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Monthly Members' Newsletter
For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics concerning policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.
For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. It is always worth remembering that we would be nothing without you! After enjoying the summer, we are back this November to share thoughts and discussions on 'Life after a PhD'. We have some reflections from our committee and alumni on different routes post PhD, as well as an 'in conversation' piece with Dr Bariş Çelik, and lots of news about events we have been out and about at.
Scroll down to get up to date with the news, opinions, events and opportunities from our members...
Welcome to the Defence Research Network Newsletter!
Hello everyone! It feels a bit early to be sending festive greetings but since our next newsletter will be out early in the New Year we hope you all have a smooth run up to the Christmas break and a chance to switch off for a bit and enjoy some festive cheer towards the end of the month.
We are pleased to share with you another jam-packed edition hopefully answering lots of your questions about what life looks like post PhD. We are so fortunate as a community to straddle the PhD - Early Career Researcher divide and share what we have learnt between these two cohorts. We know it sometimes can feel like a big step between being a PhD 'student' and being in some way 'postdoc' but in many cases there are often only months between the two. Reaching across this divide can give a sense of perspective on closing out one's PhD and provide renewed motivation for the 'final push'. But wherever you are along the PhD 'journey' there is so much to be gained from mentorship, formal and informal, from others further along the way. We have been so fortunate in experiencing this ourselves and encourage those of you who feel nervous about reaching out to someone ahead of you to go for it, it will be worth it and undoubtedly they had similar help along the way to get them to where they are now.
We are excited by our recent committee meeting planning for 2023 and look forward to sharing with you a new programme of events and themes in the New Year- we have plans afoot to provide both a research and skills theme to bring even more opportunities to our fantastic research community. Do get in touch if you have any specific ideas you would like to see us do, and as ever, any of your own work you would like us to share (from books and articles to calls for papers or participants) - we love hearing from you!
Finally, if you are free next Thursday at midday, come along to our virtual Christmas social. All the details are in the newsletter below but we'd love to see you there to catch up with some festive fun!
Hannah West and Lucy Wray
Co-Chairs of the Defence Research Network
Researcher spotlight
Edited by Megghi Pengili
Name: Emily Faux
PhD title: “Do nukes go “POP”? Nuclear Weapons in Popular Culture
Institution: Newcastle University
'I have a BA in International Relations and an MA in Political Communication, so my background is interdisciplinary; spanning international politics to media and communication. What connects these disciplines is an interest in discourse, and how narrative affects global power relations and ideas. Following a module on “nuclear weapons and global politics” in my UG degree, I became very interested in the stories that sustain nuclear weapons - and the paradoxes and contradictions that uphold them. I began work as a research assistant on a project interested in the everyday localities of nuclear weapons. I began to specialise my studies, for instance, my MA dissertation became the beginning of what is now my Ph.D.: nuclear weapons and popular culture.'
What motivated you at first to undertake a PhD on nuclear weapons and popular culture?
'In general, I have always been attracted to the freedom of academia; to having the time and resources available to better understand your interests and passions. I am a huge advocate for “smart working”, and prioritising work-life balance, so in pursuing a Ph.D. I was definitely motivated by the freedom to manage my own hours and workload flexibly. More specifically, I was motivated by what I saw as a huge opportunity. I think often we talk about “flying a research gap” and our research fills a small niche in a field already well-researched. Yet when working on my proposal, I was struck by just how cataclysmic the gap really was - it really felt like no one was taking popular cultural representations of nuclear weapons seriously in the here and now. Once I started, I just couldn’t stop!'
Please tell us about your research topic and what makes you passionate about this area of study.
