CHAOTOPIA Newsletter 
December  2022
Welcome to the last Chaotopia of 2022, and Yule Blessings be upon you all, as we get ready to greet the Unconquered Sun! 

And thank you, all those who open and read this newsletter, I hope it provides something worthwhile for you. Feel free to reply by email if you have something to say about the content.  
I don't usually get involved with the politics of social media, or even write about politics at all in this newsletter, but it'd be hard not to notice the disastrous takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk. I used to like Twitter - sure, it has always had a well-earned reputation as the platform for getting into rows, which is hardly surprising considering the loss of nuance a 280-character limit offers. On the other hand, that limit can be used to discipline yourself to create something approaching a haiku in its gnomic brevity. I'm not claiming that level of skill but some people manage it.
And you don't have to get into rows - if someone is rude or persistently stupid just block them and move on. Another upside for me is that there is practically no advertising, just a burst of sponsored posts every week or so. Block them and they go away. This is in stark contrast to my experience with Instagram, where my feed, just before I uninstalled the app, was about 65% sponsored, making it utterly tedious to use. 

For me, Twitter has been a source of news links. I never watch TV news or read the newspapers (because it is all about learned helplessness, which is one of the worst things possible for your mental health), so I get my news by following up specific stories from links provided by people I follow, concerning which I might be able to commit to some action and therefore not get poisoned by helplessness. Twitter is of course also useful for promoting my writings, courses and this newsletter. So I'm disappointed that it's being destroyed by one man's narcissism.  
Musk's thin-skinned banning of a number of his critics has earned him the name Space Karen, but it's worse than that. It's quite breathtaking how cut off from the real world the hyper-rich are. Remember R A Wilson's unpacking of the SNAFU Principle? The higher up in any organization someone gets, the less they know, because no-one dare give them information they don't want to hear. So imagine what it's like if you're the richest man in the world - nothing can touch you. Musk grew up mega-rich, has never taken a single step outside his diamond-hard bubble of privilege. And this is the result: he takes over a social media platform notorious for its argumentative nature and rejoices in turning it into a verbal bloodbath. He lives in some fantasy land where this is called 'free speech absolutism'.

What does that even mean? That anyone can say anything in any context whatsoever? In face to face communication there are natural safeguards: if I'm being a dick then I run a risk of getting physically slapped. On social media those checks and balances aren’t in place, so instead we have moderation, someone overviewing the entire scene and making decisions about which posts are inappropriate. If this is done by community, it defines the community, and may be effective. If it’s done by corporate employees, it will depend on the culture of that company. 

If you remove it altogether, you open the platform up to the who shout the loudest. Some of whom are hate-filled scumbags. And then you get results like this:

The link at the top is to a rather good article by Crimethinc, banned of course from Twitter, on Space Karen's motives and how anarchists can organize without social media. I develop these ideas a bit in a blog post, 

I don't know precisely when I'll leave Twitter, but I've started interacting on Mastodon, so my bolthole is: 

All my main links including signups and archive of this newsletter:



Meditation for Magicians

In 2022 I ran a series of six Zoom meetings over three months, for magicians who wanted to develop their meditation practice. Recently I wrote an article which makes use of the notes from those sessions, and it's now up on Joe's great site, via the link below. 

It's also available in Spanish, on the excellent Frater Hagbard Celine's blog, here: 

As mentioned in the article, I'll be running another similar series in the new year. Write to me by reply to this newsletter, or via, if you're interested in joining in. 

While we're on, check out Mr V's article on the new Satanic Panic. Some of my older readers may remember the victimisation by Christian social workers and slavering yellow-press newshounds of people proven entirely innocent, back in the 1980s, of 'Satanic' paedophilia accusations. This article looks at the current scene, and features some of the demented creeps who have recently been trying to do something similar, and similarly being shown to be full of crap.

I wrote a brief review of Dave Strychnine's beautiful Sleipnir Rune Cards, check it out on Facebook:

For more rune-y stuff, check out the Rune-Gild Europe's lovely new(ish) website. Here's a piece by me on Waterfall Galdor.

