
How to Be Confident Your Kids Will Behave During Thanksgiving Dinner

The holidays are filled with special activities, special foods, and special events. All of that 'special-ness' can create stress and anxiety in children, without the appropriate structure and preparation. By helping kids to understand what to anticipate, they’ll feel empowered instead of unsure or anxious.

Here are some GIT Mom tips to help you prepare your children so the entire family enjoys their holiday meal.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love, Eirene

GIT Tip #1 

Tell your kid the plan


Create a story of who is going, coming, and where to – so they feel a part of the holiday, and not just thrown into the day.

GIT Tip #2 

Give your kids the lecture

Keep it short and sweet: Don't be a-holes. It's one meal. You will live. Keep it together. I expect you to behave like respectable humans.

GIT Tip #3 

Lay out expectations

Don't expect your kids to read your mind. Have a family meeting at home before you leave.

We are going at this time. We are leaving at this time.  If you do x I will reward you with y. Hold it together.


GIT Tip #4 

Protect your babies

Arrive at the ball fresh and happy to set your family up for success with naps and snacks.

Speaking of food, be sure to let your kid snack beforehand, and make sure there's at least one dish you know your child likes and will eat, even if it's only bread and butter.


GIT Tip #5

Have a discipline plan

Maybe it's just, Go in Aunt Jenny's bed and watch tv. We're in survival mode here.

Be sure to reinforce good behavior with positive praise to acknowledge the demonstration of appropriate behavioral performance.

Do you know someone who could use these #GITMom tips for helping your child build resilience? Please share!

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