'After studying nuclear weapons, I was struck by how little the general population knows about contemporary nuclear politics. My generation grew up fearing climate change and terrorism, not nuclear war. And yet we have never been more at risk than we are today, with every nuclear weapon state modernising and/or expanding its nuclear capabilities. This got me thinking, where do people get their knowledge about nuclear weapons? Where is the public thinking space for these issues? And I came to the answer of popular culture. Film, TV, and video game gives ordinary people a space to navigate the meaning of nuclear weapons. My research is interested in three key questions: who is presented as responsible for the invention/use of nuclear weapons?, are nuclear weapons presented as agents of peace or destruction?, and ultimately, are nuclear weapons presented as a force for good?'
What books would you recommend and why?
'The first book I always recommend is “Nukespeak” by Paul Chilton. A play on George Orwell’s “newspeak”, nukespeak calls attention to the ways in which the language of nuclear weapons normalises and legitimises them, whilst delegitimising the language of disarmament. This language shapes the boundaries of possible debate and constructs the realm of nuclear weapons as one reserved for experts. This idea is further unpacked in “British nuclear culture”, by Jonathan Hogg. This book navigates the social and cultural impact of nuclear history in Britain, tracing tensions between “official” and “unofficial” narratives. Both are great places to begin questioning what is otherwise taken for granted.'
What we've been up to
Edited by Tamiris Santos
Committee member Megghi Pengili commented on PESCO's purpose and the EU strategic autonomy at CIfE Express in Brussels
Last month, the Centre International de Formation Europeenne (CIfE) held a meeting in Brussels, where Megghi shared thoughts about PESCO and the EU strategic autonomy, highlighting key outcomes for the region regarding the defence market as well as the industrial base. The presentation video is available on CIfE's YouTube channel and you can access it by clicking on the image below.
Committee member Andre Carvalho spoke to France 24 about the HS-17 ICBM and the domestic and international implications of its launch test
Andre shared some thoughts about the symbolic significance of Kim Jong Un revealing his daughter during the HS-17 ICBM launch test, as well as the implications for both the domestic and international levels. Among his remarks, which can be accessed in French by clicking on the image below, was the continuation of the country's nuclear affairs as if they were a familiar enterprise.
Committee member Tamiris Santos organised and attended a Workshop on Cruise Missiles and Military Transformation at the Brazilian Superior Defence College (ESD)
Dr. Tamiris Santos was one of the organisers of the II Workshop ASTROS, held at the Brazilian Superior Defence College (ESD), located in Brasilia, Brazil. During the workshop, the researchers of Procad-Defesa, project sponsored by CAPES and the Brazilian Ministry of Defence, discussed and shared the results of their latest study on the implications of the adoption of the cruise missile and the military transformation in Brazil with a diverse range of attendees, including the government, the industry, and civilian and military experts.
War Games Live at the Imperial War Museum
Our Co-Chair, Hannah West, was part of a team of researchers, invited to attend War Games Live at the Imperial War Museum. Hannah shares her reflections from the event.
'This was an afternoon, bringing together some of the biggest names in the industry to reflect on war video games. Not being a gamer myself (at all!), I learnt an awful lot, not least the size of this industry (which is bigger than Hollywood and the music industry combined!). The event reflected on how video games have shaped culture and conflict, considering their use as marketing tools for the arms industry, as recruiting tools for the military, their role in military training, their use for treating PTSD and as a means of relaxation or learning.
It was refreshing to see such a cross-section of types of war video games represented on the panels, enabling an insightful debate about realism and ethics in a form where the player has agency unlike other cultural forms. I particularly enjoyed hearing the contrast between the first person shooter games and those that took more of a narrative style with alternative aesthetics. To find out more about War Games Live, including information about all of the speakers and games featured, check out this link.
The event was linked to an ongoing temporary exhibition (until May 2023) exploring what video games can tell us about conflict. The exhibition reflects on the changing nature of video games, engages with some of the complex ethical debates surrounding them and share with the visitor alternative war games that challenge traditional ideas. Exhibits from the museums archives are displayed alongside audio visual displays of a selection of games, and culminating in a room where you can have a go at playing retro war games. To find out more about the exhibition click on the logo above to be linked to the Imperial War Museum website.'
