
Equine Outreach Rescue

Giving Hope to Horses


That is the amount Equine Outreach spent on medical bills just last year.

We pride ourselves on providing quality veterinary care to our herd. Meeting their individual needs can be intensive, extensive and expensive due to the age and backgrounds of our precious horses.

Help us build our Medical Fund so we can continue to give hope to the horses in 2023!

Donate on Giving Tuesday

Let’s meet some horses your donations have helped this year.


At the beginning of the month, Casino was hospitalized at Bend Equine Veterinary for several compounding health problems including cellulitis, as well as a serious foot condition and diarrhea. Treatment was begun with hopes for enough improvement to allow for a much-needed surgery on her foot. She improved enough each day that surgery was able to be performed on November 10th. Casino is now on her road to recovery but will be on stall rest for an extended period. The cost of her surgery and this extended care at the veterinary hospital, has put a drain on our medical funds. Your donation on Giving Tuesday would help cover these costs.

We are also in need of extra medical supplies for her while she recovers and to keep her comfortable in her stall during this time. Here is a list of things we will need. If you can help by donating, please contact us to arrange drop off. We will appreciate your support in helping our very loved Casino during this period.

Medical Supplies: Vet Wrap, Lots of Elastikon, Brown Gauze, No Bow Standing Wrap Pads, Track Wraps, Silver and Honey Wound Ointment, Bandage Scissors

Stall Supplies: 10 Stall Mats, Shavings, Shavings, Shavings – Lots!

To donate, contact us at

You can also shop for the medical supplies on Amazon and ship direct to us!

Go to Casino’s Amazon Wish List:

Casino’s Amazon Wish List

Help us Meet or Beat our Goal of $5000!

Equine Outreach is 100% donation driven and relies on our community to help us care for the horses we take in. With your help, we can give them the lives they deserve.

You can donate on Giving Tuesday or any time before.

All money received will go to the Medical Fund.

Just click the Donate button below.

Thank you for your continued support of Equine Outreach!

Donate Now