
A Natural Connection

It’s 10:30 pm on a full moon night and I have just taken two loaves of sourdough bread from the oven. It was 6 am when I started the process of mixing the flour, salt, water and sourdough starter. I used different flour in each bread, Flourist Sifted Red Fife and Roger’s Whole Wheat Bread Flour and after the loaves had cooled to the touch, I cut a big chunk of the crusty bread, slathered it with butter and sat to savour this amazing bread.

Tonight Steve and I shared the first piece, passing back and forth exclaiming at the goodness, Soft, moist, crunchy firm, flavourful and alive.  As I sat chewing I marvelled at learning to love making bread again. This time the whole process is built upon trust.

Trusting the recipe, trusting the sourdough starter, and trusting the long amazing process of creating a loaf of bread in a day without much kneading or attention just intention, good ingredients, a hot oven and my new Le Creuset bread baker.

My Mom made 15 loaves of bread every Saturday morning in my childhood. Hers was a traditional yeast bread, wholewheat with butter, salt, sugar or molasses and water. She mixed it by hand in a huge enamel bowl she had rescued from an abandoned Prairie Farm. Mom’s bread always rose twice before it was shaped and put into bread pans to be baked in shifts.

There was 6 lunches made every weekday in our house. So by the time Dad and all of the 5 kids had left for school 2 loaves had been used for breakfast and lunch. Mom often put sunflower and sesame seeds in and on the bread and always mixed whole wheat and all purpose flours. The five of us all have attempted to create Mom’s bread in our lives. When I cut a piece from a loaf, I feel  that connection to my mother. Tonight I loved being able to taste my own bread slowly created while I had explored a full day.

My cousin Barb brought her sourdough starter to us on her visit a couple of months ago. During her visit she taught me, Lyahna and Kymm how to make this bread. Barb names her starters, mine is Henry VII. I have been sharing starter with family and friends and there is now a Charles III, and three more Henry’s. What fun it is to get photos of bread fresh from the oven  all created in a slow natural process.

So thank you Barb for visiting with sourdough. We have always had such a natural connection.

All the very best,

Drop In and knit with Kathleen, Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Explore Noro Yarns!

Enchanted by the unique mixed-breed "Haunui" merino stock from the Taranui farm in New Zealand, Noro just had to collaborate to make this sustainable, fully-traceable yarn.

There is so much to know and appreciate about this yarn. The loved and well cared for non-mulesed sheep are raised ethically and have their fleece gently harvested. This gorgeous yarn combines the natural colours and texture of the fleece into a soft yet characterful single ply worsted weight yarn with slightly slubby appearance.

This undyed yarn combines the natural colours and texture of the fleece harvested! No two sheep are exactly the same colour, but their fleeces are blended to create rich heathered shades.
Read More about Haunui ...

Haunui Silk

There is more! Just when we thought it couldn't get better, Haunui Silk just arrived today! Haunui Silk, is a natural blend of raw mulberry silk and the unique Haunui sheep. This yarn has a slight thick and thin quality to the single ply. True wool lovers will cherish this limited-quality, slightly rustic, un-dyed yarn. User friendly heavy worsted-weight gauge. Great for hard wearing (outerwear) garments with a touch of luxury.

View Haunui Silk Yarn>>


A pure blend of 100% merino wool from La Islas Malvinas in the Falkland islands off the coast of Argentina. It is a workhorse yarn with special emphasis on colourwork projects, due to vibrant semi-solid colours designed to be the same gauge as other popular worsted weight Noro yarns such as Kureyon, Ito. Viola & Silk Garden. Combine your favourite colour of one of these popular yarns with Malvinas, to make very interesting pieces -- the possibilities are literally endless!

Read More about Sheep Farming on La Islas Malvinas in the Falkland Islands

View Malvinas Yarn ..

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