The DRN is hosting its first virtual Christmas Social. Take a break and join us for a chance to network in a fun, informal and online setting. Click on the image below to register. We are looking forward to meeting you on the December 8th at midday!

DRN Monthly Writing Group
Edited by Lucy Wray
Friendly reminder for anyone who is stuck with writing:
The DRN Monthly Writing Group is back!
The writing group is based around the principles of Murry and Newton (2009) and will take place online. The purpose is to create a community of writers (Grant, 2006) and a space in which you can focus on your writing.
The format for the group is as follows.
Duration is 2 hours:
1. 15 min welcome and SMART goal setting
2. 90 minutes of focused writing
3. 15 min review of goals i.e. have you achieved your writing goal aim.
You will be invited to turn off all of your distractions during this time, such as email and mobile phones. You will also be asked to turn off your microphone. A member of the DRN will manage the timings of the group and notify you when it is time to finish your writing.
The next writing group will take place on the 09th of November. This will be an evening writing group from 1900-2100 GMT. If you are unable to make the start of the group, please feel free to join and write your goal in the chat.
If interested in participating, please register via Eventbrite and a link will be emailed out to you closer to the time.
Postdoctoral options
Edited by Hannah West
We often receive questions about funding routes for postdoctoral positions and wanted to share some handy information about where to find out more. Of course, this is not exhaustive and there are many more options beyond postdoctoral research from teaching to employment outside academia but we hope this is helpful for anyone thinking of going down this route. And whilst the first half of this piece is based on my personal experience, the second half draws on our amazing alumni and the Twitter hour summary later in the newsletter brings in some more perspectives too.
Research Associate/Assistant positions
Having been employed as a Research Associate at Newcastle University immediately after my PhD I think of this as more of an 'informal' postdoc position in the sense that I was working on an ESRC New Investigator Grant with Dr Alice Cree as the Principal Investigator. The big advantage of this sort of postdoc, in my eyes, is working as part of a team. It is really refreshing after all that time working on your own for your PhD to be working with someone else, learning from them (whether about methods or research field or both) and is a great way of understanding more about the particular grant your project is a part of. I have had a great experience and it has definitely helped me to think about putting my own application together for the ESRC New Investigator Grant in the future. To find these posts, keep your eyes open on the academic job sites (and twitter) and look for posts as a Research Assistant (usually means you haven't completed your PhD yet) or Research Associate (when you have).
Postdoctoral Fellowships
These follow a more formal application process often with an Expression of Interest being required first, followed by a full application if invited to submit one. I am fortunate in having just started an ESRC Postdoctoral research fellowship at Cardiff University and can recommend this scheme as offering a supportive route to enabling you to publish work from your thesis. You are permitted to outline a small amount of new research but the focus is on the writing of books and articles and I know, from talking to more senior colleagues, what a privilege it is to have the time to dedicate to this and to make the most of the work you put into your thesis. For these applications you will usually name a mentor who can help offer support and guidance on the application and, of course, during the fellowship. Here are a few of the options for funding following this route:
Economic and Social Research Council
The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
I don't have experience of a teaching post so I reached out to our amazing alumni network who have shared with us their experiences which I know will be really valuable to so many of you.
Clare Stevens is currently a Teaching Fellow in International Security and shares her reflections...
'This is my first full-time academic job after I completed my PhD. I'm extremely lucky in lots of ways: it's a permanent contract, which is rare for a teaching-track post I think, so I feel lucky as it means that I'm not under pressure to look for the next contract round the corner. I'm also lucky in this role in that the teaching load is not as onerous as most teaching-track roles. This means that I have time for my own research.
