Both 2022 Regan Lectures Now Online
Jusep Moreno on When Pigs Escape
 Catalan filmmaker Jusep Moreno’s latest film is When Pigs Escape, a documentary about Matilda and her piglets, who escape from a farm in the U.K., and are rescued by a sanctuary. CAF associate Brooke Rucker interviewed Jusep, a 2022 CAF grantee, about why he decided to make the film and what he learned about pigs in the process. You can read the interview (and see more photos of cute pigs) here.
Carol Gigliotti: Beyond Dante's Hell
 In 1988, artist and scholar Carol Gigliotti presented a body of work called “The Dante Series” to Tom and Nancy Regan of the Culture & Animals Foundation. This month, we reached out to Carol, to discuss her work then and her new book, The Creative Lives of Animals, published by NYU Press. Artist and Navab scholar Victoria Reshetnikov talked to Carol Gigliotti about her life as an artist and scholar, the Regans, and her new book. (You can watch a video presentation of “The Dante Series” here and read the interview here.)
Individualism, Community, and Landscape at VINE Sanctuary
 This year, CAF gave a grant to VINE Sanctuary in Vermont to engage an intern-scholar. Rebecca Chen, a master’s student in landscape architecture at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, was chosen discussed with Victoria Reshetnikov how animals create their own communities and spaces. The interview is here. Left: "Residents Moving Out of the Misty Forest."
Think of CAF On Giving Tuesday 2022
 CAF would not be able to assist our amazing grantees and associates without the generosity of people like you. We hope you'll consider donating to us via the button below this Giving Tuesday. We realize, of course, that many thousands of worthy charities are asking the same. We hope, however, that CAF's unique position at the intersection of the arts, animal advocacy, and scholarship energizes your activism, stimulates your thinking, and fires your imagination. We should also add that Meta is matching monthly donations to CAF until the end of the year. Click here to donate.
Please consider contributing to the Culture & Animals Foundation to help us enable other artists, scholars, and advocates to raise awareness about animal rights.