Dear friends,

This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. In our Solemn Requiem Mass for the war dead we will join with the King, the country and the Commonwealth in praying for the souls of all those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. During the mass the Act of Remembrance will be accompanied by a trumpeter, as is our custom.  Click here for the readings.

Sundays at 11
This Sunday Reflection through poetry with Angela Devaney.
20th November Hymn singing for Advent around the piano with Simon.
27th November Reflections for the Advent season with Fr. James.

Grand Christmas Raffle
Tickets now on sale with a chance to win many gorgeous prizes. £2 per ticket or books of 5 for £10 (cash preferred) The draw will be on Sunday 18th December. See Mary Kavanagh for more details.

Saturday 12th November 7.30pm
The English Baroque Choir have a concert at the beautiful church of S.Cyprian, and two members of our congregation are singing in the choir, so do go along and support them and enjoy some wonderful music. Click here for details.

Silent Prayer Group
Tuesday 15th November at 1pm. 20 minutes of contemplative prayer in S.Paul's Church, Camden Square. All welcome.

Bishop of Fulham’s Lay Congress
On Saturday 19 November 10.30am-3pm, there will be a day of teaching and reflection at S. Alban’s Holborn for all laity from Fulham parishes. This year’s theme is ‘Anointed – Living as Prophets, Priests and Monarchs’. The keynote speaker will be Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London. All welcome.

Cinema Club
The next outing of the Cinema Club will be Sunday 20 November to see Living starring Bill Nighy. Meet 4.30pm for 4.40pm showing at Regent Street Cinema. Tickets £12.50 or £10.50 over 60s and students.

Marta Krawiec
Marta’s memorial service has been rearranged for 21st November at 5.30pm in St Thomas’ Hospital Chapel. All Welcome.

Saturday 3rd December  
6pm Wine tasting evening with Margaret Harvey, Master of Wine tasting the best supermarket wines for Christmas. £10 per ticket. Booking essential. Buy tickets in church after mass or click here. 

Guide Dogs for the Blind
This excellent charity are relocating to Tavistock Square and are looking for local foster carers for Guide Dogs in training, by offering evening and weekend care in your homes for a few months. Click here to find our more.

Regular Giving
Supports our ministry and keeps our doors open everyday of the year for all. Click here to sign up. Every little helps.

See you on Sunday
Fr James
Mass Times

Sunday 13th November 
Remembrance Sunday
Solemn Requiem Mass 9.30am followed by coffee

Monday 14th November 

Mass 9.30am 

Tuesday 15th November 
S.Albert the Great
Silent Prayer at S.Paul's 1pm
Mass and Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 16th November 
S.Margaret of Scotland
Mass 11am at S.Paul's followed by coffee

Thursday 17th November 
S.Elizabeth of Hungary
Mass 10am followed by coffee

Friday 18th November 
Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter and Paul
Mass 1.05pm at S.Marys Fr James' Day Off

Saturday 19th November 
Our Lady
Mass 10am followed by coffee

Sunday 20th November 
Christ the King
Solemn Mass 9.30am followed by coffee


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