However, it's worth thinking very carefully about these kinds of teaching-focused contracts. They do not formally allow any research time in your work load calculations: research is off your own back and out of your own pocket (no research or travel stipends for example). Although I can only speak anecdotally, I think it's also quite likely that you'll struggle to convert the contract to a research&teaching role internally, because for many universities the appeal of this kind of contract is that it suits their purposes not to. A lot of these temporary teaching-fellow-type roles can be, frankly speaking, a symptom of an exploitative university labour system. So if you want to progress onwards to an Assistant Lecturer type role then you'll likely have to be prepared to move sideways to a different job, likely elsewhere. Caveats listed, I still think there's a lot to be said for the role, so long as you go in fore-armed. Do as much research about the institution and department as you can, ask lots of questions! I'm having a great time, I've finally found a good work-life balance after the PhD, but I also recognise this isn't true of all teaching-track roles.'
Veronika Poniscjakova got her first full-time academic position before she finished her PhD, at the University of Portsmouth. It was a fixed-term teaching fellow position at the Royal Air Force College Cranwell. After a year in Cranwell, she moved to RAF Halton, this time around on a permanent contract, and share sher reflections here...
'I have been here at RAF Halton for over two years now, and I was promoted to senior teaching fellow a couple of months ago. One of the great advantages of teaching positions is that you don’t really have to be an established academic and have loads of publications, which was definitely my case. To get such a position, you should, however, have some teaching experience, demonstrate your passion for teaching and also to be fairly flexible (with some teaching positions, you don’t know what you may end up teaching!).
One of the main disadvantages, at least for me, is the inability to undertake research fieldwork abroad. I should note that I do not work in a typical academic environment, which has both some advantages and disadvantages. Working in the military environment means that we do not follow a typical academic schedule, and we teach all year round, including the summer. But I also get to teach really interesting people, with lots of experience and knowledge.'
In Conversation with
Edited by Megghi Pengili
Dr Bariş Çelik
University of Sheffield

This month ‘In conversation with..’ with Dr Bariş Çelik, Teaching Associate of the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Dr Çelik obtained his PhD from the University of Kent, and MA from the University of Sheffield. Previously, he was involved in foreign policy planning and served in Turkey and China as a diplomat. His research mainly surrounds global governance, security and defence cooperation in Europe, and international environmental politics. His research on these topics is published in outlets including the Journal of European Integration, European Security and Global Affairs. His teaching areas include international security and defence, international climate politics, European Union and Middle East politics, international relations theories, research methods in political science, and diplomacy.
DRN: What were your professional expectations during the PhD and how much did they change after completing it?
Dr Çelik: Having a predominantly research focus during my PhD, there were times when I did not think too much about how much my PhD teaching experience will contribute towards my career. However I came to realise that the teaching skill and portfolio I developed during my PhD years had been crucial in securing my first post-PhD position.
DRN: What was your first post-PhD job? How was this experience?
Dr Çelik: I was a fixed-term Lecturer as my first post-PhD job, managing a number of undergraduate and postgraduate modules. So this experience has given me the chance to experiencing leadership, but also to learn from the more senior colleagues at my first institution.
DRN : What are your favourite parts of your job?
Dr Çelik: I particularly like seminars. It is fascinating to see the range of ideas emerging from my students as they interact with their peers while testing and using their knowledge. The broad range of activities I use in my seminars also gives me a great deal of self-development opportunities for keeping up to date with the most innovative learning and teaching tools.
DRN:Your next career goals?
Dr Çelik: I am aiming to enhance my research and teaching portfolio without compromising either of these two activities. I have noticed in the last few years that some of the changes in UK higher education can lead ECRs make difficult choices about prioritising either research or teaching. But I think in the long run it is important to have a range of skills in both strands of activities. So I am now working together with colleagues around me to make sure that I have a balanced self-development approached to both research and teaching.
DRN: What advice or thoughts do you have for post-PhDs?
Dr Çelik: I can emphasise a couple of things that seem to be a safe bet within the current British academic job market: Aiming to develop strong skills in both teaching and research, and building a network that cuts across institutions and disciplines. And more importantly, looking after oneself.
DRN: Your favourite dish/book/country to visit?
