
When we try to practise awareness of our breathing in mindfulness we sometimes make it into hard work, concentrating fiercely. Instead, try to relax into awareness of your breathing for a few minutes. When you notice your mind has wandered off, relax into awareness again.

Try: When today could you spend a little time practising ‘mindfulness without effort’?
7pm Thursday 8th December. Learn how to cultivate a pro-happiness approach in your daily life at this one-hour event. Pay by donation. People who book will have access to a video of the event which won't identify any participants. Learn more (Eventbrite - admin fees are paid by me).

Main online courses: True Friend self compassion | Easy Mindfulness | Handling climate Anxiety 
Yesterday's Daily Bell
Much of the time you lose today going through scenarios in your head (memories and predictions for instance) might be better spent doing something useful or having fun in the moment.

Try: Some of the things you are taking seriously are serious - but others, probably, are not: which is which?
Easy Mindfulness Online Course
15-lesson course on all aspects of mindfulness - Pay by donation: set your own price. Enhance your life-experience and lower stress with this, my longest-running online course. More about this course

Main online courses: True Friend self compassion | Easy Mindfulness | 
Handling climate Anxiety 
TRUE FRIEND, 15-lesson online course on self compassion - pay by donation: set your own price. Sometimes the loudest voice in the mind is the harsh self-critic but you can turn down the volume with self compassion. Student comments include ' ... a life saver ...' ' ... has helped me enormously ...' ' ... super easy to use and follow.'   More about this course

Main online courses: True Friend self compassion | Easy Mindfulness |
Handling climate Anxiety
New book on the way: Acceptance - Create Change and Move Forward
I am very pleased to say that my new book, Acceptance - create change and move forward, will be published next March by Yellow Kite Books. As the title suggests, acceptance clears a space for movement either regarding what we've accepted or by giving us space for other activities. Chapter headings include: Accepting Uncertainty; Accepting Our Bodies, Sexuality and Gender; Acceptance and relationships, during and after;Acceptance In Conflict; The Acceptance Dynamic.

 You can pre-order at this link.
How I use the Daily Bell
"The daily bell sets me up for the day.   I read it on waking and it helps me to start my day in a positive, kind, compassionate way.   I remind myself all the time about what I read. It is a great help in self regulation." KL


Mindfulness audios

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