This free guide is packed with super-practical information covering the 7 secrets you must know before designing your new home.

It includes 3 essential tips which could SAVE you  a lot of TIME and MONEY in the design process:

 Tip #1 – On page 2, you'll discover why it could be a big mistake if you start negotiating on price too early in the design process. It's counter-intuitive, but being open and honest at this stage can save you a lot of money.

 Tip #2 – On page 4, we blow one of the biggest myths about copyright out of the water. This common mistake cost one consumer over $60,000 in legal fees.

 Tip #3 – An on page 6, we share with you our best tip for keeping your build on track and to budget.

 Plus, you'll also learn:

  • How builder's price variations
  • What to look for in a contract proposal
  • Why 80% of designs never get built
  • & much, much more!

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