Dr Çelik: If I am allowed to name a dessert, I am huge fan of apple crumbles. And as controversial as it may sound, I sometimes eat it cold straight off the fridge!
Suggested reading and portals about life after a PhD
Edited by Tamiris Santos
November Twitter Hour: Life after a PhD
Edited by Lucy Robinson
This month’s #TwitterHour happened on Wednesday 23rd November on the theme ‘life after a PhD'. Thank you to all who contributed! Below, we share the highlights. Let us know if you have resources, articles, events, books to recommend or share around this theme. #DefResChat
Q1: What route did you take after your PhD and why?
• Was super lucky in getting a job working with the wonderful @AliceCree on #ESRC Conflict&Intimacy project. 1 of most refreshing things post PhD is not working alone but being part of a research team! Have learnt tonnes to take into my #ESRC postdoc at Cardiff.
• I had managed to find a teaching post (fixed-term contract) even before I finished my PhD so I was really lucky. After a year, I got a permanent job, so again, I was fairly lucky overall!
• I went to the industry, but not after looking for academic positions first. Depending on where you are, the opportunities can be scarce. My case in Brazil. I went back to the academia 2 years ago for the postdoc. No regrets.
• Went into the think tank world. Can recommend.
Q2: What advice would you give someone who was coming to the end of their PhD and wanted to pursue an academic career?
• Talk to others, people have been brilliant about sharing their experiences with me. And remember to ask the tricky questions, dont just ask about research if you are worried about teaching, ask about moving locations, impact on your personal life, pay, whatever it is.
• I'm still very much ongoing but I saw this the other day and wondered if it could be useful [The Brilliant Club]
• I would say, build up your CV - see what skills & experience you need to get to land an academic job. Eg Get some teaching experience whilst doing your PhD, that would be v. useful when applying for teaching jobs.
• Also, check out this video The PhD Journey - Part 2 - YouTube @DefenceResNet organised an event that focused on academic (as well as non-academic) careers
• I'd definitely connect with other ECRs, academic networks and the university's community to stay tuned for fellowships, opportunities and advices. However, if you feel tired to move further in a single row, rest a bit and go back for it later.
• Decide what type of academic you want to be and why/whether you want to become an academic. Don’t just drift into it. There are many pathways, both inside and outside of academia, so be the professional you want to be, not the one someone else wants you to be.
Q3: How do you balance the precarity of academic contracts alongside life following PhD study? What helped you manage?
• I'd say to be open-minded for opportunities beyond academia could help. Master the art of tailoring your cv and translating your skills to wider audiences. Last but not least, get used to productivity apps - life saviours to organise routines, deadlines and life
• I had to move from my education & training in intel analysis & translate it to very different situations over a lifetime. The adaptability has been helpful when I've mentored others. Think of Plan B before you have to. Being prepared for multiple audiences is wise advice.
• When I was a freshman #consultant, I went to every practice leader with a tailored version of my resume: "specializes in healthcare," "recent work in automotive," "focus on retail."
Q4: How did you celebrate finishing your PhD?
• By the side of my family and friends. Their support was fundamental to achieve this important step. Also, by taking two whole weeks to do nothing related to study or research.
• I celebrated with my friends.
• By taking my eldest son to my graduation - I remembered writing the PhD proposal while rocking him in a pram and he was 8 when I graduated and old enough to understood what is was about! It was super to share it with him.
• Party!!!!
• Celebratory tea and scones in Oxford after successfully defending my PhD thesis. #phdlife #phdlifeisover #drones.
Thank you to everyone who took part!

What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
Managing the Military: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Civil-Military Relations
Sharon K. Weiner
This new intriguing book examines the power of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It explains how the chairman can shape policy, lobby for the military’s interests, oppose civilian defence policy and even challenge presidential preferences. In doing so, it sheds light on the chairman’s interaction with the president and secretary of defence. The book also shows that service chiefs can constrain the chairman to some extent, though.
You can buy a copy here.
