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Hi all! Hope you’re having a great start of the week. This newsletter is going back to the old format in which I share some of the most useful resources about architecture and software design that I’ve found lately. I came across some gems and I want to make sure that you learn about them.

A talk worth watching

Hibernate should be to programmers what cake mixes are to bakers - This is a talk from 11 years ago that is as relevant as ever. I won’t lie - I laughed a lot as Christin Gorman went on about the problems of creating convoluted abstractions and how not understanding what happens underneath makes things more complex instead of simplifying them.

A book worth reading

Advanced Web Application Architecture - I read this book earlier this year, and I was pleasantly surprised by its practical approach to architecture. It focuses on the fundamental principle of decoupling business from infrastructure logic and shows how this can be done in various real-life scenarios. The examples are written in PHP but apply in any modern language.

A blog worth following

Practical React Query by TkDodo - React-Query is one of my favorite libraries in terms of software design and usability. It manages to hide a lot of complexity behind a simple but powerful abstraction. This article series was written by one of the library's maintainers and covers practical cases where you can use it.

My latest write-up

A half-hour to learn JavaScript - Eight years ago, I bombed a JavaScript developer interview so hard that I considered other career options. After that, I devoured any book on JS fundamentals I could get my hands on. I made a bunch of notes that I still go over before interviews, and I decided to share them with you too.

A tool worth exploring

Next.js 13 was released - The Vercel team released the latest version of their framework. It has a mountain of improvements and changes, utilizing the latest React functionality like server components. It's definitely a paradigm shift from what we're used to so far, but I'd recommend you give it a spin since it seems front-end development will no longer be confined to the UI.

A quote worth pondering

"Programming is not a zero-sum game. Teaching something to a fellow programmer doesn't take it away from you. I'm happy to share what I can, because I'm in it for the love of programming." – John Carmack

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