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Good news.

I'm coming up end of the month to Jo'burg for my quarterly physical one-on-one client appointments

Fri 25 and Mon 28 November
8-10am; 10-12; 12-2pm; 2-4pm
Sat 26 November
8-10am; 10-12noon 

Current rates: R1,500 for a 2 hour session. Please note that your payment secures your appointment.

For appointment bookings:

For enquiries

I'm so looking forward to meeting up with some clients, family and friends
Love and light
Fiona Van Rensburg

Individual sessions on offer:
* Quantum conversations & spiritual guidance
* Alchemy healing
* Chakra Balancings/Reiki
* Hypnotherapy and journey work (Past Life Regression)

”Energetically helping you release unwanted emotions, so you can live a joyful and fulfilled life"

"Heal your past, live in the NOW and dream your future "

"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at changes" Wayne Dyer

Kindly forward to anyone whom you think can benefit by what I have to offer.
Thank you in advance

For more information

"I stumbled upon Fiona's website and felt drawn to it, I just knew I had to see her. I'm glad I did. To be honest I did not know what to expect so I went in without any expectation, I found her to be rather unconventional. Within 15 minutes of my session, my perception changed, I had many AHA moments. I found her to be very precise, she would not let go until I faced my fears. It opened me up in many ways. The fee I paid is nothing compared to the life changing value I received. I am now equipped to walk this path that I have chosen Namaste" Suraya
For my Durban clients, I'm taking appointments Monday to Wednesday this week and then from the 1st December onwards

For those in KZN during December I'm open during the Holidays. 

Current rates: R1,500 for a 2 hour session. Please note that your payment secures your appointment.

For appointment bookings:

For enquiries
Some of my artwork will be displayed in the Exhibition at La Lucia Mall starting Thursday 24th of November till Sunday the 11th of December. 
Please support our local artist. Some great works will be on display.
Starting January 2023 Weekly and Montly Meditation Circles In-person and Online, click on images for more information

Happy to help you, your family or close like-minded friends.

As a Lightworker, I empower people to live in their own truths by imparting knowledge, guidance and encouraging them to have Self- Love. At the Portal of Alchemy, the focus is on your Holistic Wellbeing. I value and appreciate each referral. Thank you.


Love and light
Intuitive Empath Energy Healer, Metaphysical Teacher, Spiritual Mentor / Life Coach

PORTAL of Alchemy
Address:51 Willingdon Ave, Kloof, Kzn, SA

Mobile                     : +27 82 788 1413
Facebook Page      : @PORTALOFALCHEMY
Instagram               : @PORTAL_OF_ALCHEMY
Email                     :
web                       :

"Heal your Past, Live in the Now & Dream your Future"
"My name is Fiona Van Rensburg, owner of the Portal of Alchemy in Pinetown, Durban, South Africa, since inception 2010. I am an Intuitive Empath Energy and Emotional Healer,  Transformational Coach as well as a Metaphysical Teacher and Light Worker. My expertise as an Intuitive Empath Energy Healer makes me highly sensitive to the emotions of others and thus am able to best help my Clients through their healing process.
As a Metaphysical Teacher and Transformational Coach,  I help my Clients align themselves with the vibrations of their highest self and guide them in manifesting and living their best life. As a Light worker, I empower people to live in their own truths by imparting knowledge, guidance and encouraging them to have Self- Love. At the Portal of Alchemy, the focus is on your Holistic Wellbeing"

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Portal of Alchemy
21 Lea Road, Pinetown, 3610, Kzn, SA

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