Proxy War in Yemen
Bernd Kaussler and Keith A. Grant
This book explains the role of external forces in the conflict in Yemen, showing the extent to which the Houthi and the Hadi regime were used as proxies by Iran and the Saudi-led coalition. Furthermore, the book outlines how the coalition’s contradictory and self-interested strategies undermined its goal of containing Iran. The book argues that the involvement of these external forces protracted the conflict in Yemen, thus making it far more destructive for the civilian population.
You can get a copy here.
Edited by Tamiris Santos & André Carvalho
Teaching Skills Event - 7th December
As most of the PGRs and ECRs take to in-person teaching for the first time, BISA PGN welcomes you to a 90-minute workshop dedicated exclusively to tips and tricks on making your classroom sessions more interactive and engaging and also learn how best to showcase this skillset in the job market. To register, please click here.
Research with the UK LGBT+ Veteran Community Conference
12 January 2023 - Registrations Open
The Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research in partnership with Fighting With Pride are hosting the first annual conference on research with UK LGBT+ Veterans. The aim of this conference is to bring together academics, the health and social care sector, local government, charities, the LGBT+ community and veterans to focus on the past, present day and future of LGBT+ veterans and their experiences during and after military service. Held in The Great Hall, Sutherland Building at Northumbria University on 12 January 2023, there will be keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, organisations' stands promoting their work and opportunities for networking.
Registration for the conference is now open! Register here.
Note: If anyone is interested in presenting at the conference, the hub is currently seeking submissions for oral and poster presentations. More information on how to submit an abstract to present at the conference can be found at this link. An agenda for the day will be released soon.
If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by André Carvalho & Tamiris Santos
Tenure-track Assistant Professorships in International Relations
Deadline: January 3rd 2023
The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites excellent candidates for one or more tenure-track assistant professorships in International Relations. We seek applications from candidates, who can enhance the Department’s research, education and societal impact within IR. The position is available from March 1st, 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. Duties and responsibilities of the post include contributing more broadly to the scholarship and intellectual life of the University by conducting world-class research, teaching, and research communication. It is expected that candidates will be able to contribute to all aspects of teaching, supervision and examination in several courses in their bachelor and master programs. Full details of the opportunity and application procedure can be found here.
Lecturer in Political Communication
Deadline: 11th December 2022
The Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy at Royal Holloway seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Political Communication. The successful applicant would be expected to start in September 2023 and will convene and deliver modules on our undergraduate programmes and postgraduate taught programmes, and participate in postgraduate research supervision. For more details and how to apply, click here.
Early Career Researchers Showcase at KCMHR Veterans' Mental Health Conference 2023
The showcase will be held at the 2023 Veterans’ Mental Health Conference (at the Royal College of Psychiatrists on 7thMarch 2023) and will include the opportunity for early career researchers researching the Armed Forces community to present a poster or a brief oral presentation. They will need to submit a 250 word abstract by 5th December 2022 in order to be considered. All those who present have the opportunity to win one of three prizes for their work and of course it’s a good opportunity to experience speaking in front of a friendly audience too. More information can be found here.
CfP - Critical Perspectives on NATO - Newcastle University (UK) - 25 - 26 May 2023
This two-day workshop takes place against the backdrop of NATO’s resurgence in the spotlight and capturing global headlines in response to the Russia-Ukraine War. Russia’s war on Ukraine, including the Russian intervention and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, has gravely affected international security, not least by raising concerns about the threat of nuclear war. Within this context, the Alliance appears to be returning to its Cold War roots as its membership expands to include Finland and Sweden with Ukraine itself desiring NATO membership, all while renewing conversations about the opportunities and challenges of the Alliance’s growth in size and means. Although there is extensive academic interest in NATO, with some arguing that there is a body of scholarship on ‘NATO studies’ (Weber and Sperling, forthcoming), critical perspectives remain on the margins. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars and practitioners interested in unpacking the seemingly contradiction between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ security within the workings of the Alliance. In this context, the aim is to focus on a range of critical perspectives (e.g. but not limited to feminist, queer, decolonial..) to address a number of related issues (e.g. climate change, Women, Peace and Security, feminist foreign policy, hybrid threats, digital diplomacy, nuclear proliferation, war preparation etc.) while simultaneously paying close attention to the Alliance’s relations with others across the globe (e.g. Japan, New Zealand and Ukraine).
