November 14, 2022  |  Vol. 4 No. 46


C2P - Weekly Parish Newsletter 
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Don't forget to share the C2P with your key team members.
And encourage them sign up! Click here

Advent 2022 Resources

Click here for Advent communication plan, webpage, video and promotional assets

Watch “The Chair” video 

The Archdiocese of Seattle was featured in a new video series called “The Chair” from DeSales Media, celebrating cathedrals, bishops and dioceses throughout the United States. In the Seattle episode, you’ll see an intimate portrait of our archdiocese and the bishops who served throughout its history, including the journey of Archbishop Etienne from his youth to today. The Seattle episode is 24 minutes long, a good length to do a showing at your parish. It's free to watch but does require creating an account to access the Seattle episode and others. Go to   Promotional assets 

Parish Financial Services

Please review rules for cash receipts

Attention: PAAs, bookkeepers, any staff (including school staff) and volunteers (including collection counters and ushers/sacristans and those involved with fundraising) should occasionally review the “cash receipts rules” in the parish accounting manual (page A-13). Learn more

Vicar for Clergy

OCIA Webinar for Priests 

November 16 -17  |  Virtual
Sign up today! Preparing for the OCIA: Changes in Translation, Opportunities for Renewal. Examine the newly translated ritual text and learn ways to implement the vision of the OCIA. Sponsored by Vicar for Clergy, Faith Formation and Liturgy. Learn more  

Stewardship & Development

Stewardship TREASURE
November 19-20: Follow-up/Ask 2

Easy-to-follow instructions for this week’s Stewardship TREASURE campaign.

Parishioner Engagement

ParishStaq – Planning for Advent?

Are you planning for Advent? ParishStaq can be a helpful tool, which is more than just a parish database. Help us to make our software implementation process better take our Awareness Survey. Learn more

Marriage & Family Life

Citizens of two cities

Our Catholic faith calls us to participate actively as citizens of two cities, conscientiously acting with love for our family and neighbors while never forgetting that our truest citizenship belongs to the heavenly city. Click here for Scripture readings, prayers and reflections. 

Stewardship & Development

Please review your 2023 ACA materials order and update as needed

The Annual Campaigns office will again be placing the ACA materials order for all parishes in January. Click here to make adjustments. Click here for a message to parishioners about ACA rebate checks.
This information was presented in past C2Ps. 


Updated Pastoral Plan toolkit for ministry leaders

NEW - Spanish toolkit
Recommended steps for planning, forming a team, reflection, engaging your parish and bringing it to life. English toolkit 


Review and update your parish directory listing

Please review your information on the Archdiocese of Seattle online parish directory, including your staff and liturgy times. We want to ensure all information is up to date. Thank you!  Click here

Faith Formation

Faith Formation November newsletter

English and Spanish 

Human Resources

Worker’s Compensation update for parishes and schools

Click here

Information Technology

ParishStaq – App Design Studio and Clean Data!

Our pilot parishes are setting up their facilities and events in ParishStaq. All active waves recently learned how to enter sacramental data! Waves 6 & 7, please look for pre-wave informational emails. Next monthly check-in is November 16 at noon. Learn more


Memorial Mass for Sister Joyce Cox

Friends and colleagues are invited to attend Sister Joyce’s Memorial Mass at 2:10 p.m. November 16 at St. James Cathedral, with Father Michael G. Ryan presiding. Father Tony Bawyn will preach. Obituary  Read the Northwest Catholic story.

Mental Health Ministry
A suicide alertness training for clergy, parish and school staff, parents and community 

This four-hour suicide intervention training on November 29 helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connect them with resources. Facilitated by the Archdiocese of Seattle's Catholic Lifesaver Corps and sponsored by the Mental Health Ministry. Participants don’t need any formal preparation.  Learn more  |  Promotional assets

Parish Financial Services

Bank reconciliations are crucial!

Bank reconciliations must be: timely, signed and dated, and reviewed by a person not involved in the check approval or writing process. Learn More

Washington State Catholic Conference

WSCC November Advocacy Bulletin 

NEW Link for English  |  Spanish
EVENTS reminder
This information was presented in past C2Ps. 

Vicar for Clergy

Permanent diaconate information sessions 

November 19 at St. Charles Borromeo, Tacoma
December 3 at St. Michael, Olympia
December 10 at Sacred Heart, Bellingham
January 14 at St. John of the Woods, Tacoma
January 21 at St. Joseph, Vancouver
All sessions begin at 11am. Learn more |  Promotional assets in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Swahili

Multicultural Ministries

‘Tolton’ live performances

November 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20  |  Seattle-area locations
Click here for locations and time

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Betrothed: A preparation for the sacrament of marriage

November 18-20  |  Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Learn more  |  Promotional assets

Seafarers' Ministry

Ditty Bag Stuffing Day 

November 19  | 10am-12pm | St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Seattle 
Sponsored by Seafarers' Ministry. Learn more

Inclusion Ministry

‘You are my Friends’ Inclusion Ministry fall fellowship

November 19 at 10am  |  Virtual. Learn more  |  Register  |  Promotional assets

Hispanic Ministry

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Americas – 28th annual celebration

December 3 from 9am-2:30pm  |  Immaculate Conception Church to St. James Cathedral
Celebration schedule  |  Promotional assets

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Advent Silent Retreat: Be Strong. Fear not.

December 9-11 | Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Learn more  |  Promotional asset

Multicultural Ministries

Simbang Gabi – 25th Annual Commissioning Mass  

December 10 at 11am  |   St. James Cathedral 
Learn More  |  Promotional assets 

Events: January to August 2023

Click here 
For more events, click here
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