November 9, 2022

Let's Reflect God's Light in a Dark World

Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

Rjukan is located in the far north of Norway which causes problems in the winter when the days are short, and the sun is further south. These mountains in the winter block every single ray of sunshine for 6 months of the year.

Sounds depressing doesn’t it?

But it all changed in 2013.

Basking In The Light
Consider this a winter-time camp meeting! Stewardship Week of Prayer will be looking at seven promises we make to God. You are welcome to watch online from your home, with gathered friends at church, or in-person at Volunteer Park Church in Seattle.
God First: What to Expect
We are almost to the deadline to match a $25,000 grant for Ukrainian refugee students at Auburn Adventist Academy! Thanks to the generosity of this amazing community, we will soon meet this match! November 12, 2022, is our deadline – help us finish strong!
There will continue to be a need to help these refugee students. You are welcome to continue donating for Ukrainian Refugee Student Assistance after November 12 (it just won’t be part of the matching grant challenge). Thanks for your continued support!
Donate Now! Thanks for Your Support!

Bonus Announcement from Auburn Adventist Academy!

Choral Director Rochelle White is looking for singers from the church community to join a mass choir on December 10 for the Academy's Christmas concert.
Like to Sing? Request Song Links from Rochelle White!
Rick was a former CPA and poultry farmer who was living a life of fast parties, alcohol, drugs and lust. 

Unknown to Rick, his wife, Cindy, was being called to pray and fast for her husband rather than walk away from the marriage. 

You will be encouraged as the Mercers share their powerful story of restoration and hope at North Cascade Adventist Church in Burlington! The Mercers live in Oklahoma City and recently authored the book, “Pray Big—God Can Do So Much More!”

  • Friday at 7 pm — "It Happened Because of Prayer" by Rick & Cindy 
  • Sabbath Worship at 11:15 am  — "The Power of Intercessory Prayer" by Rick
  • Sabbath at 2:30 pm after potluck — "Keep on Asking!" by Cindy & Rick
Connect with North Cascade Church

Auburn ABC Fall Delivery Schedule

Auburn ABC will make deliveries on Sunday, November 13 to:
Bellevue, Monroe, Forest Park (Everett), Arlington Area, Mount Vernon, Bellingham and Oak Harbor.

The next and last destination for the year will be Sunday, November 20 to:
Olympia, Shelton, Bremerton, Poulsbo, Sequim, Port Orchard

Place your order before or by Thursday night before the delivery date!
See Online Catalog
All the Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner Details!
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ACTS Editor: Heidi Baumgartner