Paper proposals should be submitted via the online form available at:
Please feel free to contact either Sorana Jude ( or Katharine A.M. Wright ( if you have any queries.
Qualitative Research Symposium 2023 - Call for Abstracts
Deadline: Friday 16th December
The Centre for Qualitative Research (CQR) at University of Bath is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the Eighth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS) entitled 'Ethics and Power', and they invite you to share how ethics and power is or can be incorporated into your qualitative research. They encourage contributors to reflect on and consider their past, current, or future work in relation to the overarching theme of ethics and power. Contributions across all academic disciplines are welcome, as are theoretically inspired, methodologically oriented, and empirically grounded inquiries that link to these overlapping themes. For details about thematic areas, submission guidelines and registration, click here.
VoxNations Schelling Grant in Support of Public Opinion Research
Next deadline: December the 15th, 2022
VoxNations Schelling Grant is an internal partial matching grant that aims to promote and facilitate impactful and methodologically sound public opinion research. The research grant is currently accepting applicants for primary data collection in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other network countries, and aims to assist doctoral students, scholars, and faculty with the research costs of primary public opinion data collection (both quantitative and qualitative) in those countries. The applications are due by the 15th day of each quarter (15th of March, 15th of June, 15th of September, and 15th of December). Further information can be found at this link.

Call for Participants (Military Veterans)
(Online Survey for a research from London South Bank University)
Are you a military veteran who has been medically discharged from the UK Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve)? Would you be willing to participate in a research study focused on aspects of your physical activity, health and wellbeing?
This call is for military veterans who have been medically discharged from the UK Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve), to complete an online survey (link below), as part of an ongoing research of Professor Clare Pope, Head of Division at London South Bank University. Apart from being a professor, Clare is a physiotherapist who is genuinely interested in improving the health and wellbeing of medically discharged military veterans, having provided her personal background and volunteering at the Invictus Games in the United Kingdom in 2014.
The survey is anonymous and contains questions about your participation in physical activity, plus some health and wellbeing measures. You do not need to be physically active to take part, we need a broad range of participants. To complete and submit the survey should take no more than 20 minutes, full instructions, an information sheet and a consent form are in the link below. If you are unable to complete it yourself, you can have a person with you to complete your answers for you.
Link to survey:
Password to access the form: WIS Veterans
If you would like to find out more about the research, be sent a link by email, or request a postal copy please contact Clare Pope on
Job Opportunities at Hertie School Berlin
Hertie School is currently with a series of job opportunities open for ECR, post-graduate students and research assistants. Check all the opportunities and ellegibility criteria here.
Promoting Spykman Center for Geopolitical Analysis
Nicholas Spykman International Center for Geopolitical Analysis (Spykman Center) is a non-profit, non-political and international organisation established in 2022 to unite students, scholars, and experts to study, understand, and teach geopolitics. Spykman Center anchors itself in a rigorous geopolitical methodology to teach and produce efficient geopolitical analysis, promote geopolitics as a discipline, and provide educational and working opportunities for experts and students in geopolitics. You can follow their work here.
As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!
Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
December theme: Knowledge exchange
We hope you've enjoyed our news, tips and recommendations so far. In case you missed our previous newsletter editions, check out our archive section here!
As usual, we will be looking to showcase some early-career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation with' pieces with more established academics. And let us know about any relevant events, from book launches to webinars. We'll keep an eye on our Twitter account to keep you posted!
Keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
See you soon and many thanks for being part of our network!
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
Thank you so much for joining our network.
Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.
For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at
The DRN team