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Ernie Alcantar, President    Steve Windisch Jr, Vice President
Larry Lundberg, Treasurer     Bob Moir, Sgt. at Arms

Mattos Mail Bag!

Hi all,

Reminder; the last PBA meeting of the year is November 16th, doors open at 5 pm. A training class will be concluding at the POA Hall at 5 pm.
Board of Directors for the 2023 term will take place, nomination(s) will be accepted for any and all positions for any member who may wish to be considered.

The November Breakfast/Brunch Club
Left to right:
Ray Gonzalez, Gilbert Torres, Terry Handforth, Craig Clifton, Dave Wysuph, Pat Dwyer, Dave Byers, Ted Vasquez, Jim Wagner, 
Robert Dominguez, Bill Santos, Jim Spence, Ernie Vallecilla, Larry Lundberg, Ernie Alcantar, Mike O'Connor, Armando Realyvasquez, Danny Vasquez

A pre-holiday gathering hosted by Armando Realyvasquez
Left to right:
Ernie Alcantar, Gilbert Torres, Armando Realyvasquez, Danny Vasquez, Rich Frazier, John Quinn, George Padilla, Mike Cisneros (Ret. S.O. relative), Ted Vasquez, Curtis Jackson, Chaplain Jim Becknall

Attached is a flyer from PORAC for a Retired Associate Membership.
It offers Legal Defense Fund (LDF) coverage for a combined yearly fee of $102.
Something to consider during these times if you are CCW qualified and do carry for your personal and family protection.


Lastly, I included an open invitation to current PD personnel to the meeting so they may learn about the association and are welcome to join.


As always; if you may have a question, concern or comment or would like to reach out, my email is:

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President
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