
A Holiday Message from Dr. Diana

Happy Holidays to All!
In these ever changing and challenging times, the Board and Staff of LAP would like to wish you a festive and restful holiday season. While many of us have a vision of the holidays as a happy time, this is not true for many people who experience them as highly stressful. 
For many, the holidays bring a sense of happiness, opportunities to engage with family members and take time off to replenish and reflect on the year. For others, the holidays bring a sense of dread, loneliness, and personal and familial challenges that are more difficult to navigate. We must remember that the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, while festive, is filled with increased social interactions that may pose difficulties for many.
Here are a few tips to help you navigate these challenging times and start the New Year feeling more hopeful and optimistic: 
  1. The number one priority is daily self-care that allows you time to look forward to one thing a day, reduces stress levels, and gives you a chance to recharge your batteries. Find something that brings you joy and relaxation, whether it is taking a walk, taking a bath, reading a book, listening to your favorite music, or engaging in meditation or a mindfulness practice.  
  2. Learn to say “no” to doing things that don’t bring you joy and happiness and recognize that you have limited energy to accomplish a finite number of things. Honor that threshold, and don’t put more on your plate than you can handle, even if others place pressure on you to take part in additional activities. Saying “no” affords you a level of personal control, freedom, and choice, and overrides the people pleasing tendencies that rob you of joy and pleasure.
  3. Don’t set idealistic expectations about how you want things to go this holiday season. This may only leave you disappointed and depressed. Instead, recognize that realistic expectations allow you to find joy in perfect and imperfect moments throughout the holiday season. Sometimes, imperfect moments can bring you the greatest laughter and joy. They underscore the fact that imperfection is a normal part of life. Holding unrealistic expectations for daily life robs us of joy and happiness. 
  4. Try to stay focused on what really matters instead of viewing the holidays through a lens based on social media, holiday advertising, and gift giving. Be honest about what you can afford, and what you can physically and emotionally handle. Determine ways to demonstrate your care for people without financially or mentally depleting your resources. View the holidays as an opportunity for reflection, social interaction, and volunteering when family is not a healthy option.
  5. Remember to do things in moderation and to stick as close to your normal routine as you possibly can related to food, exercise, and sleep. This will create the healthiest long-term outcome in the New Year. Limit your alcohol use as well, as this can become more problematic during the holiday season. 
  6. Seek help if you are unable to navigate these challenging times. There is no shame in saying that you may need additional support. It is a sign of courage and bravery to know your limits and tell a professional you require assistance. Remember, LAP is an email or phone call away, and we strive to help those in the legal profession achieve optimum health and wellness.
With much support and gratitude,
Dr. Diana

Congratulations to the 2022-2023 LAP Executive Board

Pictured below from left to right: Judge Stanley Hill, President; J. Nelson Wood, Vice President; Kristine Tuttle, Treasurer; and Judge Susan Clancy Boles, Secretary

Fall Fundraiser a Huge Success

LAP Board members and staff were thrilled to welcome everyone to their annual fundraiser "Have A Roaring Good Time" held at the Brookfield Zoo. This event is LAP's main fundraiser to raise funds for the many high quality mental health and substance use programs and services for members of the legal community across the state. This year, guests had the opportunity to ride the Zoo trams, listen to a lovely string trio, meet exotic animals, and interact with other statewide Judges, Lawyers, and Law Students.

After visiting with the animals, guests participated in a raffle, bid on silent auction items, and enjoyed a scrumptious dinner. During dinner, attendees had the opportunity to listen to Dan Webb, Co-Executive Chairman of Winston & Strawn and former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, this year's distinguished speaker. Mr. Webb spoke about the increasing need for LAP's programs and services statewide and motivating support throughout the state to meet that need. 

