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I hope all is well. Welcome to the new members of the Your Smart Future Tribe who have joined us to stay ahead of the game!

To build fulfilling careers and lives in this fast-paced world, we must consistently up our game when it comes to our decision-making process.

This month, we will explore 11 myths about decision-making and the positive impact of an inclusive decision-making process.

Please feel free to reply and share your stance about your own decision-making process.

Enjoy and remember to share this newsletter with friends and colleagues😊
11 Myths About Decision-Making

From “I like to be efficient” to “I trust my gut” to “I can make a rational decision,” there are a number of deeply ingrained — and counterproductive — myths we tell ourselves about how we make decisions. Underlying these myths are three common and popular ideas that don’t serve us well: First, as busy people, we don’t need to invest time to make good decisions. Second, we are rational human beings, able to thoughtfully solve thorny and high-stakes problems in our heads. Third, decision-making is personal and doesn’t need to involve anyone else.
New Research: Diversity + Inclusion = Better Decision-Making At Work

Companies can capitalize on their existing diversity by including more diverse employees in business decisions. Inclusive teams make better business decisions up to 87 percent of the time.
Self-Coaching Oasis: Good thinking
“Gold mines tap out. Stock market crash, Real estate investments can go sour. But a human mind with the ability to think well is like a diamond mine that never runs out. It is priceless.”
- John Maxwell.

To further the reflection on decision-making, please take some time to reflect on those 3 questions:
  • Name some of your favorite thinkers from history. What makes you admire them?
  • Who is the best thinker in your field?
  • What could you achieve by improving your thinking process?
PODCAST Glass Breakers Café with Cindy Montgenie
Glass Breakers Café is a space where impactful leaders share their insights into the future, inclusive leadership, and career development to inspire you and empower you to go after your unlimited and smart future by breaking free from firefighting, limiting beliefs, and society’s invisible walls.

Since our last newsletter, we had the privilege of interviewing:

Glass Breakers Cafe with Cindy Montgenie
  • AJ Yawn: CEO & Founder of ByteChek
Smart Fact of The Day
Mayflies live a day, and humans live a century if we're lucky, but what is the oldest living organism on the planet? Trees. The oldest living more than 5000 years.
Thanks for spending your coffee break with me  😊

Feel free to share with me your thoughts, concerns, and questions about the future of work, your leadership journey, and your career acceleration.
You will get a real reply (I am not a bot!).

‘See you soon, till then – remember to shape your future today!.
Keep winning & Stay connected!


P.S. By the way... 

1. Remember that whenever you are ready, I can help you:

a. Rock your next women's, leadership, or business conference with one of my inspirational and actionable keynotes

b. Bring a practical, cutting-edge, and customized leadership training program to supercharge your leaders so they feel energized and empowered to thrive and stay ahead of their game

c. Fast-track your success by designing an effective executive or business coaching solution for you or your team.

2. Share more bite-size insights with others!

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