Workshop
Thursday 17 November 2022 11.30am-4.00pm
Biological Husbandry Unit (BHU), Lincoln University $200/farmer – includes light lunch, microscopes for workshop use, training by Phil Gray of Soil Food Web, Manual to take home.
A practical soil food web workshop to supply the participants with the skills to conduct qualitative assessments on their compost teas or compost inoculum.
Training on how to use your small microscope and recognition of the following groups of organisms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. Attendees are supplied with a manual describing in detail the workings of their microscope, colour prints of microbes and qualitative assessment template/sheets. BYO compost
To register contact Nigel Greenwood: or 027 2277 687
Podcast #21 - Embracing a bit of chaos with Richard Leask and Nick Paulin
Australian wine grower Richard Leaske joins Nick Paulin, national viticulturist for Aotearoa New Zealand Fine Wine Estates. They discuss the shift in customer attention from product to process and the importance of transparent story-telling. Listen to the episode here

Podcast #22 - Food and health independence with Marran (Maz) Tuckwell
Young farmer Marran (Maz) Tuckwell shares his passion for food independence, natural health and their connection to farming. He talks about closing the loops in our farming systems, frugality as a core value and land area not being the limitation when growing your own food.
Also touched on is the importance of boots on the ground connecting people with nature, and the benefits of community sharing. Brought up in a household dedicated to alternative health practices, Maz has always been doing things as naturally as possible. And is used to going against the grain! Listen to the latest podcast here

Taranaki Regenerative Agriculture Discussion
Wed 16th Nov 2022, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Welcome to the first in a new series of Regenerative Farming Discussion Groups. This November, come learn from local farmers what's working for them, lessons learnt and how they have implemented changes.
Whether you're new to the concept of Regenerative Farming, curious to learn more or are already well on the journey, this will be a great day!
$25 per person - Includes a delicious & nutritious light lunch (featuring local, organically grown ingredients) and refreshments.
This event is brought to you by Taranaki Regenerative Agriculture with support from Quorum Sense. To register go here

Kaipara Regenerative Farming Group - Regenerative Agriculture Introduction Field Day
Tuesday 6 December 10.00am-2.00pm
This field day is on a Kaukapakapa property which has been implementing regenerative farming practises over recent years. The owners previously owned and operated a dairy farm up north, farming in the traditional way. They have been planting cover crops and multiple species grass mixes, and are using Humates, Vermicast, EM, Fish Fertiliser and Dung Beetles.
This is your chance to find out what they have been doing and to see and discuss some of the results, both successes and problems they have learnt from. This is also an opportunity to contribute to the formation of a new group for Kaipara farmers.
Registration to join: click on the link here
AUT Soil Research Project Opportunity
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) are seeking pastoral farmers willing to participate in a research project led by researchers at AUT which aims to understand how soil microbial communities and soil ecosystem health are impacted by, and reflect, various land management practices. We are interested in incorporating a wide range of farming practices, ranging from conventional to sustainable, regenerative and/or organic.
Study involvement would consist of allowing the researchers to collect soil samples from your farm and completing a short questionnaire on the land management practices in use. Every participating farmer will receive a personalised report outlining the results obtained for the samples collected at their site. This will include information on the bacterial and fungal communities present in your soils, the functions those communities are carrying out, and how this compares to other sites around the country
If you are a pastoral farmer (dairy and/or sheep/beef) and interested in finding out more, please contact Dr. Syrie Hermans:
Hawkes Bay Regenerative Agriculture Group
Wednesday 23 November 10am – 3.30pm
Keep your diary open for a next level grazing management field day in collaboration with Hawkes Bay Regenerative Agriculture Group. See our events page for more details soon - here
Ngā mihi,
The Quorum Sense Extension Team