LAP then had the great honor of awarding the Carl H. Rolewick Award. Bestowed annually, the award recognizes an Illinois Lawyer who has contributed to the goals and mission of LAP. This award is named for Carl H. Rolewick, the first administrator of the ARDC. An early supporter of LAP, Mr. Rolewick was instrumental in securing intervenor privilege under the Supreme Court rules. This year, LAP awarded this honor to Conrad C. Nowak, Partner at Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLC, and Maggie Huisinga, Assistant State's Attorney for Champaign County. Both of these fine Lawyers have been great contributors to LAP and we are grateful for their unwavering support. 

In all, the fundraiser proved to be a "Roaring Good Time" indeed. LAP is pleased at the participation and generosity of all of our supporters. Your commitment enables us to serve the legal community every day, bringing hope, strength, and encouragement to those who need it. We are grateful to have so many thoughtful and dedicated board members and other LAP advocates supporting our efforts to bring information, education, assessment, and clinical services to Judges, Lawyers, and Law Students. All monies raised go to support needed LAP services.

LAP Board and Staff Enjoy Fundraiser at the Zoo

Pictured from left to right: Joe Scally: LAP Clinical Director; J. Nelson Wood, LAP Board Vice President; Dr. Diana Uchiyama, LAP Executive Director; James Faught, Board Member; Edward McCarthy, Board Member; Justice Mary Kay O'Brien, Board Member; Michael McElvain, Board Member; and Tony Pacione, LAP Deputy Director.

Justice Warren D. Wolfson Honored with Emeritus Status

LAP's Board has honored Justice Warren D. Wolfson with Emeritus Status. Wolfson, a founding member of LAP, is an esteemed legal scholar devoted to the health and wellness of Judges, Lawyers, and Law Students. Justice Wolfson officially retired from LAP's Board of Directors after almost 40 years of service. He was awarded Emeritus Status and will officially be recognized for his great contributions to LAP. Wolfson dedicated his life to ensuring the integrity of the law and it's practitioners. He always recognized the need for confidential services for mental health and substance use for members of the legal profession. LAP is deeply grateful for Justice Wolfson's many years of dedicated service. We extend our heartfelt thanks and best wishes for his retirement!
LAP would like to thank ISBA Mutual Insurance for their unwavering commitment to the crucial services we provide. ISBA Mutual continues to support LAP and understands the need for our work in the legal community. We are grateful for their Annual Donor Recognition gift at the $25,000 Champion Sponsorship level. ISBA Mutual is a premier provider of malpractice insurance for legal professionals throughout Illinois.

Consider a Year-End Gift to LAP

We depend on your contributions to help keep us going strong. Please give generously today to support our mission and continue LAP's services including: individual and group therapy, assessments, education, peer support, and interventions for Judges, Lawyers, and Law Students. 

LAP is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.  All donations are tax deductible.
To make a donation:
Click Here
For questions about making a donation, contact LAP Accounting Manager, Carol Ramski at

LAP Presentation Update

Dr. Diana, LAP's Executive Director, reported that the outreach and need for LAP CLE presentations has greatly increased this fiscal year. LAP staff made 36 presentations to 3,328 members of the legal community in the first quarter of this fiscal year. The need for LAP services continues to grow and LAP is consistently developing new presentations to meet the changing needs of the legal community. "LAP uses the extensive data we accumulate to determine current needs in the legal profession and then craft thoughtful, engaging CLE presentations. These presentations address the ever changing landscape that Judges, Lawyers, and Law Students in Illinois face," said Dr. Diana.

Meet the LAP Clinical Staff

Pictured from left to right:  Deputy Director Tony Pacione, Executive Director Dr. Diana Uchiyama, and Clinical Director, Joe Scally.  Our expert clinical staff are here to help Judges, Lawyers, and Law Students. 

Email: or Phone: 312.726.6607

LAP Recognizes Incredible Interns

LAP is pleased to recognize this years' incredible interns, Nneka Ugwu and Jake Klaiman, both Law students at Loyola. Nneka and Jake brought new, fresh perspectives as well as great attitudes to everything they did for LAP. Despite challenging schedules at school, Jake and Nneka diligently assisted LAP with fundraising, completing various projects, and promoting our work in social media. We enjoy working with them and appreciate their dedication!
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