Here I am being interviewed by Stephen Rae of The Saroth Mage Experiment

Topics include: Early days of the chaos current, the West Yorkshire scene, recovering from Scientism, the Tegtmeier 5-Paradigms model, the 'psychic censor' as introjected culture, my one Goetia miracle, psychedelics as the alchemical solvent of the Scientism world, the surge in magickal thinking, both actual magick and idiotic 'conspiracy' thinking, Lionel Snell's cultural cycle model, the need for a discourse community, magick as a minority thing, Connected Breathwork and energy magic, Runes and the poisoning of the Well's pure water, why I joined the Rune-Gild, Woden as the Master of the runer's Head, and a plug for my forthcoming book, Primordial Chaos

I've been too busy to schedule any live workshops for the winter months, but my Chaotopia School of Magic has more lifetime-access video-based courses than ever before. 

Watch this space for the forthcoming Part 2 of Energy Magic, which will consist of explorations of internal sensed energy practices and energy alchemy. 



John Higgs, the Discordian author who actually sells books, came to Sheffield to talk about his new book, Love and Let Die

I know, I didn't think it would work at first, but his talk showed how rich this symbolic connection is. I've yet to read the book, which I'll do over the Yuletide. 

Victor Neuburg is famous for two things that aren't about him - his relationship with Aleister Crowley, which along with other exploits resulted in the famous evocation of Choronzon in the Algerian desert, and his 'discovery' of Dylan Thomas when he was editor of a poetry magazine. Sharron Kraus and Justin Hopper have made a beautiful thing from his poems, from the book Swift Wings, also the name of their album. This is extraordinary music, made me feel embraced by a rural fantasy but at the same time, imersively eerie. Highly recommended!

A couple of bits for Alan Moore fans: An interview, Fantasy must be sharper...

'...retreats to infantilism are generally precursors to fascism; that desire for a simple solution to really complex problems. The desire to be told that this has all been done by the illuminati, the international banking Jewish banking conspiracy, the underground Democrat paedophile demons drinking children’s adrenochrome underneath the Comet Ping Pong Pizza restaurant in Washington DC. These are all comic book solutions to comic book problems.'  

And here, with Iain Sinclair:

“Everything that we are is reflected in place and we reflect everything that is in the locations that are around us”

Work up to enjoying your funeral with the MuMu:



The excellent Erik Davis alerts us to this: 'Fascinating, philosophically nuanced exploration of free will, responsibility, and dopamine agonists that transform personality and behavior. PKD, Wittgenstein, and Strawson all make appearances.' 

Why is psilocybin such a remarkable medicine? Here's an article that looks a bit deeper than most into what depression is

A medicine I never looked into until very recently is amanita muscaria. Here are two videos that show different aspects of this magical fungus. First, a reindeer herder from the Pegtymel valley in Siberia gives a very interesting interview. 

And then a modern Western person who loves it and has experimented widely with methods of preparation. Don't be put off by the name Amanita Dreamer, she is not a New Age flake but someone with obvious scientific chops as well as a deep respect for the spirit of this medicine.  



Mark Pilkington writes about the musical adventures of AOS. No, I didn't know either. 



Great to see Gong and Ozric Tentacles in Sheffield's O2 Academy, which was the first time I’ve been in that building since it changed its name from Top Rank, and that dates it, and me. They are the cream of Anglo-French psychedelia, European jazz mashed up into British rock.

Gong have had a few changes of personnel since I first saw them at Glastonbury Free Festival in 1972, but they can still create the raging ecstasy of 'Master Builder', otherwise known as the 'IAO chant'. They are a psychedelic sound for the British climate, the chilly shiver of the sax like rainwater trickling down your back to meet the Kundalini serpent of the lead guitar boiling up your spine. That IAO chant is the musical DNA they passed on to Ozrics. Hail the ecstatic!

The above is all you need to know. Watch it, watch two artist show how to pay off people's debts and thereby stick two fingers up to the debt economy. 

Brian Eno's latest (free) delight:


And I leave you this Yule with this reconstruction of the face of a dog. She, or one of her relatives, came to me in a dream, after I had seen this picture, and I learned her name. The 5000-year-old skull is from a chambered cairn on Orkney, so this was a very special dog. 



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